The "Fourteen Part Message." (original) (raw)

JAPANESE NOTE TO THE UNITED STATES DECEMBER 7, 1941 (Generally referred to as the "Fourteen Part Message.")

(Dept. of State Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 129, Dec. 13, 1941)

On November 26 the Secretary of State handed to the Japanese
representatives a document which stated the principles governing
the policies of the Government of the United States toward the
situation in the Far East and setting out suggestions for a
comprehensive peaceful settlement covering the entire Pacific

At 1 p.m. December 7 the Japanese Ambassador asked for an
appointment for the Japanese representatives to see the
Secretary of State. The appointment was made for 1:45 p.m. The
Japanese representatives arrived at the office of the Secretary
of State at 2:05 p.m. They were received by the Secretary at
2:20 p.m. The Japanese Ambassador handed to the Secretary of
State what was understood to be a reply to the document handed
to him the Secretary of State on November 26.

Secretary Hull carefully read the statement presented by the
Japanese representatives and immediately turned to the Japanese
Ambassador and with the greatest indignation said:

"I must say that in all my conversations with you [the Japanese
Ambassador] during the last nine months I have never uttered one
word of untruth. This is borne out absolutely by the record.
In all my 50 years of public service I have never seen a
document that was more crowded with infamous falsehoods and
distortions - infamous falsehoods and distortions on a scale so
huge that I never imagined until today that any Government on
this planet was capable of uttering them."

The text of the document handed by the Japanese Ambassador to
the Secretary of State at 2:20 p.m., December 7, 1941, reads as


"1. The government of Japan, prompted by a genuine desire to
come to an amicable understanding with the Government of the
United States in order that the two countries by their joint
efforts may secure the peace of the Pacific Area and thereby
contribute toward the realization of world peace, has continued
negotiations with the utmost sincerity since April last with the
Government of the United States regarding the adjustment and
advancement of Japanese-American relations and the stabilization
of the Pacific Area.

"The Japanese Government has the honor to state frankly its
views concerning the claims the American Government has
persistently maintained as well as the measure the United States
and Great Britain have taken toward Japan during these eight

"2. It is the immutable policy of the Japanese Government to
insure the stability of East Asia and to promote world peace and
thereby to enable all nations to find each its proper place in
the world.

"Ever since China Affair broke out owing to the failure on the
part of China to comprehend Japan's true intentions, the
Japanese Government has striven for the restoration of peace and
it has consistently exerted its best efforts to prevent the
extension of war-like disturbances. It was also to that end
that in September last year Japan concluded the Tripartite Pace
with Germany and Italy.

"However, both the United States and Great Britain have resorted
to every possible measure to assist the Chungking regime so as
to obstruct the establishment of a general peace between Japan
and China, interfering with Japan's constructive endeavours
toward the stabilization of East Asia. Exerting pressure on the
Netherlands East Indies, or menacing French Indo-China, they
have attempted to frustrate Japan's aspiration to the ideal of
common prosperity in cooperation with these regimes.
Furthermore, when Japan in accordance with its protocol with
France took measures of joint defense of French Indo-China, both
American and British Governments, willfully misinterpreting it
as a threat to their own possessions, and inducing the
Netherlands Government to follow suit, they enforced the assets
freezing order, thus severing economic relations with Japan.
While manifesting thus an obviously hostile attitude, these
countries have strengthened their military preparations
perfecting an encirclement of Japan, and have brought about a
situation which endangers the very existence of the Empire.

"Nevertheless, to facilitate a speedy settlement, the Premier of
Japan proposed, in August last, to meet the President of the
United States for a discussion of important problems between the
two countries covering the entire Pacific area. However, the
American Government, while accepting in principle the Japanese
proposal, insisted that the meeting should take place after an
agreement of view had been reached on fundamental and essential

"3. Subsequently, on September 25th the Japanese Government
submitted a proposal based on the formula proposed by the
American Government, taking fully into consideration past
American claims and also incorporating Japanese views. Repeated
discussions proved of no avail in producing readily an agreement
of view. The present cabinet, therefore, submitted a revised
proposal, moderating still further the Japanese claims regarding
the principal points of difficulty in the negotiation and
endeavoured strenuously to reach a settlement. But the American
Government, adhering steadfastly to its original assertions,
failed to display in the slightest degree a spirit of
conciliation. The negotiation made no progress.

"Therefore, the Japanese Government, with a view to doing its
utmost for averting a crisis in Japanese-American relations,
submitted on November 20th still another proposal in order to
arrive at an equitable solution of the more essential and urgent
questions which, simplifying its previous proposal, stipulated
the following points:

"(1) The Government of Japan and the United States undertake
not to dispatch armed forces into any of the regions, excepting
French Indo-China, in the Southeastern Asia and the Southern
Pacific area.

"(2) Both Governments shall cooperate with the view to securing
the acquisition in the Netherlands East Indies of those goods
and commodities of which the two countries are in need.

"(3) Both Governments mutually undertake to restore commercial
relations to those prevailing prior to the freezing of assets.

"The Government of the United States shall supply Japan the
required quantity of oil.

"(4) The Government of the United States undertakes not to
resort to measures and actions prejudicial to the endeavours for
the restoration of general peace between Japan and China.

"(5) The Japanese Government undertakes to withdraw troops now
stationed in French Indo-China upon either the restoration of
peace between Japan and China or establishment of an equitable
peace in the Pacific Area; and it is prepared to remove the
Japanese troops in the southern part of French Indo-China to the
northern part upon the conclusion of the present agreement.

"As regards China, the Japanese Government, while expressing its
readiness to accept the offer of the President of the United
States to act as 'introducer' of peace between Japan and China
as was previously suggested, asked for an undertaking on the
part of the United States to do nothing prejudicial to the
restoration of Sino-Japanese peace when the two parties have
commenced direct negotiations.

"The American Government not only rejected the above-mentioned
new proposal, but made known its intention to continue its aid
to Chiang Kai-shek; and in spite of its suggestion mentioned
above, withdrew the offer of the President to act as so-called
'introducer' of peace between Japan and China, pleading that
time was not yet ripe for it. Finally on November 26th, in an
attitude to impose upon the Japanese Government those principles
it has persistently maintained, the American Government made a
proposal totally ignoring Japanese claims, which is a source of
profound regret to the Japanese Government.

"4. From the beginning of the present negotiation the Japanese
Government has always maintained an attitude of fairness and
moderation, and did its best to reach a settlement, for which it
made all possible concessions often in spite of great
difficulties. As for the China question which constitutes an
important subject of the negotiation, the Japanese Government
showed a most conciliatory attitude. As for the principle of
non-discrimination in international commerce, advocated by the
American Government, the Japanese Government expressed its
desire to see the said principle applied throughout the world,
and declared that along with the actual practice of this
principle in the world, the Japanese Government would endeavour
to apply the same in the Pacific area including China, and made
it clear that Japan had no intention of excluding from China
economic activities of third powers pursued on an equitable
basis. Furthermore, as regards the question of withdrawing
troops from French Indo-China, the Japanese Government even
volunteered, as mentioned above, to carry out an immediate
evacuation of troops from Southern French Indo-China as a
measure of easing the situation.

"It is presumed that the spirit of conciliation exhibited to the
utmost degree by the Japanese Government in all these matters is
fully appreciated by the American Government.

"On the other hand, the American Government, always holding fast
to theories in disregard of realities, and refusing to yield an
inch on its impractical principles, cause undue delay in the
negotiation. It is difficult to understand this attitude of the
American Government and the Japanese Government desires to call
the attention of the American Government especially to the
following points:

"1. The American Government advocates in the name of world peace
those principles favorable to it and urges upon the Japanese
Government the acceptance thereof. The peace of the world may
be brought about only by discovering a mutually acceptable
formula through recognition of the reality of the situation and
mutual appreciation of one another's position. An attitude such
as ignores realities and impose (sic) one's selfish views upon
others will scarcely serve the purpose of facilitating the
consummation of negotiations.

"Of the various principles put forward by the American
Government as a basis of the Japanese-American Agreement, there
are some which the Japanese Government is ready to accept in
principle, but in view of the world's actual condition it seems
only a utopian ideal on the part of the American Government to
attempt to force their immediate adoption.

"Again, the proposal to conclude a multilateral non-aggression
pact between Japan, United States, Great Britain, China, the
Soviet Union, the Netherlands and Thailand, which is patterned
after the old concept of collective security, is far removed
from the realities of East Asia.

"2. The American proposal contained a stipulation which states -
'Both Governments will agree that no agreement, which either has
concluded with any third power or powers, shall be interpreted
by it in such a way as to conflict with the fundamental purpose
of this agreement, the establishment and preservation of peace
throughout the Pacific area.' It is presumed that the above
provision has been proposed with a view to restrain Japan from
fulfilling its obligations under the Tripartite Pact when the
United States participates in the war in Europe, and, as such,
it cannot be accepted by the Japanese Government.

"The American Government, obsessed with its own views and
opinions, may be said to be scheming for the extension of the
war. While it seeks, on the one hand, to secure its rear by
stabilizing the Pacific Area, it is engaged, on the other hand,
in aiding Great Britain and preparing to attack, in the name of
self-defense, Germany and Italy, two Powers that are striving to
establish a new order in Europe. Such a policy is totally at
variance with the many principles upon which the American
Government proposes to found the stability of the Pacific Area
through peaceful means.

"3. Whereas the American Government, under the principles it
rigidly upholds, objects to settle international issues through
military pressure, it is exercising in conjunction with Great
Britain and other nations pressure by economic power. Recourse
to such pressure as a means of dealing with international
relations should be condemned as it is at times more inhumane
that military pressure.

"4. It is impossible not to reach the conclusion that the
American Government desires to maintain and strengthen, in
coalition with Great Britain and other Powers, its dominant
position in has hitherto occupied not only in China but in other
areas of East Asia. It is a fact of history that the countries
of East Asia have for the past two hundred years or more have
been compelled to observe the status quo under the Anglo- American policy of imperialistic exploitation and to sacrifice
themselves to the prosperity of the two nations. The Japanese
Government cannot tolerate the perpetuation of such a situation
since it directly runs counter to Japan's fundamental policy to
enable all nations to enjoy each its proper place in the world.

"The stipulation proposed by the American Government relative to
French Indo-China is a good exemplification of the above- mentioned American policy. Thus the six countries, - Japan, the
United States, Great Britain, the Netherlands, China,, and
Thailand, - excepting France, should undertake among themselves
to respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of French
Indo-China and equality of treatment in trade and commerce would
be tantamount to placing that territory under the joint
guarantee of the Governments of those six countries. Apart from
the fact that such a proposal totally ignores the position of
France, it is unacceptable to the Japanese Government in that
such an arrangement cannot but be considered as an extension to
French Indo-China of a system similar to the Nine Power Treaty
structure which is the chief factor responsible for the present
predicament of East Asia.

"5. All the items demanded of Japan by the American Government
regarding China such as wholesale evacuation of troops or
unconditional application of the principle of non-discrimination
in international commerce ignored the actual conditions of
China, and are calculated to destroy Japan's position as the
stabilizing factor of East Asia. The attitude of the American
Government in demanding Japan not to support militarily,
politically or economically any regime other than the regime at
Chungking, disregarding thereby the existence of the Nanking
Government, shatters the very basis of the present negotiations.
This demand of the American Government falling, as it does, in
line with its above-mentioned refusal to cease from aiding the
Chungking regime, demonstrates clearly the intention of the
American Government to obstruct the restoration of normal
relations between Japan and China and the return of peace to
East Asia.

"5. (sic) In brief, the American proposal contains certain
acceptable items such as those concerning commerce, including
the conclusion of a trade agreement, mutual removal of the
freezing restrictions, and stabilization of yen and dollar
exchange, or the abolition of extra-territorial rights in China.
On the other hand, however, the proposal in question ignores
Japan's sacrifices in the four years of the China Affair,
menaces the Empire's existence itself and disparages its honour
and prestige. Therefore, viewed in its entirety, the Japanese
Government regrets it cannot accept the proposal as a basis of

"6. The Japanese Government, in its desire for an early
conclusion of the negotiation, proposed simultaneously with the
conclusion of the Japanese-American negotiation, agreements to
be signed with Great Britain and other interested countries.
The proposal was accepted by the American Government. However,
since the American Government has made the proposal of November
26th as a result of frequent consultation with Great Britain,
Australia, the Netherlands and Chungking, and presumably by
catering to the wishes of the Chungking regime in the questions
of China, it must be concluded that all these countries are at
one with the United States in ignoring Japan's position.

"7. Obviously it is the intention of the American Government to
conspire with Great Britain and other countries to obstruct
Japan's effort toward the establishment of peace through the
creation of a new order in East Asia, and especially to preserve
Anglo-American rights and interest by keeping Japan and China at
war. This intention has been revealed clearly during the course
of the present negotiation.

"Thus, the earnest hope of the Japanese Government to adjust
Japanese-American relations and to preserve and promote the
peace of the Pacific through cooperation with the American
Government has finally been lost.

"The Japanese Government regrets to have to notify hereby the
American Government that in view of the attitude of the American
Government it cannot but consider that it is impossible to reach
an agreement through further negotiations.

"December 7, 1941."

Page maintained by Larry W. Jewell, Created: 12/7/96 Updated: 12/7/96