A word from the publishers |
8 |
PART 1 – Yiddish |
A. The History of Jews in Będzin |
About the Zagłębie Almanac and its author |
D. L. |
9 |
Almanac Zagłębie |
Szymon Rotenberg |
10 |
A Będzin Jew as an officer in the Polish Legion during Napoleon's leadership |
Prof. Dr. Majer Bałaban |
33 |
Jewish miners in Zagłębie |
Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum |
34 |
The Jewish historical past in the area of Zagłębie and surroundings |
M. Kantor-Mirsky |
36 |
The pinkasim [record books] of the Będzin societies |
Moisze Manela and Sz. Rotenberg |
37 |
A quarter of a century of Jewish Będzin chronicles |
M. B. Berg |
54 |
The rise of the Yiddish printed word in Zagłębie |
L. Szpigelman |
64 |
Będzin's self-administration |
Dr. R. Rechtman |
69 |
Będzin's Jewish community in liberated Poland |
J. F. |
71 |
The Jewish professional movement in Będzin |
M. V. Kaminsky |
72 |
The rise of the Będzin Jewish gimnazye [high school] “Yavne” |
J. Wygodzki |
75 |
Gymnastics and Sports Association “Hakoach” [the strength] |
Sz. Rozenblum |
84 |
The Yiddish Dramatic Society “Muze” [muse] |
88 |
The “Hazamir” [songbird] |
L. Goldsztajn |
90 |
The Geographic Society |
94 |
The Academic Circle “Ognisko” |
94 |
The Merchants Union |
95 |
The Retailers Union |
96 |
The Artisans' Union |
98 |
The Guilds of the Artisans' Union |
99 |
The Pioneers' Kibbutz Named for Ber Borochov |
100 |
Będzin writers and artists |
101 |
Memories of a Jew from Będzin about the Polish insurrections of 1831 and 1863 |
Dr. A. Szacki |
108 |
50 years trade and industry |
Dawid Liwer |
109 |
_Linas haTzedik_– Moyshe-Skeynim |
A. Gold |
118 |
The Gmiles Khesed Fund |
D. L. |
119 |
B. Memories |
The Second and Third Aliyah and Będzin Pioneers |
D. L. |
120 |
The Six Halutzim Pioneers of the Third Aliyah |
Yisroel Openhajm |
121 |
Memories of the Third Aliyah |
Shmuel Liwer |
122 |
Seven Będzin Halutzim travel to Eretz-Yisroel by car |
Dawid Avi-Menachem |
124 |
Characters and episodes of former Będzin |
Motek Hampel |
126 |
Jewish education in the beginning of the twentieth century |
Abram Gold |
133 |
The Jewish Workers Movement |
Yehiel Kaminski |
134 |
C. Way of life |
Shuls, Shtiblech and Minyanim |
Dawid Liwer |
136 |
Zagłębie (poem) |
Abram Blatt |
141 |
Menachem'ke emigrates to Eretz Yisrael |
Dawid Malec |
142 |
My first illegal trip from Kraków to Będzin in 1905 |
Jakob Kener |
143 |
There was a town Będzin |
Josl Harif |
146 |
Będzin types: |
1) Mr. Mosze Winter |
Szymon Israelowicz |
148 |
2) The psalm Jew |
Dawid Ben Klonimus |
148 |
3) The big winnings |
Motek Hampel |
148 |
4) Będzin – The “singing” town |
149 |
5) Crazy Sara |
Chana Szental-Raviv |
150 |
Legends about Będzin |
Tobiasz Israel Kaminski |
151 |
“Zagłębie life” |
M. H. |
153 |
Dos Yiddishe Wochenblat [Jewish weekly] |
Lipman Berkowicz |
155 |
Będziner dialects |
Dawid L. |
156 |
A few ideas gathered from Będzin newspapers |
Motek Hampel |
157 |
D. Characters |
Dr. Salomon Weinziher |
Abram Liwer |
169 |
Eliezer Rubinlicht |
D. L |
170 |
Mr. Mendel Rozenzaft |
Dawid Liwer |
171 |
Cyrele (Cesia) Szajn |
Abram Liwer |
172 |
Szymon Fürstenberg |
M. Hampel |
173 |
Icchak Wygodzki |
A. Liwer |
175 |
Mosze Kaminer |
Icchak Tencer |
175 |
Tewel Klajnman |
Abram Liwer |
176 |
Icchak Mordechai Pejsachson |
M. Hampel |
177 |
Roze Jakubowicz |
Dawid Liwer |
178 |
Abram Goldberg |
Mordechai Hampel |
178 |
Mosze Apelbaum |
Dawid Liwer |
180 |
Abram Goldkorn |
Avi Menachem |
181 |
Abram Szymon Rotenberg |
D. L |
182 |
Mordechai Berisz Rotenberg |
Liw. |
182 |
Dawid Zitman |
D. L. |
183 |
Dawid Micmacher |
D. L. |
183 |
Jicchak Rudoler |
D. L. |
183 |
Chaim Dawid Grosman |
D. L. |
184 |
Dr. Chaim Perl |
Dawid |
184 |
Herman Szer |
D. L. |
184 |
E. Doom |
Holocaust in Będzin |
Dawid Liwer |
185 |
Sons of Będzin in resistance activities in Auschwitz |
Dawid Liwer |
193 |
A Night after the War in Będzin (June 1946) |
Szmul Liwer |
194 |
A deciding meeting |
Dr. Feywl Widerman |
197 |
Homeless (poem) |
199 |
My prayer (poem) |
Avraham Blat |
199 |
Zaglembian communities in death |
M. Tsanin |
200 |
Of mass graves (poem) |
Juda Fefer |
201 |
Generations… (poem) |
Shloyme Grosman |
202 |
Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto |
Dr. E. Ringelblum |
204 |
The grave (poem) |
J. Abrami (Lustig) |
205 |
Leave me free (poem) |
Juda Fefer |
205 |
There Was a Condemned Street (Behind the Mountain)… |
Szmuel Klajnman |
206 |
A Tragic Religious kehila |
Moshe Benyamin Klajnman |
207 |
After the Liberation |
Eliezer Merin |
209 |
The Będzin Refugees Committee for Jews Driven Out of Germany |
Motl Gold |
210 |
A Eulogy |
Mordechai Hampel |
212 |
PART 2 – Hebrew |
Synagogue |
213 |
A. Chapters from the Past |
The history of “Ma'asaf Zagłębie” |
M. H. |
215 |
The history of Jewish Będzin |
S. Rotenburg |
216 |
In the Days of the Polish Rebellion in 1831 |
Dr. Szacki |
219 |
The Struggle of the Jewish Worker with the Czarist Rule |
Arie Szwajcer |
220 |
The first six pioneers of the Third Aliyah |
Jakob Lasker |
222 |
The first six |
“Ha'aretz Veha'avoda”, 1919 |
224 |
B. Orthodox Będzin |
Of Righteous Men and Hasidim |
M. S. Geshuri |
225 |
Houses of the great and the minor “Admorim” |
M. S. Geshuri (Brukner) |
228 |
Kloyzes in Będzin |
M. S. Geshuri (Brukner) |
235 |
A History of Hazzanut in Będzin |
M. S. Geshuri (Brukner) |
249 |
Cantors in Będzin |
M. S. Geshuri (Brukner) |
250 |
C. Political Parties |
The Central Zionist Organization |
Dawid Liwer |
257 |
The Religious Zionist movement (Mizrachi – Young Mizrachi) |
Zew Landau |
258 |
How the young women's organization “Bruria” was founded |
Sara Sztajnberg |
259 |
The Rift and the Young Zionists Party |
D. L. |
259 |
The “Poale Zion” Party |
Jakob Majerowicz |
261 |
The “Poale Zion” party as depicted in the party newspaper |
M. H. |
263 |
The “Poale Zion Smol” [left-wing Zionist workers] |
M. H. |
265 |
The Zionist Workers party “Hahitachdut” |
D. L. |
268 |
The “Hatzohar” Movement |
Juda Fefer |
271 |
The “Wizo” organization |
M. H. |
273 |
“Bund” |
Mordechai Hampel |
274 |
“Folkspartei” (The People's Party) |
M. H. |
276 |
“Poale Agudat Israel” |
Mosze Binjamin Klajnman |
276 |
D. Youth Organizations |
“Hechalutz” [The Pioneer] |
M. Hampel |
278 |
How I was thrown out of the “Hachshara” (pioneer) training camp by the police |
M. H. |
279 |
“Hashomer Hatsair” |
Dr. Chaim Wolgryn |
280 |
“Hashachar” organization |
Mordechai Hampel |
281 |
The “Gordonian Pioneer” youth organization |
Mordechai Hampel |
283 |
“Gordonia” during the years of the war |
Mordechai Krzesiwo (Keshev) |
287 |
“Freiheit” – “Dror” |
Eliezer Karni (Krzeznicki) |
289 |
A Regional meeting of “Freiheit” in Będzin |
291 |
“Zionist Youth” |
Mordechai Hampel |
292 |
E. Culture and Education |
Representatives of the Hebrew language revival movement in Będzin |
Mosze Rozenker |
294 |
“Tarbut” organization |
M. H. |
295 |
The “Yavne” Gymnasium (secondary school) named after Fürstenberg |
Mordechai Hampel |
295 |
Będzin supports the Jewish Scientific Institute |
Icchak Pesachson |
297 |
F. Experiences |
At the gates of mercy (a poem) |
Abram Blat |
298 |
In the bowels of the earth (impressions from a trip) |
Yitzhak Ben-Zvi |
298 |
Dreaming and wide awake |
Dawid Malc |
300 |
Like a lost lamb |
Szlomo Cemach |
302 |
A visit to Zagłębie |
Joel Mastbaum |
304 |
Memories from days past |
Mosze Frenkel |
305 |
My teacher and mentor |
Szymon Rus |
306 |
Visits of dignitaries in Będzin |
Mordechai Hampel |
306 |
Echoes of the Opening of the Hebrew University |
Mordechai Hampel |
320 |
The Balfour Declaration and San Remo |
M. H. |
321 |
An Anti-British demonstration |
M. H. |
321 |
“Hakoach” |
M. H. |
322 |
H. Personalities |
Rabbi Isachar Berysz Graubart zatz”l |
M. H. |
323 |
Memories of The Great Rabbi Isachar Berysz Graubart zatz”l |
Chaim Vilner |
324 |
Rabbi Yekutiel Zalman Graubart z”l |
M. S. Geshuri |
325 |
Rabbi Zvi Chanoch HaCohen Levin zatz”l |
326 |
Rabbi Menachem Hager z”l |
Mordechai Hampel |
327 |
Rabbi Dan Yitzchak Lifshitz z”l |
D. L. |
327 |
Reb Yehoshua Telner z”l |
328 |
The Moreh Tzedek Rabbi Chanoch David |
D. L. |
328 |
The Dayan Reb Ytzchak Isaac Manela |
Avraham M. |
329 |
Rabbi Yosef Engel |
M. S. Geshuri |
329 |
Reb Mendel Shapira |
329 |
Reb Berysz Prager |
Dr. Gur-Aryeh (Tarlo) |
330 |
Cwi Natan Wiloga |
M. S. G. |
330 |
Reb Chaim Szajn |
M. Hampel |
331 |
Reb Szalom Klajner |
Zew Landau |
331 |
Nuta Londner |
Mordechai Hampel |
332 |
Reb Szlomo Icchak Rynski |
D. |
333 |
Dawid Gutensztajn |
Dawid L. |
333 |
Pinchas Lajb Buchwajc |
Dawid L. |
334 |
Chawa Hutner |
D. L. |
335 |
Dow Berysz Zylberszac |
D. L. |
335 |
Hilel Zabner |
M. S. G. |
335 |
Chaim Josef Zając |
M. S. G. |
335 |
Reb Jakob M. Gutman |
L. D. |
336 |
Miriam Tenenbaum |
D. |
336 |
Aron Hampel |
337 |
Mosze Openhajm |
337 |
Chana (Hanka) Bornsztajn |
Tzvi Tzur (Tzuchtelzon) |
337 |
Dawid Szapira (Juda Yafet) |
Dawid |
338 |
Dawid Szapira (Juda Yafet) |
M. S. G. |
339 |
Liwer's sons |
340 |
I . Shoah (Holocaust) |
Będzin in her destruction |
Dawid Liwer |
342 |
That which will not be forgotten… |
Arie Liwer |
347 |
The Underground in Będzin and its Vicinity |
Dawid Liwer |
356 |
“Hashomer Hatsair” – The Guard of the People's Dignity |
Chajka Klinger (Rozenberg) |
360 |
Homeless (a poem) |
translated by Abram Lewinson |
362 |
Sons of Będzin in resistance activities in Auschwitz |
Dawid Liwer |
363 |
In the bunkers |
Aron Brandes |
364 |
The community committee |
K. Tzetnik |
366 |
The academic intellectuals |
Attorney, Dr. Ruwen Rechtman |
369 |
“Are there Germans there?” |
Mosze Benjamin Klajnman |
370 |
On a mission to Będzin |
Sara Erlichman |
371 |
Będzin in the annals of the Holocaust |
372 |
The suit |
Stanislaw Wygodzki |
373 |
The Zagłębie Martyrs monument in Israel |
M. H. |
375 |
J. In memory of those who fell in the defense of Israel |
Jecheskiel Muntzik |
Mordechai Hampel |
377 |
Dov (Beryl) Hayshrik |
Mordechai Hampel |
377 |
Moishel Sandishov |
Mordechai Hampel |
377 |
Juda Klajner |
Mordechai Hampel |
378 |
Szmuel Dawid Vardi (Rozencwajg) |
“Hapoel Hatsair” |
378 |
Szlomo Rembiszewski |
Mordechai Hampel |
378 |
Zvi Kutner |
Mordechai Hampel |
379 |
Jonatan Weisbord |
J. Londner |
380 |
Reuven Elbaum |
380 |
Yechezkel Szlomo Auerbach |
381 |
Yeshayahu Ehrlich |
381 |
Yaakov Nehemiah Gottleib |
381 |
Aviv Gutman |
382 |
Aharon Weitzman |
382 |
Aron Handelsman |
382 |
Israel Aron Zlotnik |
383 |
Dawid Tishler |
383 |
Yehuda Lasker |
383 |
Josef Lancman |
384 |
Joel Zew Lustiger |
384 |
Szlomo (Shlomek) Metz |
384 |
Cwi Kuchman |
384 |
Szmul Nudelman |
385 |
Arie Fridler |
385 |
Alter Rechnic |
385 |
Baruch Pszenica (Chita) |
385 |
Josef Majer Parnes |
386 |
Szmul Bialka (Weiss) |
386 |
K. Organizations of former Będzin residents throughout the world |
1. Bedziners in Israel |
Mordechai Hampel |
387 |
2. Former Będzin residents in Israel |
Mordechai Hampel |
390 |
3. The Będzin Committee in Paris after the Second World War |
Mosze Rotenberg |
392 |
4. Będziner and Zaglembie Union in France |
Mordechai Gold |
393 |
5. Będziner in Australia |
Yoyne Lustig-Abrami |
394 |
6. The Będziner-Zaglembie Union in Canada |
The Committee |
397 |
7. The Będziner-Sosnowiecer Union in America |
Ab. Feldman |
398 |
Yizkor |
Mordechai Hampel |
400 |
Będziner landslayt (original pages) [ ](BedNec402.html) |
402 |
Będziner landslayt in memory of their relatives (transliterated) |
402 |
Index |
417 |
Errata and comments |
429 |
Bibliography |
430 |
List of photographs |
431 |