The Encyclopedia of Arda - Engwar (original) (raw)

Dates Location Originated in Hildórien, but spread throughout Middle-earth Race Meaning Other names The Afterborn, The Aftercomers, Apanónar, Atani, Big Folk, Big People, The Children of the Sun, Fírimar, The Followers, The Heavy-handed, Hildor, The Inscrutable, Men, The Mortals, The Night-fearers, The Second People, The Secondborn, The Self-cursed, The Sickly, The Strangers, The Usurpers, The Younger Children of Ilúvatar Indexes: Alphabetical: E Men About this entry: Updated 24 July 2015 This entry is complete The Sickly’; a name among Elves for the race of Men 'The Sickly', a name used by the Elves to describe Men. This was a natural choice of name by the Elves, who did not themselves suffer sickness or old age, and so from an Elf's perspective those attributes of Men must have represented a striking difference between the two peoples. Engwar was a name from the Quenya tongue, but it derived from the same ancient root as Sindarin ingem. Ingem translated literally as 'year-sick', describing the Elves' view of old age, which was a concept that they had not encountered before their first meeting with mortal Men. Indexes: Alphabetical: E Men About this entry: Updated 24 July 2015 This entry is complete For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2013, 2015. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.Create your own personality report in just ten minutes with our online DISC profile questionnaire.