Mirror Master II (original) (raw)

[[Mirror Master]](bigimages/mirror.jpg)

Real Name: Evan McCulloch
Occupation: Mercenary
Group Affiliation: The Rogues
Past Group Affiliation: Blacksmith’s Rogues, The Injustice Gang
Base of Operations: Mobile
First Appearance: Animal Man #8 (February 1989)
See Also: Mirror Master 1, Mirror Master (TV)

Scotsman Evan McCulloch grew up in an orphanage, a photograph all he knew of his parents, even his name taken from the woman who ran the house. One night he fought back against the orphanage’s main bully—and killed him. McCulloch ran away as a teen, brawls leading to robbery, robbery leading to extortion, extortion leading to a career as a hit man. One day he took a job, and only at the last second, after he had pulled the trigger, did he recognize his target as his father. By the time he worked up the nerve to contact his mother, she had killed herself.

In the depths of his despair, he was found by agents from the US government. He was shocked to find they didn’t want to capture him—they wanted to hire him! To hide their involvement, they set him up with theoriginal Mirror Master’s equipment. He struck out on his own quickly, though. His background made him more threatening than his predecessor, although being a mercenary rather than a criminal meant that, under some circumstances, a better offer might swing his allegiance. So, also, would certain principles, much to the dismay of some of his more shady employers.

When Abra Kadabra brought Mirror Master and four other Rogues an offer that would bring them respect, he jumped. This offer would “guarantee that they would be remembered forever not as has-beens...but as the most infamous villains of their age.” What Kadabra did not tell them was that it would cost them their lives. The five died, and unleashed the demonNeron upon Earth (Underworld Unleashed #1, 1995).

Neron was not finished with them, however. As part of a convoluted plot to force the Flash into a deal, he sent the Rogues’ bodies to Earth without their souls. The bank robbers who had so enjoyed matching wits with the Flash were now soulless killers, in command of vastly enhanced powers, with even more powerful avatars that caused enormous damage and killed thousands before the Flash was able to turn the deal around and force Neron to halt the destruction and return the Rogues’ souls to their bodies (Flash #127–129, 1997).

Mirror Master, like his fellow Rogues, returned to his life of crime, a bit darker for his experience. Among other things, he has picked up a drug habit.

Mirror Master was present when several Rogues killed the fourth Flash, Bart Allen. It’s not clear whether he participated in the actual murder (Flash: TFMA #10–13: Full Throttle & All-Flash #1, 2007). He was captured and sent with the rest to the alien prison planet, Salvation (Salvation Run, 2007–2008).

Text by Kelson Vibber. Do not copy without permission.

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Origin Tales

Rogue Profile: Flash #212
Rogue Profile Covers


Significant Appearances

Significant One-Year-Later Flash Appearances

Significant Rebirth-Era Flash Appearances