
Nibutani (original) (raw)

Asteroids with Satellites Database--Johnston's Archive

(5135) Nibutani

compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston
last updated 30 April 2022

--Orbital and physical data--

(See this page for definitions of quantities; source codes in brackets, see this link for full references; *A, *D, and *E indicate assumed, derived, and estimated values, respectively.)

_dynamical type, primary:_main belt asteroid _orbital data, primary (osculating elements)_[JPL] :semimajor axis **a:**2.2390454431 AUorbital period **P:**3.3503822719 yr (= 1223.7502369 d)eccentricity **e:**0.128332499perihelion distance **q:**1.951703146 AUaphelion distance **Q:**2.52638774 AUinclination **i:**3.3051849°argument of perihelion **ω:**229.892085°ascending node **Ω:**35.458319°mean anomaly **M:**47.947127°perihelion passage **TP:2019 Dec 20.013033Epoch:2020 May 31data arc:1969-2020 (2833 obs.)Earth MOID:**0.937965 AUJupiter Tisserand invariant **TJ:**3.623 orbital data, secondary: semimajor axis **as:**9.6 km [*E]separation/primary radius **as/rp:**4.14 [*E]separation/Hill radius **as/rH:**0.014 [*E]orbital period **Ps:**0.9057 ± 0.0002 d [C20**]eccentricity es:?normalized ang. mom. αL:? other data, system (combined): absolute mag. **H:**13.5 [MPC]slope parameter G: (0.15) [*A]effective diameter dE:4.82 ± 0.15 km [M11b]geometric albedo:0.527 ± 0.155 [M11b]color index U-B:?color index B-V:?taxonomic type:?mass m:?density ρ: (1.6 g/cm3) [*A]Hill radius **rH:**710 km [*E] other data, primary: diameter **dp:**4.64 ± 0.15 km [*D]rotation period **RPp:**2.818 ± 0.00006 h [C20**]amplitude in mag., rotational **ΔM:**0.19 [C20**]amplitude in mag., mutual events **ΔM:**0.12 ±0.04 [C20**]pole direction Β, λ:? , ? other data, secondary: diameter **ds:**1.3 ± 0.1 km [*D]diameter ratio **ds/dp:**0.28 ± 0.02 [C20**]component mag. difference **ΔM:**2.76 ± 0.16 [*D]rotation period RPs:?

-- (5135) Nibutani --discovery and notes:

Primary discovered 1990 Oct 16 from Kushiro, Japan by S. Ueda and H. Kaneda. Alternate designation(s): 1990 UE, 1969 JG, 1982 DE, 1989 GV7. Linked to prediscovery observations from 1969 May 05. Permanent number assigned 1992 Mar 18.

Named 1996 Dec 24 for a valley in Hokkaido, Japan [MPC028621].

Companion discovered 2020 Sep using lightcurve observations. Announced 2020 Oct 29.

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© 2020, 2022 by Wm. Robert Johnston.
Last modified 30 April 2022
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