The Encyclopedia of Arda - Arnor (original) (raw)

Indexes: Alphabetical: A Lands, Realms and Regions About this entry: Updated 13 December 2008 This entry is complete The North-kingdom of the Dúnedain Map of ArnorThe solid white lines represent the known borders of the kingdom of Arnor. The dashed lines show the approximate borders of its three successor kingdoms, Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur. The solid white lines represent the known borders of the kingdom of Arnor. The dashed lines show the approximate borders of its three successor kingdoms, Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur. Founded by Elendil in the last years of the Second Age, Arnor was the great kingdom of Men in the north of Middle-earth. It lay between the Misty Mountains in the east, and the Blue Mountains on the borders of Lindon in the west, and encompassed the area where the Shire would be founded many years later. Its capital, and the seat of its Kings, was at Annúminas on Lake Nenuial. Elendil fell in the Siege of Barad-dûr in II 3441, and his eldest son Isildur, who would have taken the rulership, was lost two years later as he journeyed back from the southlands with his three eldest sons, who were slain with their father at the Disaster of the Gladden Fields. Isildur's youngest son Valandil, however, had not gone to the war, and was kept safe in Rivendell; he was accounted the third King of Arnor, though Isildur had never taken the throne. The tenth and last King of Arnor was Eärendur. After his death in III 861, his three sons each made claims of succession. This led to the break-up of Arnor into three separate but related kingdoms; Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur. Eärendur's eldest son, Amlaith of Fornost, became King of Arthedain, and is considered the true heir to the line of Isildur. See also... Amlaith of Fornost, Amon Sûl, Angmar, Annúminas, Aragorn Elessar, Argeleb I, Artamir, Arthedain, Athrad Angren, Barrow-wights, Barrows, Beleg, Bridge of Tharbad, Bucca of the Marish, Captain of the Dúnedain of Arnor, [See the full list...]Captain of the Host of the West, Cardolan, Celebrían, Chieftain of the Ringwraiths, Counsellor of the North-kingdom, Dark Lord, Deadmen’s Dike, Dúnedain, Dúnedain of Arnor, Dúnedain of Cardolan, Eastgate of the Bridge, Elatan, Elendil, Elendur, Elves of Lindon, Emyn Uial, Enedwaith, Eryn Vorn, Ethraid Engrin, Evendim, Fell Riders, Fornost Erain, Free Land, Gap of Calenardhon, Gondorians, Great Battle, Great Bridge, Great Haven, Great King, Great Road, Great West Road, Greenway, Greenway-crossing, Heir of Elendil, Heir of Isildur, High King, High King of Arnor, High Men, Hills of Evendim, House of Anárion, House of Elendil, House of the Lords of Andúnië, Isildur, Isildur’s Bane, Isildur’s Heir, King of all the Dúnedain, King of Angmar, King of Arnor, King of Arthedain, King of Gondor, King of Gondor and Arnor, King of the Nine Riders, King of the North-kingdom, King of the West, Kingdom of the North, Kingdoms of the Dúnedain, King’s Reckoning, Lake Evendim, Last-king, Lone-lands, Lord of Arnor and Gondor, Lord of the Black Land, Lord of the Dark Tower, Lord of the Nazgûl, Lost Realm, Malvegil, Men of Arnor, Men of Bree, Men of Eriador, Men of the Sea, Meneldil, Mering Stream, Minhiriath, Misty Mountains, Mordor, Mound of Elendil, Nenuial, North Road, North-kingdom, North-realm, North-South Road, North-way, Northern Dúnedain, Northern Kingdom, Northern Line, Northern Sceptre, Númenor, Númenórean Realms, Old South Road, Oldest and Fatherless, Palantíri, Prince of Cardolan, Queen of Elves and Men, Rangers of the North, Realms in Exile, Reunited Kingdom, Rhudaur, Ring of Barahir, River Anduin, River Baranduin, River Hoarwell, River Loudwater, Royal Road, Ruler of Gondor, Sceptre of Arnor, Second Age, Seeing-stones of Númenor, Seven Seeing Stones, Seven Stones, South Downs, South-kingdom, South-realm, Southlands, Star of the North Kingdom, Stone of Amon Sûl, Stone of Annúminas, Stones of Arnor, Sunset, Sword that was Broken, Tale of the Downfall of Númenor, Tarcil, Tarondor, The Fair, The Kingdom, The Plague, The Tall, Third Age, Three Houses of Men, Tower of Amon Sûl, Trollshaws, Two Kindreds, Two Kingdoms, War of the Last Alliance, Westron, White Mountains, White Towers, Witch-lord of Angmar, Witch-realm of Angmar, Wraith-king, Wraith-lord, Yavannië Indexes: Alphabetical: A Lands, Realms and Regions About this entry: Updated 13 December 2008 This entry is complete For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2004, 2008. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.Create your own Discus Job Profiles, or choose from a library of nearly 250 DISC role templates.