View 316 June 28 - July 4, 2004 (original) (raw)

Monday June 28, 2004

I am hard at work on my new novel. I also have bills to pay. There are good discussions in MAIL, and I'll get back to the rather depressing situation in Iraq. Again I take no pleasure in having been right, and I can hope that ultimately things will work out well there; but I have not changed my mind. We should do what we can to extricate ourselves from all foreign entanglements and invest heavily in energy independence: at least 50 1000 Megawatt nuclear power plants; x-projects and prizes to develop fuel cell and other electricity to mobility technologies; and x-projects and prizes to develop economical access to space. Once it's cheap to go to space, space solar power becomes quite economical.

The transition from filling stations and petroleum and internal combustion engines as the primary ecosystem for transportation to a new system based on electricity won't be easy. It may involve some intermediate distribution medium like hydrogen or propane. (Hydrogen has advantages and disadvantages, but it is a distribution system; there are no hydrogen wells. The power has to come from something else like solar or nuclear power.)

Energy independence won't come instantly, and it will be neither easy nor cheap -- but it will be both easier and cheaper than trying to transform the Middle East into peaceful nations friendly to the West.

There was a lot of good stuff in MAIL over the weekend.


Subject: I thought you might find this interesting


and indeed it is: why we need perpetual war for perpetual peace...


And we have from last Friday:

More on IIS/IE compromises

Be thankful you run Apache on Linux, heh:

---Roland Dobbins

Actually, my web site is run on a Unix box, and isn't likely to be attacked. I haven't seen what a firewall and NAT does to this worm.

Note that the first reference above gives information on how to detect and treat infections, and how to guard against them. No machine at Chaos Manor has been infected in any way.


Now go over to mail and look at this, and comment.....

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