World religions and norms of war. Edited by Vesselin Popovski, Gregory M. Reichberg, and Nicholas Turner. United Nations University, 2009. 352 pp. (original) (raw)

World religions and norms of war. Edited by Vesselin Popovski, Gregory M. Reichberg, and Nicholas Turner. United Nations University, 2009. 352 pp.

_Опись А, №_40614. См. библиографию.

Introduction ........................................................... 1

Vesselin Popovski

1 Religion and war .................................................. 11

Vesselin Popovski

2 Norms of war in Hinduism ........................................ 30

Kaushik Roy

3 Norms of war in Theravada Buddhism........................... 60

Mahinda Deegalle

4 Norms of war in Japanese religion ............................... 87

Robert Kisala

5 Norms of war in Judaism ......................................... 106

Jack Bemporad

6 Norms of war in Roman Catholic Christianity................... 142

Gregory M. Reichberg

7 Norms of war in Eastern Orthodox Christianity ................ 166

Yuri Stoyanov

8 Norms of war in Protestant Christianity ......................... 220

Valerie Ona Morkevicius

9 Norms of war in Shia Islam ...................................... 255

Davood Feirahi

10 Norms of war in Sunni Islam ..................................... 282

Amira Sonbol

11 Norms of war in cross-religious perspective ..................... 303

Gregory M. Reichberg, Nicholas Turner and Vesselin Popovski