5 SPANDREL Anti-Tank Guided Missile (original) (raw)

Introduced in 1977, the SPANDREL is equivalent to the American TOW missile. The first of the second-generation Soviet ATGMs to be seen in public was the BRDM-mounted model displayed in the Red Square parade of November 1977. This model, at one time misidentified as the FAGOT (AT-4/SPIGOT) eventually was designated the AT-5/SPANDREL. The SPANDREL is similar to the SPIGOT in most respects. The SPANDREL has a maximum range of 4,000 meters and a minimum range of 100 meters. Other capabilities are essentially the same as for the AT-4/SPIGOT, except for weight, and maximum range and the time of flight which are twice that of the SPIGOT.

The AT-5/SPANDREL is a wire-guided, SACLOS antitank guided missile system mounted on the BRDM-2 scout vehicle. The dimensions and shape of the launch tube are similar to those of the AT-4/SPIGOT, but the SPANDREL missile is considerably heavier. The SPANDREL launch tube has a blow-out cap at the front and is flared at the rear. Five SPANDREL missiles are carried on a traversable mount just behind the two front cupolas of the BRDM-2. A bowed hatch in the vehicle roof immediately behind the launcher is possibly used to allow the mount to be folded backwards into the hull for reloading under armor protection. An additional 10 reload missiles are estimated to be carried inside the vehicle. A rotatable optical sighting/tracking periscope, similar in appearance to the periscope on the AT-4/SPIGOT launch apparatus, is mounted atop the gunner's hatch on the right front of the vehicle roof.

Unlike the SPIGOT the SPANDREL is intended for use on vehicles only. The SPANDREL was supposed to replace all vehicle-mounted SWATTER and SAGGER missiles, but with the collapse of the USSR this did not become a reality. It has also been mounted atop the turret of the BMP M1981 variant. Currently, the Russian Army employs the BRDM-2/AT-5 ATGM variant carrying either SPIGOT (normally for the AT-4 system) or longer-ranged SPANDREL missiles. This system is antiquated by modern standards, and lacks the mobility, armor protection, and effectiveness needed on the modern battlefield. The Russian Army is faced with the option of purchasing the BMP-3 mounted AT-14 Kornet system, which is a follow-on to the AT-5, or the more expensive AT-15 Khrizantema, a more powerful system capable of engaging more targets at greater ranges.


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