Officials: C… (original) (raw)

SpainDr. Maximino Caballero Ledo (65) Prefect of Secretariat for the EconomyMember of Commission for Confidential Matters
ItalyProf. Ernesto Caffo Member of Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors
SpainSr. Nuria Calduch-Benages, M.H.S.F.N. (67) Secretary of Pontifical Biblical Commission
ItalyMsgr. Francesco Camaldo (72)Msgr. Francesco Camaldo (72) Priest of Roma (Italy)Protonotary Apostolic SupernumeraryMater mea fiducia mea
ItalyMsgr. Roberto Campisi (46)Msgr. Roberto Campisi (46) President of Financial Security CommitteePriest of Siracusa (Italy)Assessor for General Affairs of Secretariat of StatePrelate of Honour of His HolinessBorn:1978.11.18 (Siracusa, Italy)Ordained Priest:2002.12.07Priest of Siracusa (Italy) (2002.12.07 – ...)Chaplain of His Holiness (2014.03.01 – 2022.10.26)Assessor for General Affairs of Secretariat of State (2022.10.26 – ...)President of Financial Security Committee (2022.10.26 – ...)Prelate of Honour of His Holiness (2022.10.26 – ...)
MexicoFr. Ernesto Rafael Canseco del Valle, M.J.Fr. Ernesto Rafael Canseco del Valle, M.J. Superior General of Missionaries of Saint Joseph
ItalyMsgr. Fabrizio Capanni (60)Msgr. Fabrizio Capanni (60) Priest of Forlì–Bertinoro (Italy)Secretary of Permanent Commission for the Protection of Historical and Artistic Monuments of the Holy SeeChaplain of His Holiness
Ms. Anna Cappello
Mr. Mario Cappello
ItalyFr. Fabrizio Caracciolo, C.R.M.
ItalyVenerable Fr. Carlo Carafa
FranceFr. Philippe Caratgé, S.J.M.V.Fr. Philippe Caratgé, S.J.M.V. Moderator of Society of Saint John Mary Vianney
ItalyProf. Settimio Carmignani Caridi Adjunct Promoter of Justice of Office of Promoters of Justice
CanadaFr. Marcel Caron, I.S.P.X.Fr. Marcel Caron, I.S.P.X. Director General of Secular Institute of Pius X
ItalyAbbot Pietro Francesco Casaretto, O.S.B. Subl.
ItalyAbbot Giuseppe Casetta, O.S.B. Vall. (66)Abbot Giuseppe Casetta, O.S.B. Vall. (66) Abbot General of Vallumbrosan Congregation of the Benedictine Order (Vallombrosians)
ItalyDr. Alessandro Cassinis Righini (59) Auditor General of Office of the Auditor General
ItalyFr. Savino Graziano Castiglione, P.M.S. (73)Fr. Savino Graziano Castiglione, P.M.S. (73) Superior General of Little Mission for the Deaf and Dumb
SpainMs. Eva Castillo Sanz Member of Council for the Economy
ColombiaFr. Emir José Castillo Zárate, E.C.M.C. (64)Fr. Emir José Castillo Zárate, E.C.M.C. (64) Father Major of Camaldolese Hermits of Mount Corona
USAFr. Joshua S. Caswell, S.J.C.Fr. Joshua S. Caswell, S.J.C. Superior General of Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius
FranceFr. Adrien Caussanel, S.J.
FranceFr. François-Xavier Cazali, C.S.J. (50)Fr. François-Xavier Cazali, C.S.J. (50) General Prior of Community of Saint John
ItalySr. Chiara Cazzuola, F.M.A. (69) Superior General of Salesian Sisters of Don BoscoVice-Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Faculty of Education Sciences (Auxilium)
ItalyFr. Stefano Cecchin, O.F.M. (60)Fr. Stefano Cecchin, O.F.M. (60) President of Pontifical International Marian Academy
MexicoFr. Ignacio Ceja Jiménez, O.F.M. (63)Fr. Ignacio Ceja Jiménez, O.F.M. (63) Vice-Grand Chancellor of Pontifical University Antonianum
ItalyDr. Sergio Centofanti (64) Vice-Director of Editorial Department of Dicastery for Communication
ItalyFr. Doriano Ceteroni, O.A.D. (74)Fr. Doriano Ceteroni, O.A.D. (74) Prior General of Order of Discalced Augustinians (Discalced Augustinians)
LesothoFr. Mookameli Chale, C.S.Sp.Fr. Mookameli Chale, C.S.Sp. General Secretary of Lesotho Catholic Bishops’ Conference
JamaicaFr. Donald ChambersFr. Donald Chambers General Secretary of Antilles Episcopal Conference
IndiaFr. Thomas Chathamparampil, C.M.I. (71)Fr. Thomas Chathamparampil, C.M.I. (71) Prior General of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate
FranceFr. Louis Chauvet
TaiwanFr. Otfried ChenFr. Otfried Chen (陳科) General Secretary of Chinese Regional Bishops’ Conference
ChinaFr. Chen Tian-huaiFr. Chen Tian-huai (陳天懷) Apostolic Administrator of Hanyang 漢陽 (China)
FranceFr. Jules Chevalier, M.S.C.
MalaysiaFr. John Chia, C.D.D. (59)Fr. John Chia (謝啟龍), C.D.D. (59) Superior General of Congregation of the Disciples of the Lord
BrazilFr. Leonir Mario Chiarello, C.S.Fr. Leonir Mario Chiarello, C.S. Superior General of Congregation of the Missionaries of Saint Charles Borromeo (Scalabrinians)
LebanonMsgr. Antonios Chouweifaty, L.M. (55)Msgr. Antonios Chouweifaty, L.M. (55) (Maronite Rite) Prelate Auditor of Tribunal of the Roman Rota
PolandFr. Arnold O. Chrapkowski, O.S.P.P.E. (56)Fr. Arnold O. Chrapkowski, O.S.P.P.E. (56) Prior General of Order of Saint Paul the First Hermit (Pauline Fathers)
ItalyFr. Rosario Cimino, P.O.C.R. (53)Fr. Rosario Cimino (Salvatore), P.O.C.R. (53) Superior General of Pious Workers Rural Catechists (Ardorini Missionaries)
ItalyDr. Riccardo Cinquegrani (53) Director of AVEPROBorn:1971.06.23 (Ferrara, Italy)Director of AVEPRO (2010.03 – ...)
ItalyMsgr. Piero Coda (69)Msgr. Piero Coda (69) Priest of Frascati (Italy)Secretary General of International Theological CommissionChaplain of His Holiness
FranceFr. André Coindre
ItalyFr. Gregorio Amedeo Colatorti, O.M. (73)Fr. Gregorio Amedeo Colatorti, O.M. (73) Superior General of Order of the Minims
FranceFr. Jean-Claude-Marie Colin, S.M.
ItalyBlessed Mr. Giovanni Colombini, C.S.H.
ArgentinaMs. Cecilia Comuzzi President of Confederation of Secular Institutes in Latin America (C.I.S.A.L.)
USAFr. John Lane Connor, L.C. (56)Fr. John Lane Connor, L.C. (56) Director General of Congregation of the Legionaries of ChristGrand Chancellor of Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum
USABr. Guy Joseph Consolmagno, S.J. (72) Director of Vatican Observatory
ArgentinaFr. Luis Alberto Constantino Ávila, O.M.V.Fr. Luis Alberto Constantino Ávila, O.M.V. Rector Major of Oblates of the Virgin Mary
ItalySr. Lilia Agnese Contini, F.M.G.B. Superior General of Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Infant Jesus
IrelandFr. Michael Corcoran, M.H.M. (64)Fr. Michael Corcoran, M.H.M. (64) Superior General of Saint Joseph’s Missionary Society of Mill Hill
FranceMs. Thérèse Cornille
Ms. Maria Luigia Corona
ColombiaBr. José David Correa González, S.C.V. (55) Superior General of Sodalitium of Christian Life
CambodiaFr. Bruno Cosme, M.E.P. (62)Fr. Bruno Cosme, M.E.P. (62) Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of Laos and Cambodia
FranceFr. Marie-Joseph Coudrin, SS.CC.
CanadaFr. Shayne Craig, P.S.S. (59)Fr. Shayne Craig, P.S.S. (59) Superior General of Society of Priests of Saint Sulpice (Sulpicians)
USAFr. David Gerard Cray, S.S.E. (79)Fr. David Gerard Cray, S.S.E. (79) Superior General of Society of Saint Edmund (Edmundites)
ArgentinaFr. Jean Abou CrouchFr. Jean Abou Crouch (Greek-Melkite Rite) Apostolic Administrator of Argentina of the Greek-Melkites (Argentina)
ChileMr. Juan Carlos Cruz Member of Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors
ArgentinaProf. Emilce Cuda (59) Secretary of Pontifical Commission for Latin America
SpainMsgr. Luis Manuel Cuña Ramos (59)Msgr. Luis Manuel Cuña Ramos (59) Priest of Ourense (Spain)Prelate of Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (Knights of Malta)Chaplain of His Holiness