Jeph Loeb Talks About "Legacy" (original) (raw)

**Jeph Loeb Talks About "Legacy" Interview conducted by Craig Byrne - KryptonSite webmaster

Jeph Loeb, writer of recent DC Comics bestsellers Batman and Superman/Batman, as well as a writer and the Consulting Producer for Smallville, took a moment to talk with KryptonSite about his next Smallville episode, which happens to be the next episode of the series - "Legacy," guest starring Christopher Reeve.

Be warned there are spoilerific details for both Smallville (including some you may not have already known about!) and some of Loeb's current comic book works within this interview.... Didn't think that would scare you! Here goes...

KRYPTONSITE: How long after "Crisis" does "Legacy" take place?

JEPH LOEB: Well, given that we left Crisis with Lionel holding a gun in his mouth, we might want pick up..say... RIGHT THERE?!

K-SITE: Was it always part of the plan for you to write "the next Dr. Swann episode?"

LOEB: This was a gift from Al (Gough) and Miles (Millar). We had discussed at the beginning of the season my value was to be in the writer's room and breaking stories. There were a few other episodeswe discussed, but when this one came up, they came to me and said, "This is the one." Who am I to argue with the Gods?!

K-SITE: Were you able to interact with Mr. Reeve at all during this experience?

LOEB: Those scenes were shot in New York City. The only time the show has gone on location
is for the Dr. Swann moments. The show arranged for the New York Public Library to be his home.
It's amazing.

K-SITE: What will be different about this visit from Dr. Swann, that will set it apart from "Rosetta?"

LOEB: Ah, that would be telling. However, I think folks on the site know that it isn't just Clark who
pays Dr. Swann a visit. Gah! I may have said too much!

K-SITE: Which characters will be put in the forefront in this episode?

LOEB: Any good show puts Clark in the center of it. What I really liked about Legacy was that we got all the bigs -- Lex, Lionel, Martha, Lana... it's very moving -- particularly the Jonathan/Clark stuff. But, that's what I always respond to in the show -- the father/son of it all.

K-SITE: When are we ever going to see Annette O'Toole reunited on screen with Chris Reeve?

LOEB: The Magic 8 Ball says... sooner than you think!

K-SITE: What were the biggest challenges in writing this episode, if there were any at all?

LOEB: It's always a challenge because the quality of the writing -- from everyone -- is just superb.

K-SITE: Have you seen a rough cut or any dailies? If yes, are you impressed?

LOEB: Yes. It's another Greg Beeman (the director) home run. I wrote to Greg after I saw it and
thanked him and told him how proud I was to be associated with the episode. Moreso than
any other director we have, Greg knows how to wring the emotion out of the scenes and "Legacy"
is a very emotional show.

K-SITE: Your next arc on Superman/Batman brings a female strange visitor into the story. Do you think there would be room on Smallville for a cousin for Clark?

LOEB: I can't hear you... there's too much static on the phone!

K-SITE: Can you give the KryptonSite readers a brief description of your next Superman/Batman arc so people will know why they need to get to the comic book shop when it's out and get these issues?

LOEB: Simply put, it's called THE SUPERGIRL FROM KRYPTON. Believe or not, there hasn't been a Supergirl from Krypton in 19 years. (There have been other characters taking the Supergirl moniker, but it's waaaay too confusing!) I had a story and DC let me run with it. The artist, Michael Turner who created WITCHBLADE and FATHOM, has long been known for drawing the most beautiful women in comics and he really put it all out there for this 6 part arc. And with Mike, I knew I wanted Wonder Woman to play a significant role in it as well. Our first issue (#8) sold out, and DC has decided to go to a second printing, on sale April 7th. I've heard, but I can't confirm that this issue is the #1 book for the month of March and that's always a cool thing.

K-SITE: On the subject of Superman and Batman... if Bruce Wayne were to ever appear on Smallville, who would you like to see in the role? And how would you fit him into the universe?

LOEB: It would be fantastic to have Bruce Wayne on the show -- we've talked about a number of ways of going with the character, but as of right now -- with the movie coming out in June of 2005, it doesn't seem likely. But, Al and Miles are still fighting that fight.

K-SITE: Is there any chance yourself and Tim Sale (Loeb's collaborator on "Superman For All Seasons") would ever do another Superman graphic novel together?

LOEB: The Magic 8 Ball says: Definitely. (Whew, using that Magic 8 thing a lot tonight... )

K-SITE: Even more since our last interview, the DC Comics version of Superman is becoming more and more like the one we see on Smallville. Is this intentional, and has it been welcomed with open arms at DC?

LOEB: Success breeds success. Al and Miles vision of the character is moving closer to being a generation's vision of the character. It's no different then when Dick Donner's movies (Superman and Superman II) came out, were gigantic hits and essentially defined the character for years. Then, in 1986, Superman, the comic book, was rebooted to reflect those changes. It's the mark of a great icon -- particularly in pop culture -- that a character and his world can be reconceived over and over and still have the same resonance as it had in 1938!

K-SITE: Getting Christopher Reeve now for the second time is a big deal for Smallville. Is there any particular actor or actress from past Superman movies or TV series that you yourself would like to see on the show?

LOEB: Sure. They are all welcome. We've talked about Noel Neill (who I met in Metropolis, Ill.), Margot Kidder -- all of them. Gene Hackman if he's not doing anything. (laughs) Once you've touched the legacy, you're part of a family.

K-SITE: Will "Legacy" be your only story for Smallville Season Three?

LOEB: It'll be my only script. We all work on the stories -- it's what makes the show as good as it is.

Thanks! And see you on Weds. April 14th!

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