Trans-Neptunian objects and centaurs with rings (original) (raw)

compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston
last updated 11 March 2024

Currently 4 trans-Neptunian objects and centaurs are known or suspected to have ring systems. The first object so identified was (10199) Chariklo in 2014. The (dwarf) planet (136108) Haumea was found to have a ring in 2017, in addition to its two satellites.

designation primarya (AU) primarye primarydiameter (km) ringdesignation ring radius(km) ring width(km) reported notes
(2060) Chiron 13.638 0.382 233 325 2015 by Ortiz et al. observations are inconsistent in nature/number of rings, possibly from changes in the ring system structure
350-420 ? 2019 by Sickafoose et al.
(10199) Chariklo 15.754 0.172 248 C1R 391 6 2014 by Braga-Ribas et al.
C2R 405 7 2014 by Braga-Ribas et al.
(50000) Quaoar 43.219 0.035 1070 Q2R 2520 10 2023 by Pereira et al. one satellite outside ring system
Q1R 4057 60 2023 by Morgado et al.
(136108) Haumea 43.166 0.192 1595 2287 70 2017 by Ortiz et al. two satellites outside ring system


© 2024 by Wm. Robert Johnston.
Last modified 11 March 2024.
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