
2001 FA70 (original) (raw)

Asteroids with Satellites Database--Johnston's Archive

(54697) 2001 FA70

compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston
last updated 27 May 2019

--Orbital and physical data--

(See this page for definitions of quantities; source codes in brackets, see this link for full references; *A, *D, and *E indicate assumed, derived, and estimated values, respectively.)

_dynamical type, primary:_Mars crossing asteroid _orbital data, primary (osculating elements)_[JPL] :semimajor axis **a:**2.383011875 AUorbital period **P:**3.678657118 yr (= 1343.654889 d)eccentricity **e:**0.331344919perihelion distance **q:**1.593413 AUaphelion distance **Q:**3.172610751 AUinclination **i:**13.0902187°argument of perihelion **ω:**129.347018°ascending node **Ω:**168.479546°mean anomaly **M:**101.5919233°perihelion passage **TP:2016 Aug 20.820877Epoch:2017 Sep 04data arc:1997-2016 (842 obs.)Earth MOID:**0.61412 AUJupiter Tisserand invariant **TJ:**3.427 orbital data, secondary: semimajor axis **as:**5.8 km [*E]orbital period **Ps:**0.6777 ± 0.0003 d [W16#]eccentricity es:?normalized ang. mom. αL:? other data, system (combined): absolute mag. H:15 [MPC]slope parameter G: (0.15) [*A]effective diameter dE:3.46 km [*E]geometric albedo: (0.16 ) [*A]color index U-B:?color index B-V:?taxonomic type:?mass m:?density ρ: (1.6 g/cm3) [*A]Hill radius **rH:**420 km [*E] other data, primary: diameter **dp:**3.4 km [*E]rotation period **RPp:**2.7077 ± 0.0003 h [W16#]amplitude in mag., rotational ΔM:?pole direction Β, λ:? , ? other data, secondary: diameter **ds:**0.65 km [*E]diameter ratio **ds/dp:**>0.19 ± 0.02 [W16#]component mag. difference ΔM:<3.61 ± 0.23 [*D]rotation period RPs:?

-- (54697) 2001 FA70 --discovery and notes:

Primary discovered 2001 Mar 19 from Socorro, New Mexico, USA by LINEAR Program. Linked to prediscovery observations from 1997 Mar 15. Permanent number assigned 2003 Feb 16.

Companion discovered 2016 Jun 17 by B. D. Warner using lightcurve observations from Palmer Divide Observatory, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. Announced 2016 Sep [W16#].

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© 2017, 2019 by Wm. Robert Johnston.
Last modified 27 May 2019.
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