(130) Elektra, S/2003 (130) 1, S/2014 (130) 1, and third companion (original) (raw)

Asteroids with Satellites Database--Johnston's Archive

(130) Elektra, S/2003 (130) 1, S/2014 (130) 1, and third companion

compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston
last updated 7 November 2021

--Orbital and physical data--

(See this page for definitions of quantities; source codes in brackets, see this link for full references; *A, *D, and *E indicate assumed, derived, and estimated values, respectively.)

_dynamical type, primary:_main belt asteroid _orbital data, primary (osculating elements)_[JPL] :semimajor axis **a:**3.1266224144 AUorbital period **P:**5.528678778 yr (= 2019.3499237 d)eccentricity **e:**0.209225934perihelion distance **q:**2.472451919 AUaphelion distance **Q:**3.7807929096 AUinclination **i:**22.78180072°argument of perihelion **ω:**237.588274°ascending node **Ω:**145.0087347°mean anomaly **M:**87.7577563°perihelion passage **TP:2020 Feb 24.739949Epoch:2021 Jul 01data arc:1893-2021 (3377 obs.)Earth MOID:**1.54149 AUJupiter Tisserand invariant **TJ:3.062 orbital data, S/2003 (130) 1: binary dynamical type:**L [P07f]semimajor axis **as:**1298 ± 0.54 km [Y16a]separation/primary radius **as/rp:**13.0 [*D]separation/Hill radius **as/rH:**0.034 [*D]orbital period **Ps:**5.287 ± 0.001 d [Y16a]eccentricity **es:**0.0835 ± 0.0096 [Y16a]inclination **is:**160.21° ± 1.5° [Y16a] ascending node **Ωs:**176.1° ± 5.7° [Y16a]argument of pericenter **ωs:**184.4° ± 14.1° [Y16a] mean anomaly **M:**117.3° ± 11.7° [Y16a] normalized ang. mom. **αL:**0.46 [P07f] orbital data, S/2014 (130) 1: semimajor axis **as:**497.6 ± 0.33 km [Y16a]separation/primary radius **as/rp:**5.0 [*D]separation/Hill radius **as/rH:**0.013 [*D]orbital period **Ps:**1.256 ± 0.003 d [Y16a]eccentricity **es:**0.157 ± 0.036 [Y16a]inclination **is:**165.3° ± 8.2° [Y16a] ascending node **Ωs:**196.6° ± 9.6° [Y16a]argument of pericenter **ωs:**312.9° ± 11.4° [Y16a] mean anomaly **M:**50.6° ± 12.9° [Y16a] normalized ang. mom. αL:? orbital data, third companion: semimajor axis **as:**345 km [B21i]separation/primary radius **as/rp:**3.5 [*D]separation/Hill radius **as/rH:**0.009 [*D]orbital period **Ps:**0.7 d [B21i]eccentricity es:?normalized ang. mom. αL:? other data, system (combined): absolute mag. **H:**7.21 [MPC]slope parameter G: (0.15) [*A]effective diameter **dE:199 ± 7 km [H17a]geometric albedo:**0.071 ± 0.011 [M11b]color index **U-B:**0.483 [T95a]color index **B-V:0.753 [T95a]taxonomic type:**Ch (SMASSII) [JPL]G (Tholen) [JPL]mass **m:**6.6x1018 ± 4x1017kg [M08c]density **ρ:**1.6 ± 0.13 g/cm3[H17a]Hill radius **rH:**38000 km [*D] other data, primary: diameter **dp:**199 ± 7 km [H17a]dimensions **:**262 x 205 x 164 km [H17a] axial ratios **a/b, b/c:**1.28, 1.25 [*D] rotation period **RPp:**5.224663 h [H17a]amplitude in mag., rotational **ΔM:**0.58 [W14e]pole direction **Β, λ:**-88° , 71° [H17a] other data, S/2003 (130) 1: diameter **ds:**6.0 ± 1.5 km [Y16a]diameter ratio **ds/dp:**0.03 ± 0.008 [*D]component mag. difference **ΔM:**7.6 [*D]rotation period RPs:? other data, S/2014 (130) 1: diameter **ds:**2.0 ± 1.5 km [Y16a]diameter ratio **ds/dp:**0.010 ± 0.008 [*D]component mag. difference **ΔM:**10.0 [*D]rotation period RPs:? other data, third companion: diameter **ds:**1.6 km [B21i]diameter ratio **ds/dp:**0.008 [*D]component mag. difference **ΔM:**10.52 ± 0.5 [B21i]rotation period RPs:?

-- (130) Elektra, S/2003 (130) 1, S/2014 (130) 1, and third companion --discovery and notes:

Primary discovered 1873 Feb 17 from Clinton, New York, USA by C. H. F. Peters. Permanent number assigned 1873.

Named - for the Greek mythological character.

S/2003 (130) 1 discovered 2003 Aug 15 by W. J. Merline, P. M. Tamblyn, C. Dumas, L. M. Close, C. R. Chapman, and F. Menard using adaptive optics telescope observations from W. M. Keck II Telescope, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, USA. Announced 2003 Aug 17 [M03h]. Provisional designation S/2003 (130) 1.

S/2014 (130) 1 discovered 2014 Dec 06 by B. Yang, Z. Wahhaj, L. Beauvalet, F. Marchis, C. Dumas, M. Marsset, E. L. Nielsen, and F. Vachier using adaptive optics telescope observations from European Southern Observatory, Cerro Paranal, Chile. Announced 2014 Dec 17 [Y14b]. Provisional designation S/2014 (130) 1. Erroneous designation S/2014 (130) 2 retracted.

Third companion discovered 2014 Dec 09 by A. Berdeu, M. Langlois, and F. Vachier using adaptive optics telescope observations from Very Large Telescope, European Southern Observatory, Cerro Paranal, Chile. Announced 2021 Nov 06 [B21i].

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Last modified 7 November 2021.
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