Green Lantern: Hal Jordan (original) (raw)

[[Green Lantern in Flight]](bigimages/hal-greenlantern.jpg)

Real Name: Harold “Hal” Jordan
Other Aliases: Parallax, Spectre
Known Relatives: Martin (father), Jim and Jack (brothers), Jeremiah (uncle), Lawrence (cousin), Hal (cousin), Jason (nephew), Jennifer and Jan (nieces)
Group Affiliations: Green Lantern Corps, Justice League of America, United States Air Force
Occupation: Green Lantern, Test Pilot
Base of Operations: Coast City, California
First Appearance: Showcase #22, September–October 1959
Death: Saving the Earth from the Sun-Eater (The Final Night #4, November 1996)
Resurrection: Green Lantern: Rebirth, 2004–2005
See Also: John Stewart, Kyle Rayner

While testing a flight simulator, test pilot Hal Jordan found himself transported to a crashed UFO where he was met by a dying alien. Before he died, the alien gave Hal a green ring and a uniform. Hal discovered that Abin Sur had been part of an intergalactic peacekeeping force known as Green Lanterns. Directed by a blue-skinned race known as the Guardians of the Universe, the Green Lanterns used special rings which allowed them to fly, survive in space, and do nearly anything the bearer can will. These rings were limited only by a 24-hour time limit (after which it needs to be recharged) and a weakness against anything yellow.

Hal Jordan was trained to become Abin Sur’s replacement as the Green Lantern of the sector including Earth, and quickly became one of the greatest of Earth’s heroes. He was a founding member of the Justice League of America, and close friends with Barry Allen, the second Flash, continuing the tradition established by Jay Garrick (Flash I) and Alan Scott (GL I). He also established a mentorly relationship with Kid Flash, which developed into a stronger friendship when Wally came into his own.

Parallax: Emerald Twilight

Tragically, this seemingly picture-perfect hero’s life began to spiral out of control after the destruction of Coast City. Hal went mad, killed most of the Green Lanterns and Guardians, and the last power ring fell into the hands of freelance artist Kyle Rayner. (Green Lantern v.3 #48–50, 1994)

Hal left Earth, and ultimately decided the ultimate solution was to take the leftover instabilities from the Crisis on Infinite Earths and use them to unmake the universe, then remake it the way he wanted. Calling himself Parallax, he nearly succeeded, until a group of other heroes managed to recreate the “Big Bang,” allowing the universe to re-form itself naturally. (Zero Hour, 1994)

Parallax finally sacrificed himself to save the Earth when a giant space-going creature was devouring the Sun. While some saw it as merely a continuation of his “God complex,” others saw it as an act of redemption, the final sacrifice of a hero. (The Final Night, 2006)

Afterlife: the Spectre

[[Hal Jordan becomes the Spectre—Day of Judgment #5]](bigimages/hal-spectre.jpg)

Jordan returned to Earth when the world and Heaven itself were threatened by the power of the Spectre—God’s Wrath incarnate. Seeking a new host for the Spectre (the previous one, Jim Corrigan, was no longer interested now that he had finally earned a place in heaven), Earth’s heroes settled on the only other soul who had the will: Hal Jordan. He agreed, seeking a chance to redeem himself, having no idea what he was getting into. As the Spectre, he could sense the guilt in mortals’ (and immortals’) minds. No longer recognizable as Hal Jordan, he roamed the Earth on his mission of vengeance...or redemption.


In deep space, Kyle Rayner discovered that Parallax was actually an ancient creature of pure fear, imprisoned in the main Oan power battery. Awakened when Sinestro was also imprisoned, it used Hal to escape, corrupting his mind, then possessing him, using his power to commit genocide and more.

On orders from the Guardian known as Ganthet, Kyle retrieved Hal’s body, which had been preserved by Parallax’s energy. The Spectre severed Parallax from Hal Jordan’s soul, then abandoned him to seek a new host. Ganthet redirected Jordan's soul from the afterlife back into his body, bringing him back to life (Green Lantern: Rebirth, 2004–2005).

Hal has rejoined both the Green Lantern Corps and the Air Force, rebuilding his life and his hometown of Coast City.

Text by Kelson Vibber. Do not copy without permission.

Top of Page Primary Sources (Spectre)


Origin Tales


Series Regular In...

* The series lasted until 1987, but I think Green Lantern had left the team before Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Significant Silver-Age Flash Appearances

(Not including solo stories printed in The Flash during the 1970s)

Significant Legacy-Era Flash Appearances

Significant One-Year-Later Flash Appearances