The Encyclopedia of Arda - Oiolossë (original) (raw)

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Dates Raised by the Valar at the end of the Spring of Arda Location In the Pelóri, the eastern mountain-shield of Aman Races Ainur, and later Elves Divisions Valar (Aratar); Elves of the Vanyar later dwelt on the slopes of the mountain Settlements Ilmarin, the dwelling of Manwë and Varda, was on the peak of this mountain Pronunciation oyolo'sseh Meaning 'Ever-snow-white' (also translated 'Everlasting Whiteness' or 'Everwhite') Other names Amon Uilos, Crowned with Stars, Elerrína, Ever-snow-white, Everlasting Whiteness, Hill of Ilmarin, Holy Mountain, Mount Everwhite, The Mountain, Mountain of Manwë, Taniquetil, The White Mountain Indexes: Alphabetical: O Hills and Mountains About this entry: Updated 18 November 2023 This entry is complete The high seat of Manwë and Varda Map of OiolossëMap of Oiolossë in Aman (somewhat conjectural) Map of Oiolossë in Aman (somewhat conjectural) A name for the mountain of Taniquetil in the Pelóri, on which stood the high halls of Manwë and Varda. Oiolossë was the highest peak in the world, and was always covered with shining snow (hence the name Oiolossë, which means 'Everlasting Whiteness' or, more literally, 'Ever-snow-white'). The Sindarin version of this name was Amon Uilos (in which Uilos is a direct equivalent of Quenya Oiolossë). There is in fact some confusion over the term Oiolossë. In most sources, it is simply used as another name for the great mountain Taniquetil, but in Valaquenta, it seems to refer specifically to Taniquetil's uttermost snow-covered peak. This subtle shift suggests that its meaning may have changed slightly at some time in the name's history. See also... Amon Uilos, Ever-snow-white, Everlasting Whiteness, Holy Mountain, Mount Everwhite, Taniquetil Indexes: Alphabetical: O Hills and Mountains About this entry: Updated 18 November 2023 This entry is complete For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2003, 2022-2023. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Axiom Discovery aptitude and skill testing.Personality is one part of understanding a candidate's suitability for a role, but aptitude can also be crucial.