The Encyclopedia of Arda - Borthand (original) (raw)

One of the three sons of Bór

For many years, the only Men to enter Beleriand were the people of the Edain. Beyond the Blue Mountains to the east, a group of Easterlings known as the Swarthy Men dwelt, and after the Dagor Bragollach messengers came to them from Morgoth, tempting them to cross the Mountains and gain some of the fabled riches of Beleriand for themselves.

Many of these Men chose to pass westward across the Mountains, and one of their most important chieftains was a Man named Bór. He had three sons, Borlad, Borlach, and - apparently the youngest of the three - Borthand. In Beleriand, these Men and many others besides were welcomed by the Elves, and Maedhros took gladly took them into his service.

By the time of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Bór was no longer alive, but his sons rode to battle with the host of Maedhros, accompanied by other Swarthy Men led by the sons of Ulfang, another chieftain of the people who had come west at the same time as Bór and his people. They came late to the battle, but once there many of the Easterlings abandoned the fight and fled, while the sons of Ulfang betrayed Maedhros and attacked the Elves. Borthand and his brothers remained loyal, and cut down two of Ulfang's sons, Ulfast and Ulwarth, before being slain themselves.

Borthand and his brothers were remembered by the Elves as the 'faithful men', and indeed gained their names from their act of loyalty. Borthand comes from two Elvish words meaning 'faithful' and 'wise', and must have been given after Borthand's death in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Of his earlier name there is no record.


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