infinity plus - reviews archive (original) (raw)

  M-P Arthur Machen Tales Of Horror and the Supernatural (a feature-length review by William P Simmons; added: June 2003) The Hill of Dreams (review by William P Simmons; added: March 2007) The Secret of the Sangraal & other writing (review by William P Simmons; added: May 2007) Ian R MacLeod Voyages by Starlight (review by Nick Gevers; added: August 2000) The Light Ages (review by Keith Brooke; added: August 2003) Breathmoss and other Exhalations (review by Kilian Melloy; added: October 2004) The Light Ages (review by Stuart Jaffe; added: December 2004) The House of Storms (review by Steve Palmer; added: July 2005) Ken MacLeod The Stone Canal (review by John D Owen; added: March 1998)The Cassini Division (review by Keith Brooke; added: May 1998)The Web 2028 (various authors; reviewed by Keith Brooke; added August 2000)Dark Light (review by Stuart Carter; added: January 2002) Cosmonaut Keep (a double review by Stuart Carter and Peter D Tillman; added: January 2002)The Human Front (review by Stuart Carter; added: March 2002)Learning the World (review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2006 Arthur C Clarke Award shortlist; added: March 2006) Paul Magrs and Jeremy Hoad The Blue Angel (review by Caleb Woodbridge; added: September 2003) David Maine Fallen (reviewed in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction) Geoffrey Maloney Tales from the Crypto-System (review by Andrew Hook; added: October 2004) Tales from the Crypto-System (a second review; by Stuart Jaffe; added: February 2005) Nick Mamatas Northern Gothic (review by John Grant; added: May 2002) George Mann The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (review by Keith Brooke; added: October 2001) The Human Abstract (review by Nicholas Whyte; added: February 2005) John Marco The Jackal of Nar (review by Don Baskin; added: May 1999) Nick Marsh Soul Purpose (review by John Toon; added: March 2007) George R R Martin Fevre Dream (review by Nick Gevers; added: February 2001)A Game of Thrones (review by David Mathew; added: March 1998) Windhaven (written withLisa Tuttle; reviewed by John Grant; added: July 2001)Dying of the Light (review by Lynn Perkins; added: January 2002) Les Martin X-Files: Quarantine (review by John D Owen; added: July 2000) Philip Martin (editor) The Writer's Guide to Fantasy Literature (review by Marianne Plumridge; added: July 2003) Watts Martin Why Coyotes Howl (review by Elizabeth Barrette; added: July 2005) Nina Marie Martínez ¡Caramba! (review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: October 2004) Paul Massey To Love a Sagelord: The Return to Enlightenment Volume One (review by Martin Owton; added: August 2007) David I Masson The Caltraps of Time (review by John Toon; added: December 2003) Graham Masterton The Manitou: A Telos Classic (review by Mario Guslandi; added: Febuary 2003) Richard Matheson I Am Legend (review by Alan David Price; added: August 2000) Richard Matheson's The Twilight Zone Scripts, Volume One edited by Stanley Wiater (review by Randy M Dannenfelser; added: July 2001) Richard Matheson's The Twilight Zone Scripts, Volume Two edited by Stanley Wiater (a feature-length review by Randy M Dannenfelser; added: November 2002) Come Fygures, Come Shadowes (review by John Grant; added: March 2003) Bloodlines: Richard Matheson's I Am Legend, Dracula And Other Vampire Tales (review by William P Simmons; added: February 2007) Julian May Perseus Spur - The Rampart Worlds: Book 1 (review by John D Owen; added: March 1998)Orion Arm - The Rampart Worlds: Book 2 (review by John D Owen; added: September 1999) Sagittarius Whorl - The Rampart Worlds: Book 3 (review by Meredith; added: September 2001). LH Maynard and MPN Sims Echoes of Darkness (review by Jason Gould; added: September 2000) Maxine McArthur Time Future (review by Peter D Tillman; added: October 2001) Paul J McAuley Eternal Light (review by Stuart Carter; added: December 1999)Pasquale's Angel (review by Stuart Carter; added: December 1999)The Book of Confluence (volumes 1 and 2: Child of the River and Ancients of Days) (a feature-length review by Jonathan Laidlow; added: May 2000)Making History (review by Nick Gevers; added: July 2000)The Secret of Life (review by Peter D Tillman; added: April 2001)Whole Wide World (review by Stuart Carter; added: November 2001) The Secret of Life (review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2002 Arthur C Clarke Award shortlist; added: March 2002)White Devils (a feature-length review by Stuart Carter; added: May 2004)Doctor Who Novellas: The Eye of the Tyger (review by Caleb Woodbridge; added: August 2004)White Devils (review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction) Anne McCaffrey Freedom's Ransom (review by John Toon; added: May 2004) Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough Acorna's Rebels (review by Elizabeth Barrette; added: December 2003) Anne McCaffrey and Todd McCaffrey Dragon's Kin (review by Marianne Plumridge; added: March 2004) Wil McCarthy Bloom (review by Stuart Carter; added: July 2000) Hugh McCracken Rules of the Hunt (review by John Grant; added: September 2002) Jack McDevitt Eternity Road (review by John D Owen; added: March 1998)Moonfall (review by Keith Brooke; added: September 1999)Slow Lightning (review by Stuart Carter; added: March 2000) Deepsix (review by John Grant; added: March 2001)Metareview: Infinity Beach (UK title: Slow Lightning) (review by Peter D Tillman; added: June 2001) Ian McDonald Chaga (review by Keith Brooke; added: July 1997)Kirinya (review by Keith Brooke; added: September 1998)Tendeleo's Story (review by Nick Gevers; added: September 2000)Ares Express (review by Stuart Carter; added: June 2002)The River of Gods (review by John D Owen; added: October 2004)River of Gods (review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2005 Arthur C Clarke Award shortlist; added: February 2005) Maureen McHugh Nekropolis (review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: April 2003) Fiona McIntosh Myrren's Gift: The Quickening Book One (review by Martin Owton; added: November 2005) Juliet McKenna Western Shore (review by Martin Owton; added: January 2006) Turns and Chances (review by Martin Owton; added: February 2006) Robin McKinley Sunshine (review by Meredith; added: June 2005) Iain McLaughlin Doctor Who Novellas: Blood and Hope (review by Russell Cook; added: October 2004) John Meaney Paradox (review by Stuart Carter; added: June 2000) Paradox: Book 1 of the Nulapeiron Sequence (review by John Toon; added: November 2005) Farah Mendlesohn (editor) Glorifying Terrorism (review by Stuart Carter; added: August 2007) Robert A Metzger Picoverse (review by John Grant; added: May 2002) Haydn Middleton The Knight's Vengeance (review by John D Owen; added: October 1998) China Mi�ville Perdido Street Station (review by Andy Sawyer; added: June 2000) Perdido Street Station (review by Lou Anders; added: July 2001) The Scar (review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2003 Arthur C Clarke Award shortlist; added: February 2003) Perdido Street Station (review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: April 2003) The Scar (review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: April 2003) The Tain (review by Graham Sleight; added: May 2003) Iron Council (review by Stephen Palmer; added: December 2004) Iron Council (review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2005 Arthur C Clarke Award shortlist; added: February 2005) The Iron Council (third review by Lawrence Osborn; added: June 2005) Deborah J Miller Swarmthief's Dance: Book One of The Swarmthief Trilogy (review by Lawrence Osborn; added: July 2006) Frank Miller The Dark Knight Strikes Again (review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: April 2003) Ron Miller The Art of Chesley Bonestell (with Frederick C Durant III, and a foreword by Arthur C Clarke; reviewed by Randy M Dannenfelser; added: May 2001) Bronwyn Book One: Palaces & Prisons (review by John Grant; added: March 2002) Sasha Miller Ladylord (review by Nick Gifford; added: August 1997) Walter M Miller, Jr A Canticle for Leibowitz (review by Adam Roberts; added: January 2002) Hope Mirrlees Lud-in-the-mist (review by Philip Raines; added: January 2002) David Mitchell Cloud Atlas (review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2005 Arthur C Clarke Award shortlist; added: February 2005) LE Modesitt, Jr Flash (a meta-review by Peter D Tillman; added: May 2005) Walter Moers The 13� Lives of Captain Bluebear: a novel (review by Stuart Carter; added: November 2000) Elizabeth Moon The Speed of Dark (a feature-length review by John Grant; added: January 2003) The Speed of Dark (review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2003 Arthur C Clarke Award shortlist; added: February 2003) Remnant Population (review by John Toon; added: April 2004) Engaging the Enemy (review by Peter D Tillman; added: January 2007) Michael Moorcock Count Brass (review by John D Owen; added: December 1998)Behold the Man (review by Nick Gifford; added: January 2000)The Dreamthief's Daughter (review by John Grant; added: April 2001)Firing the Cathedral (review by Stuart Carter; added: May 2003)The History of the Runestaff (review by Nicholas Whyte; added: September 2003) Gloriana; or, The Unfulfill'd Queen (review in Claude Lalumi�re's Fantastic Fiction; added: April 2005) Christopher Moore Fluke; Or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings (reviewed in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: August 2003) The Stupidest Angel (reviewed in Claude Lalumi�re's Fantastic Fiction; added: April 2005) James A Moore Blood Red (review by Gary Couzens; added: January 2006) Moira J Moore Resenting the Hero (review by Elizabeth Barrette; added: January 2007) Ward Moore Bring the Jubilee (review by Gary Couzens; added: November 2001) Caiseal Mór Carolan's Concerto (review by Nicholas Whyte; added: April 2004) The Meeting of the Waters: Book One of the Watchers Trilogy (review by Nicholas Whyte; added: August 2004) Simon Morden Another War (review by Gary Couzens; added: August 2006) Chris Morgan (text) with David A Hardy Hardyware: The Art of David A Hardy (review by Ron Miller; added: September 2001) Richard Morgan Altered Carbon (review by Stuart Carter; added: April 2002) Broken Angels (review by Stuart Carter; added: March 2003) Market Forces (review by Stuart Carter; added: November 2003) Market Forces (review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2005 Arthur C Clarke Award shortlist; added: February 2005) Woken Furies (review by Jakob Schmidt; added: May 2006) James Morrow This is the Way the World Ends (review by Stuart Carter; added: July 2000) Mark Morris The Uglimen (review by Gary Couzens; added: June 2003) Cinema Macabre (editor) (review by John Toon; added: June 2007) James W Moseley and Karl T Pflock Shockingly Close to the Truth: Confessions of a Grave-Robbing Ufologist (review by John Grant; added: March 2003) Tom Moylan Scraps of the Untainted Sky (review by Randy M Dannenfelser; added: September 2002) John Kenneth Muir A Critical History of Doctor Who on Television (review by Randy M Dannenfelser; added: September 2002) CE Murphy Urban Shaman (review by Elizabeth Barrette; added: October 2005) Linda Nagata Vast (review by Jon Courtenay Grimwood; added: November 1998) Limit of Vision (review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: April 2003) Susan J Napier Anime: from Akira to Princess Mononoke (a feature-length review by Randy M Dannenfelser & William D Prystauk; added: July 2003) Vera Nazarian Dreams of the Compass Rose (review by Nick Gevers; added: July 2002) Nemonymous Nemonymous 1 (review by Anonymous [with good reason]; added: December 2001)Nemonymous 2 (review by David Mathew; added: September 2002)Nemonymous 3 (review by Keith Brooke; added: May 2003)Nemonymous 4 (review by The Mad Wavid; added: December 2004)Nemonymous 5 (review by Mario Guslandi; added: September 2005) Jess Nevins The Encyclopedia of Fantastic Victoriana (review by Marianne Plumridge; added: January 2007) Paul J Newell The Turning (review by John Toon; added: March 2007) James Newman Midnight Rain (review by Gary Couzens; added: October 2005) Kim Newman Andy Warhol's Dracula (in Binary 2) (review by Stuart Carter; added: March 2001) Dracula Cha Cha Cha (review by Stuart Carter; added: August 2001) Judgement of Tears: Anno Dracula 1959 - reviewed inThe Alternate Worlds of Science Fiction (review by Claude Lalumière; added September 2004) The Man from the Diogenes Club (reviewed in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: June 2007) Adam Nichols The War of the Lords Veil , The Pathless Way and The Paladin: Book One of the Whiteblade Saga (review by John D Owen; added: July 1998) Stan Nicholls (with Simon Archer) Gerry Anderson: the authorised biography (review by Keith Brooke; added: January 1998)Bodyguard of Lightning (review by Keith Brooke; added: May 1999) Tim Nickels The English Soil Society (review by Mark Valentine; added: May 2006) Audrey Niffenegger The Time Traveler's Wife (review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: May 2004) The Time Traveler's Wife (review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2005 Arthur C Clarke Award shortlist; added: February 2005) Larry Niven Destiny's Road (review by John D Owen; added: December 1997)Rainbow Mars (review by Peter D Tillman; added: June 1999)Ringworld's Children by Larry Niven (review in John D Owen's "Parallel Evolution and Two Big Dumb Objects") Garth Nix Sabriel (review by Meredith; added: August 2002) Jeff Noon Pixel Juice (review by Noel K Hannan; added: May 2000)Needle in the Groove (review by Noel K Hannan; added: November 2000)Falling Out of Cars (review by Josh Lacey; added: Febuary 2003)Falling out of Cars (review in in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction, added: June 2003) Naomi Novik Temeraire, books 1-3 (review by Simeon Shoul; added: May 2007) Tim O'Laughlin Phoenix Fire (review by John Grant; added: June 2001) Patrick O'Leary The Impossible Bird (review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: April 2003) Jerry Oltion Abandon In Place (review by Marianne Plumridge; added: December 2002) Daniel O'Mahony The Cabinet of Light (review by Russell Cook; added: December 2003) Frederick I Ordway III Visions of Spaceflight: Images from the Ordway Collection (review by James JJ Wilson; added: September 2001) Monica J O'Rourke (editor) Decadence (review by John Grant; added: October 2002) Paul Outhwaite Automatic Living (review by Stuart Carter; added: September 2002) Everett Owens X-Files: Regeneration (review by John D Owen; added: July 2000) Chuck Palahniuk Lullaby (review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: April 2003) Diary (review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: December 2003) Charles Palliser The Unburied (review by Claude Lalumière; added September 2004) Stephen Palmer Muezzinland (review by John Toon; added: January 2003) Flowercrash (review by John Toon; added: February 2003) Hallucinating (review John Toon; added: June 2004) KJ Parker Shadow: The Scavenger Trilogy, Book One (review by Simeon Shoul; added: August 2002) Pattern: The Scavenger Trilogy, Book Two (review by Simeon Shoul; added: August 2002) Memory: The Scavenger Trilogy, Book Three (review by Simeon Shoul; added: March 2004) Devices and Desires: The Engineer Trilogy Book One (review by Simeon Shoul; added: July 2005) Rosalie Parker (editor) Strange Tales (review by Mario Guslandi; added: May 2004) Fred Patten (editor) Best in Show: Fifteen Years of Outstanding Furry Fiction (review by Elizabeth Barrette; added: March 2004) John Pelan (editor, with Michael Reaves) Shadows Over Baker Street: New Tales of Terror (review by Marianne Plumridge; added: February 2005) Alice Perrin The sistrum and other ghost stories (review by Mario Guslandi; added: July 2001) Robert Perry and Mike Tucker Companion Piece (review by Caleb Woodbridge; added: August 2004) Stefan Petrucha Time Hunter: The Tunnel at the End of the Light (review by Russell Cook) Holly Phillips In the Palace of Repose (reviewed in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: January 2006) Robert Phillips (editor) Nightshade: 20th Century Ghost Stories (review by Nick Gifford; added: October 2002) Tom Piccirilli A Choir of Ill Children (review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: December 2004) Terri Pine, Andrew Muller and Peter Lee Chill (review by Thomas Staab; added: March 2003) Paul Pinn The Pariah (review by Noel K Hannan; added: March 2001) The Horizontal Split (review by Noel K Hannan; added: July 2001) Idiopathic Condition Red (review by Noel K Hannan; added: March 2002) Ricardo Pinto The Standing Dead (review by Simeon Shoul; added: September 2003) Stephen Pirie Digging up Donald (review by Christopher Teague; added: December 2005) Frederik Pohl and CM Kornbluth Wolfbane (review by Simon Ings; added: November 2000) The Space Merchants (review by Eric Brown; added: December 2003) Tom Pomplun (editor) Graphic Classics: HP Lovecraft (review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: August 2003) Postcripts Postscripts: issue 1 (review by Keith Brooke; added September 2004) Postscripts: issues 3 and 4 (review by Keith Brooke; added: September 2005) Postscripts: issue 5 (review by Keith Brooke; added: March 2006) Tim Powers Declare (review by Philip Raines; added: November 2002) Terry Pratchett The Last Continent (review by John D Owen; added: June 1998)Carpe Jugulum (review by John D Owen; added: November 1998)The Fifth Elephant (review by John D Owen; added: December 1999)The Truth (review by John D Owen; added: November 2000)The City Watch Trilogy and Guards! Guards! (graphic novel version) (review by Nick Gifford; added: February 2001)Thief of Time (review by John Grant; added: June 2001)The Wee Free Men (review by Caleb Woodbridge; added: September 2003)Going Postal (review in John D Owen's "Parallel Evolution and Two Big Dumb Objects")The Last Hero (review by Caleb Woodbridge; added: April 2005) Fletcher Pratt and L Sprague de Camp The Compleat Enchanter - The Magical Misadventures of Harold Shea (review by John Grant; added: March 2001) Tim Pratt The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl (reviewed in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added: January 2007) Don Presnell and Marty McGee _A Critical History of Television's_The Twilight Zone 1959-1964 (review by Randy M Dannenfelser; added: April 2001) Alan David Price The Other Side of the Mirror (review by Noel K Hannan; added: May 2000) Robert M Price (editor) Tales of the Lovecraft Mythos (review by Marianne Plumridge; added: January 2004) Susan Price The Sterkarm Handshake (review by Tony Ballantyne; added: November 2003) Christopher Priest The Dream Archipelago (review by Nick Gevers; added: July 1999)The Separation (review by Philip Raines; added: January 2003)The Separation (review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2003 Arthur C Clarke Award shortlist; added: February 2003) David Pringle (editor) The Ant-Men of Tibet and other stories (review by Kit Reed; added: November 2001) Antonio Prohias Spy vs Spy: The Complete Casebook (review by Randy M Dannenfelser; added: August 2002) WM Pugmire The Fungal Stain and other dreams (review by William P Simmons; added: March 2007) Philip Pullman Northern Lights (review by Nick Gevers; added: July 1999)The Subtle Knife (review by Nick Gevers; added: July 1999) Mike E Purfield Dirty Boots (review by John Grant; added: May 2003) Thomas Pynchon Against the Day (review by Adam Roberts; added: February 2007)