Arrays of Light, Ken Wilber's Tables of Correspondence, Hugh Martin (original) (raw)


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HUGH MARTIN is listed in Who's Who in the World. He has appeared on numerous talk shows, led seminars at many colleges and corporations, and spoken at numerous professional conferences and colloquia. Mr. Martin is president of the NASD-registered securities brokerage firm, Hugh Martin Securities, and of the SEC-registered investment advisory firm, Hugh Martin & Co. Hugh is also president and co-founder of the life planning and counseling firm, Whole Life Advisory. AMALIA KAYE MARTIN ('Kaye') is a gifted natural medicine practitioner and an instructor in nutrition and natural medicine at Baumann College.

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Ken Wilber's Tables of Correspondence


Hugh and Kaye Martin

  1. Wilber's famous tables
  2. Revisions and additions
    1. Organization and structure
      1. Categories and sub-categories
      2. Realms of growth
      3. Sectors of growth: Arenas, Lines, and Studies
      4. Steps, Stages, and Transitions of growth: The Fundamental Developmental Sequence
      5. Participants in the growth process
      6. Processes of growth and transformation
      7. Chronological and cultural arrangement
    2. Formatting
      1. Reverse sequencing
      2. Expanded pages
      3. Headings and numbering
      4. Formatting that signifies
    3. Ambiguities, errors, and placements
      1. Establishing identity
      2. Recategorization
      3. Consolidation
      4. Precedence
    4. Background information
      1. Introduction to the Table
      2. Identity
      3. Birth/death dates
      4. Topic name
      5. Position/role
      6. Contribution/significance
      7. Pertinent works/Studies
      8. Wilber source/s
    5. Additional Studies
  3. Future revisions and additions
  4. Conclusion
  5. Appendices
    1. Wilber's Tables from Integral Psychology -- original categorization
    2. Wilber's Tables from Integral Psychology -- revised categorization (this article) | Download as Word (4 MB) | View in popup windows
    3. Tables of Correspondence -- expanded categorization
  6. Hugh & Kaye Martin � Biographical information


Ken Wilber's Tables represent the distilled essence of his work. In them, he delineates the entire sequence of development, applicable to every process of human growth. Then, he demonstrates plausibly how dozens of authorities, in broadly diverse fields, all define and elucidate some aspect of that great sequence. Where else does he summarize his whole system of human development so tangibly, so comprehensively, so succinctly, so convincingly?

Indeed, Wilber's Tables are a fundamental underpinning of his work. They are the platform he uses to summarize the evidence that supports and substantiates his theories. If the Tables are not well-organized, understandable, accurate, representative, and complete, Wilber's whole system stands on shaky ground.

The most extensive compilation of Tables is found in the Appendix to Wilber's Integral Psychology � where he encapsulates and correlates the work of over 100 diverse authorities � philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, gurus, and mystics. These famous Tables are generally given a friendly nod by Wilber fans, but seldom lingered over. Although they are respected, they are rarely examined carefully � either for possible flaws, or for nuggets of wisdom found nowhere else in such concentrated form. Why not?

There may be several reasons why the Tables are passed over lightly:

This article is intended to overcome the foregoing impediments and misconceptions � by presenting a redesigned version of the Tables that is more appealing, more accessible, more informative, and more useful. To accomplish this, the Tables have been reorganized and expanded using a system derived from Wilber we call the Whole Life Model (WLM). Elements of the WLM are presented throughout the Introduction � as they apply to a particular topic. Parallels to and departures from Wilber are indicated in the footnotes. Key terms are Capitalized; the first appearance of such terms is bolded .

Our purpose is fourfold:

Since no one can be an expert on such a vast array of fields, the article is offered not as a definitive pronouncement � but as an invitation to focused inquiry and spirited discussion. Revising and expanding Wilber's Tables is an ongoing, collaborative effort. Your comments, questions, suggested modifications, and proposed additions are welcomed.


We have revised Wilber's Tables in five major ways � revamping organization and structure; improving formatting; correcting ambiguities, errors, and placements; providing background information; and including additional Studies. The sections that follow will discuss each of these topics in turn.

Organization and Structure

We have revised Wilber's arrangement of tables for two reasons: 1) to better emphasize key similarities, relationships, and correspondences, and 2) to reveal under-represented fields of integral research which deserve further study. To facilitate each comparison, three versions of the Tables are displayed in the Appendices:

Categories and sub-categories

As outlined in Appendix 2, we have divided the Tables into eight major categories, along with a series of sub-categories � comprising 28 Tables altogether. Our system of reorganization uses six basic parameters:

Each of these parameters is discussed in successive sections below.

Realms of growth

As we view it, there are four major domains, or Realms , of human experience in which growth and development can occur: everyday life, the physical body, the psyche, and the spirit. Within a given Realm, Passages are the series of progressions that lead us through the various phases of development.

Life Passages are the external phases of accomplishment or achievement that occur as we progress through the life cycle. Psyche Passages are the internal phases of mental maturation that occur as we progress through the Stages of psychological development. Body Passages are the internal phases and regions of physical enlivenment that occur as we awaken and connect the energy centers of our body. Spirit Passages are the internal phases of spiritual awakening that occur as we pass through the Stages and states of spiritual development. Categories 3 through 6 in Appendix 2 represent these four Realms.

Sectors of growth: Arenas, Lines, and Studies

For any given Realm, growth takes place within distinct Sectors � areas of special attention which we call Arenas, Lines, and Studies. As we define it, Arenas are the general spheres of action, the areas of experience, the themes of development, components of structure, or the aspects of personal evolution within which growth takes place (ex: Ethics/Morality). A Line represents a particular type of development within a given Arena (ex: the Perspectives approach to Ethics). A Study refers to the research work performed by a particular Contributor within a particular Line of inquiry (ex: Lawrence Kohlberg's Study of the derivation of moral judgments). A Contributor is a person who develops a Study. A Table is an array of Studies by various Contributors.

In Appendix 2, the Realm of Psychological Development is divided into nine separate Arenas. The Arena of Ethics/Morality is divided into two separate Lines.

Steps, Stages, and Transitions of growth: The Fundamental Developmental Sequence

The basic structural element of Wilber's Tables is the Fundamental Developmental Sequence (FDS) � a series of 38 Steps which trace increasing complexity, development, or evolution within a system. These Steps are in turn consolidated into a set of 12 Stages (and States).

As we conceive it, Stages are the levels of development, maturity, enlivenment, or enlightenment through which we pass as we grow. Stages are generally periods of horizontal Translation � times when we are getting better at (or broadening the application of) things we already know how to do. The Stages in a development sequence are linked by Transitions . Transitions are the quantum leaps that take us from one Stage to the next. Transitions are generally periods of vertical Transformation � times when we are becoming something we never were before. (For example, learning to read is a Transition; reading picture books with increasing proficiency is a Stage.)

Although characterized as a neat, ladder-like progression, growth is, of course, a very 'messy affair' � with the Self wandering all over the behavioral map (from mature to infantile) from one moment to the next. Likewise, the number, order, and character of developmental Steps is somewhat arbitrary and subjective.

Our Tables replicate Wilber's 35-Step FDS � clarifying ambiguities where necessary, and interpolating Transitions in unlabelled gaps between Stages and between cognitive ranges (Wilber's other standard benchmark). To accommodate systems that might extend beyond Wilber's FDS, additional Stages have been added above and below Wilber's sequence --Beyond Consciousness/Divine and Before Matter/Void, respectively.

In our Tables, the components of growth sequence have been highlighted in three ways: Each Step of the FDS has been numbered. The bands (multiple rows) comprising each Stage have been assigned a color (using the Chakra colors for the seven central Stages). Each Transition row has been marked in gray.

As with Wilber, the FDS is displayed on the far left of each Table as a point of reference. On the right side of many tables, separated by a heavy vertical line, is a selection of additional 'correlative structures' -- benchmarks or frames of reference -- for further comparison.

Participants in the growth process

In our approach, those who do the growing are called Participants . Participants are either individuals (self, ego) or collective groups (couples, families, communities, cultures, etc.). Categories 3 through 6 in Appendix 2 represent growth by individuals. Category 7 depicts collective growth at the socio-cultural level.

Processes of growth and transformation

As we progress through the various Steps and Stages of the FDS, our growth is supported and implemented by a variety of techniques, therapies, or Processes. Many Processes are particularly effective at a specific Stage of development.

Some of these Processes are displayed in category 8 of Appendix 2.

Chronological and cultural arrangement

Within a given Table, Contributors are generally arranged chronologically from left to right by birth date, to provide easier comparison of persons from a given era. Where appropriate, Tables have been divided between different cultural traditions (East vs. West); between different historical periods (ancient vs. classic vs. modern); or between Wilber and other Contributors. Categories (such as Arenas) are listed from simple to complex, or from earliest to latest, as the situation warrants. Some Studies have been reproduced on more than one Table, if they illustrate a significant similarity or relationship. Occasionally, the order is modified to place similar or mutually-influenced Studies side-by-side.


Formatting has been improved to clarify the underlying concepts � as well as to enhance the visual effect. We have improved formatting in at least four ways -- reverse sequencing; expanded pages; headings and numbering; and formatting that signifies.

Reverse sequencing

Intuitively, as we move from lower to higher Stages of development, our impulse is to move from lower to higher on the page. To reinforce this association, Steps in the Tables are arranged in ascending order � with the lowest, most primitive Stages at the bottom of the page. Thus, to receive its full impact, each Table should be read from bottom to top . Upward arrows are provided at left to guide the reader's gaze. Although reading up the page takes a while to get used to, it pays off with increased understanding.

Expanded pages

Since Wilber's Tables are constrained by the 6x9� printed page, they can accommodate a limited number of Studies per page, with minimal information in each cell. Since our Tables are 14� wide with no limitation in length, they can include more Studies in each table, and more information from each Study. Our Tables can be read either as a continuous scroll on the computer monitor � or as a set of 8x14� printed sheets (usually 3 or 4) laid edge to edge.

Headings and numbering

Key groupings within a particular development sequence are indicated by headings in CAPS and/or bold. Generally, within a particular system or Study, CAPS indicate the broadest categories of development, while bold indicates the next broadest. Numbers before the heading indicate its place in the sequence. Numbers in {brackets} after a heading indicate the range of Steps encompassed by it.

Formatting that signifies

Formatting in Wilber's Tables is not merely a matter of design. Certain formatting elements -- indentation, carry-on phrases, capitalization, bolding, parentheses, brackets, arrows, slashes, numbers, bullets, caesura, and vertical notation -- can have cryptic significance that can seriously influence the meaning of the Table. Did an indent connote a subcategory, or an extension of a previous line, or is the phrase just centered on the column? When a phrase carries over to a second row, does the entry pertain to both Steps, or just the initial one? What does a particular abbreviation or condensed phrase stand for? Does the capitalization or bolding convey a heading � and, if so, what items under it are covered? What part of the formatting is just an expedient because Wilber ran out of space? Although many such occurrences are difficult to decipher, we have made our best interpretation, and clarified the entry accordingly.

Ambiguities, Errors, and Placements

A variety of ambiguities and errors have been clarified or rectified. The placement of certain Studies has been recategorized or consolidated. The precedence between pairs of Contributors has been standardized.

Establishing identity

The identity of a number of Contributors needed clarification or correction. Is 'H. Gardner' Howard Gardner (Frames of Mind), or Harry Gardiner (Lives Across Cultures) (IP 213)? [answer: Harry] Is 'Funk' Mary Funk (Desert Fathers) or Joel Funk (transcendent states) (IP 209)? [answer: Joel] Who is Fortune (IP 212)? Or Peck (IP 207)? [answers: I don't know!]


The Studies of several Contributors were moved to Tables where they seemed to fit better. Jaspers, Pascual-Leone, Steiner, Washburn, and Wade were moved from Ego/Self to Spirit. Beck and Neumann were moved from Ego/Self to Culture. Benack was moved from Miscellaneous to Ethical Perspectives.


Pairs of Studies by the same or related Contributors were sometimes consolidated into a single column. Thus, Pascual-Leone's Studies under Ego/Self and Cognition (IP 202, 204) were consolidated under Cognition. Lenski was consolidated with cultural Ages (IP 214); Piaget with Buel (IP 208); and Gebser with Feuerstein (IP 215).


In situations where two Contributors were listed, the originator was given precedence over a disciple or interpreter. Thus, Blavatsky appears above Leadbeater (IP 200); Commons above Richards (IP 201); the Maharishi above Alexander (IP 201, 211); Kirchenbaum above Howe (IP 208); King above Kirchener (IP 206), Eastern Orthodox above Chirban (IP 211), Piaget with Buel (IP 208), Brown above Engler (IP 210), Heard above Huston (IP 214); and Gebser above Feuerstein (IP 215).

Background Information

The value of the Studies in each Table is enhanced immensely when they are put in context. With this is mind, background information is provided to answer the key questions that help explain each Contributor:

Additional Studies

Occasionally, Studies not included by Wilber are added to a Table, if they illuminate some important point of comparison. Such Studies are distinguished from Wilber's by light-grey shading in the Background section. The most extensive additions are the two-table spread on Don Beck's Spiral Dynamics, and our own contributions to the Life Passages Table.


These Tables are a work in progress. Much work still needs to be done in six areas of investigation � organization and structure; formatting; ambiguities, errors, and placements; background information; interpretation; and additional Studies.

Organization and Structure
Expanded categorization

The system of categorization employed in this article is designed to accommodate all of Wilber's actual Tables. However, a more complete system is needed to encompass the complete range of possible developmental Tables. That system would serve to highlight gaps in our understanding � and to indicate potential areas for future research and investigation. Appendix 3 presents a working model of that proposed expansion.

That expansion would include changes in Realms, Sectors, the FDS, Participants, and Dimensions � as described below.

Realms of growth

The four major Realms of human development have been adequately identified. However, the three internal Realms � Body, Psyche, and Spirit � are viewed in Eastern thought (the Chakras, for example) as different manifestations of the same phenomenon. The present Tables divide Studies by Realm; additional Tables might combine Studies from all three Realms � to illustrate specific correspondences.

Sectors of growth

Life development . There are 10 or 12 well-established Arenas of Life Passages. (See Appendix 3, category 3.) These need to be fleshed out, with their patterns of development delineated. What would development look like in the Arenas of career, of financial awareness, of health concerns, etc.?

Psychological development. The Arenas of Psyche Passages represent by far the largest segment of Wilber's Studies. However, even in this field, only the Arenas of cognition, ethics, and ego are well-represented. More Studies are needed to flesh out the Arenas of sexuality, emotions, creativity, and so forth. (See Appendix 3, category 4.)

Bodily development. Are there Arenas for Body Passages � comparable to those for Life Passages and Psyche Passages above? (See Appendix 3, category 5.) Can the physical location of each Chakra be linked to a particular bodily system, organ, spinal segment, and/or set of maladies? Much work is needed here to establish correspondences where there is solid evidence.

Spiritual development. The Spiritual Realm is broadly represented in Wilber's Tables � but only in the Arenas of mysticism and religious practice. (See Appendix 3, category 6.) Are there other paths to enlightenment � such as dreams, or archetypal myths, or even reverent works? Might these paths qualify as separate Arenas � and, if so, what are their Stages of development?

The Fundamental Developmental Sequence

The FDS is brilliantly conceived and breathtaking in its range of application. However, the sequence itself deserves further examination: What does each Step mean? How valid is it? Do the Steps necessarily follow each other in the stated order? Are there any important gaps or omissions? (See Appendix 3, Table 1A.)


Wilber's Tables concentrate almost exclusively on growth by individuals -- while collective growth is represented only on the largest scale, in socio-cultural evolution. Other categories of Collective Participants are well-known -- couples, families, clans, work groups, and communities, etc. Studies tracing collective development of such groups needs to be added to our Tables. (See Appendix 3, category 7.)

Multiple dimensions

As we see it, there are at least five major Dimensions to the growth process � each of which addresses a key question regarding human development:

Virtually all Wilber's Tables pertain only to the first Dimension of growth -- Passages. That is, all these Tables are defined on the vertical axis by the FDS � and therefore focus on the growth sequence. To complete the development picture, more tables and arrays are needed to explore and illustrate the other four Dimensions. (See Appendix 3, sections B-E.)


Additional work is needed to make the Tables clearer, more appealing, more accessible.

Headings and numbering

Our system of headings indicated by bolds and CAPS � as well as our system of numbering and {bracketing} � is an improvement, but is sometimes difficult to follow. Because the Tables are to be read up the page, the highlight headings refer to items above them � which can prove confusing.

Formatting that signifies

Much work still needs doing to interpret and clarify the cryptic formatting elements in Wilber's Tables. No doubt, many of them will become clear only when Wilber himself tells us what they mean.

Ambiguities, Errors, and Placements

Clarifying, correcting, and reorganizing the information in Wilber's Tables is an ongoing process.

Background Information

Background information on many Contributors is seriously incomplete. Much work is needed here to correct errors and fill in the gaps.

In addition, a Glossary specific to the Tables is needed. Terms like pleromatic, uruboric , and axial occur in various Wilber works, and have been explained by others. But what about terms that seem to appear only in the Tables � terms like exocept, endocept, and panenhenic?


The breadth and originality of scholarship in Wilber's Tables is awesome. However, further study is needed to determine whether each Contributor's work has been accurately and adequately summarized, and whether various versions or evolutions of the Contributor's system have been taken into account.

Additional Studies

The Expanded Table of Correspondences (Appendix 3) reveals many fruitful areas for future investigation. In later iterations of this article, we intend to flesh out Wilber's pioneering Studies with many Tables of our own and of other participants.


We began this Introduction by posing a question and a dilemma: Since Wilber's Tables are so important, why haven't they received more attention? In this Introduction, we've provided an constructive answer to that question and dilemma. Through a comprehensive set of revisions and expansions, we have endeavored to bring the Tables to life � to make them more appealing, more informative, more useful, and more inspiring.

Now that you are prepared, we encourage you to explore and investigate the Tables in greater depth. As you engage yourself in the Tables, ask yourself questions from the four perspectives outlined at the beginning of this paper:

As you explore the Tables from these five perspectives, we hope that you, like us, will experience Wilber's Tables as Arrays of Light.



Original Categories

  1. Wilber Correlations (A & B)
  2. Basic Structures of Other Systems (A & B)
  3. Cognitive development (A & B)
  4. Self-related Stages (A, B, & C)
  5. Self-related Stages of Morals and Perspectives (A, B, & C)
  6. Stages of Spirituality (A, B, & C)
  7. Miscellaneous Developmental Lines
  8. Miscellaneous
  9. Sociocultural Evolution (A & B)
  10. Jurgen Habermas
  11. James Mark Baldwin

Revised Categories (used in this article). Download as Word document (4 MB).

  1. Correlative Structures
    1. The Fundamental Developmental Sequence (FDS)
    2. Wilber
    3. Investigators other than Wilber
  2. Spectrum of Consciousness
    1. East and Ancient
    2. Westerners (incl. Eastern influence)
  3. Stages of Life Development
  4. Stages of Psychological Development
    1. Fundamental needs
    2. Sexuality
    3. Affect & Emotions
    4. Ego / Proximate Self
    5. Leadership
    6. Cognition
      1. Classic Investigators
      2. Modern Investigators
    7. Art, Aesthetics, & Creativity
    8. Ethics/Morality
      1. Principles
      2. Perspectives � Wilber
      3. Perspectives -- Modern Investigators
    9. Worldviews
  5. Stages and Structures of Physical Development
  6. Spiritual Stages and States
    1. Eastern Mystics
    2. Christian Mystics (West/East)
    3. Classic Western Investigators
    4. Modern Western Investigators
  7. Stages of Socio-cultural Evolution
    1. Wilber and Classic Investigators
    2. Modern Investigators
    3. Spiral Dynamics 1
    4. Spiral Dynamics 2
  8. Processes of Growth and Transformation

Expanded Categories (tentative working model)

    1. Correlative Structures
      1. The Fundamental Developmental Sequence (FDS)
      2. Wilber
      3. Investigators other than Wilber
    2. Spectrum of Consciousness
      1. East and Ancient
      2. Westerners (incl. Eastern influence)
    3. Stages of Life Development
      1. Education and skills-building
      2. Career and calling
      3. Finances and investments
      4. Health and well-being
      5. Recreation and enjoyment
      6. Nature and cosmos
      7. Marriage and relationships
      8. Sexuality and sensuality
      9. Family and children
      10. Friendships and community
      11. Society and culture
    4. Stages of Psychological Development
      1. Fundamental needs
      2. Sexuality
      3. Affect & Emotions
      4. Ego / Proximate Self
      5. Leadership
      6. Cognition
        1. Classic Investigators
        2. Modern Investigators
      7. Art, Aesthetics, & Creativity
      8. Ethics/Morality
        1. Principles
        2. Perspectives -- Wilber
        3. Perspectives -- Modern Investigators
      9. Worldviews
    5. Stages and Structures of Physical Development [Arenas under development]
    6. Spiritual Stages and States [Arenas under development]
      1. Eastern Mystics
      2. Christian Mystics (West/East)
      3. Classic Western Investigators
      4. Modern Western Investigators
    7. Stages of collective development
      1. Couples
      2. Families/clans
      3. Workgroups
      4. Communities
      5. Societies and cultures
        1. Wilber and Classic Investigators
        2. Modern Investigators
        3. Spiral Dynamics 1
        4. Spiral Dynamics 2
      6. Multi-generational cycles
    8. Processes of Growth and Transformation
  2. PARTICIPANTS [Sections B through E under development]
Biographical Information

HUGH MARTIN is listed in Who's Who in the World. He has appeared on numerous talk shows, led seminars at many colleges and corporations, and spoken at numerous professional conferences and colloquia. Mr. Martin is president of the NASD-registered securities brokerage firm, Hugh Martin Securities, and of the SEC-registered investment advisory firm, Hugh Martin & Co. Hugh is also president and co-founder of the life planning and counseling firm, Whole Life Advisory.

AMALIA KAYE MARTIN ('Kaye') is a gifted natural medicine practitioner and an instructor in nutrition and natural medicine at Baumann College. Kaye is a dedicated homemaker, a devoted mother, perceptive life coach, certified natural foods chef, and dynamic community organizer.

HUGH AND KAYE. Hugh and Kaye are best qualified as integral theorists because they have lead integral lives. Both have richly diverse backgrounds in a multitude of fields:

WHOLE LIFE ADVISORY. Using the experiences and expertise described above, Hugh and Kaye have developed a program of personal and professional growth called Whole Life Advisory. Whole Life Advisory empowers clients to achieve success and fulfillment in the 12 most important arenas of life: education, career, marriage, family, community, emotions, sexuality, finances, health, recreation, nature, and spirituality.