Mail Format And Prioity (original) (raw)

If you have many questions, please understand that I probably won' t have time to answer them. If you want me to post your mail in hopes of getting others to answer your questions, it is important that you make it as easy for me to post your letter as possible. That means at least:YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS in the MAIN BODY of your mail if you want that included; if not, SIGN the mail with the name you do want. IF YOU DO NOT WANT your email address published, DO NOT INCLUDE IT IN THE SIGNATURE! If there is a subject you want to appear in the mail PUT IT IN THE MAIN BODY. PUT your mail in as simple a format as possible.

DOUBLESPACE between paragraphs. The "paste special" command in Front Page will do a pretty good job of removing extra line ends, and formatting things in a normal manner, if there is a clear distinction between lines and paragraphs. DOUBLESPACE BETWEEN PARAGRAPHS. Doublespace between paragraphs. What I tell you three times is true.

Get that much done and we have a chance.

OUTLOOK does not put "From" or "Subject" anywhere in the body of the message; that is, to include each takes a separate mark, copy, and paste operation. That adds up in time. It is better if you PUT YOUR ADDRESS (or at least signature as you want it published) AND SUBJECT IN THE MAIN BODY TEXT. If you do not want your email address published, do not put it in the main body of the text.

DO NOT TAB anything over to the right. A simple "cheers" tabbed off to the right will cause block indents that make people horizontally scroll unless I see it and change it by hand. It took trouble for you to put "cheers" and/or your name way over there to the right and it takes trouble for me to correct it; the vectorial sum of that effort is zero; so why do it?

Now this:

I used to ask for mail to be sent as an attached Word Document. Now I ask that it NOT be sent that way. Format it as you will, put the subject and your signature in the main body of the mail, and send it. Outlook is good at displaying your mail in plaintext, and FrontPage has a paste special that works.