Stage Coaches in 1721 from London (original) (raw)
An exact and compleat List of the Flying Coaches, Stage Coaches, Waggons, and Carriers, with the Inns they come to, and Days of the Week they go out of London; collated this present Year 1721.
Note, m. signifies Monday, t. Tuesday, w. Wednesday,
th. Thursday, f. Friday,
s. Saturday; Fl. Co. Flying Coach, Co. Stage Coach,
Wag. Waggon, and Car. Carrier.
Abingdon, Co. Sarazen's Head in Breadstreet, th. s. Car. ditto, th.
Aborn, Wag. White Swan, Holbourn hill, t.
Acton, Co. Talbot in the Strand, every day, Summer and Winter.
Ailesbury, Co. Crown in Holbourn, m. w. f. Black Swan ditto, t. th. s. Car. Saracen's Head, Snowhill, w. Crown, Warwick Lane, w.
Aldenham, Car. White Horse, Holbourn Bridge, w.
Amersham, Car. White Swan, Holbourn Bridge, s.
Ampthill, Car. Rose and Crown, St. John street, w.
Andover, Car. King's Arms, Holbourn Bridge, th.
Arundel, Car. Queen's Head, Southwark, m. w.
Ashbourn, Car. Castle, Woodstreet, m.
Ashby de la Zouch, Car. Axe in Aldermanbury, m.
Ashdon, Car. Two Swans without Bishopsgate, t.
Ashford, Car. Star, Fishstreet Hill, th.
Ashwell, Car. Catherine Wheel, Bishopsgatestreet, t. Cock in Oldstreet, t.
Baldock, Car. Red Lion, Redcross Street, t. f.
Banbury, Co. Bell, Holbourn, t. th. s. Car. Ram, West Smithfield, th.
Barkhampstead, Co. Bell, Mid Holbourn, t. th. s.
Barking, Co. Three Nuns, Whitechapel, every Day. Py'd Bull, ditto, every Day.
Barnet, Co. Cross Keys, St. John Street, twice a day.
Barnstable, Car. Bull and Mouth within Aldersgate, s.
Basingstoke, Wag. Bellsavage, Ludgate Hill, f.
Bath, Fl. Bell in Bellsavage Yard, Ludgate Hill,
m. w. f. from Ladyday to Michaelmas; St. Co.
ditto, m. th. from Michaelmas to Ladyday. Wag.
King's Arms, Snowhill, m. th. Ditto, Rose,
Holbourn Bridge, m. th. Co. Checquer Inn, Charing Cross
m. w. f. Bell in the Strand, m. w. f. Co. Talbot in the Strand, m. th.
Wag. White Swan, Holbourn Bride,[sic] m.
Battle, Car. Spur, Southwark, th.
Beaconsfield, Car. Bell, Warwick Lane. t.
Beardfield, C. Ram's Head, Fenchurch street, th.
Bedford, Co. Red Lion, Aldersgatestreet, t. f. Wag. ditto, w. Car. Rose and Crown, St. John street, w.
Berwick, Co. Black Swan, Holbourn, m.
Billericay, Car. Blue Boar without Aldgate, th.
Bingham, Wag. Black Bull, Mid Holbourn, s.
Birmingham, Wag. Castle, Aldersgatestreet, f. Car. dit. m
Bisciter, Car. Bull, Holbourn, w. f. Oxford Arms, Warwick Lane, w.
Bishop Stafford, Co. Three Nuns, Whitechapel, t. th. s. Wag. ditto, m. th. Py'd Bull ditto, m. th.
Blanford, Wag. Sarazen's Head, Friday Street, m. Car. ditto, s. Co. Bell in the Strand.
Blechingly, Car. Halfmoon, Southwark, w.
Bocking, Wag. Pewter pot, Leadenhall Street, t. th. Black Bull, ditto, m. w.
Boston, Co. Horseshoe, Goswell Street, th.
Brainford, Co. White Horse, Fleetstreet, every Day but Sundays.
Braintree, Wag. Pewter pot, Leadenhall Street, f. Black Bull ditto, f.
Brentwood, Co. Blue Boar without Aldgate, t. th. s. Car. ditto, w. s.
Brickhill, Car. Sarazen's Head, Carter Lane, w.
Bridgnorth, Co. Blue Boar, Holbourn, m.
Bristol, Co. Checquer, Charing Cross, m. th. Fl. Co. Bell, ditto, m. w. f. Sr. Co. m. th. Co. Coach and Horses, Swan Yard in the Strand, m. th. Wag. King's Arms, Snowhill, t. th. Ditto, Rose by Holbourn Bridge, m. th. Co. Bell in Bellsavage Yard, Ludgate Hill, m. th. Fl. Co. Ditto, m. w. f. Wag. White Swan, Holbourn Bridge, m. th.
Bromingham, Car. Castle & Falcon, Aldersgatestreet, m.
Broxbourn, Car. Catherine Wheel without Aldersgate, m. w. f.
Buckingham, Car. Sarazen's Head, Carter Lane, w.
Buntingford, Car. Catherine Wheel without Bishopsgate, f.
Burford, Car. Bell, Friday street, th.
Caerlion?, Car. Bell, Friday street, s.
Cadicoat, Car. Horseshoe, Goswell Street, s.
Cambridge, Co. Vine, Bishopsgatestreet, m. w. f. Wag. th. Co. Four Swans ditto, w. f. Wag. Green Dragon ditto, t. w. th. f. Wag. Black Bull ditto, t. w. th. f. Co. Pewter pot in Leadenhall Street, m. th. Wag ditto, t. th.
Canterbury, Co. Spread Eagle, Gracechurch Street, t. th. s in Summer, m. th. Winter; Coach and Horses, Charing Cross, the same Days; Bell in Bellsavage Yard, Ludgate Hill, m. th. Car. Checquer, Charing Cross, t. th. s. Star by the Monument, the same Days.
Carlisle, Car. Castle, Woodstreet, f.
Carmarthen, Car. Bell, Friday Street, s.
Chelmsford, Wag. Py'd Bull, Whitechapel, w. s.
Cheshunt, Co. Vine, Bishopsgatestreet, every day, Four Swans ditto, daily. Black Bull ditto, every Day, from Ladyday to Michaelmas; afterwards till Candlemas, t. th. s.
Chester, Wag. Castle & Falcon, Aldersgatestreet, m. th.
Chichester, Car. Queen's Head, Southwark, th. White Hart ditto, m. w. th. f.
Chippenham, Wag. WhiteSwan, Holbourn Bridge, m. w.
Chippingnorton, Co. King's Arms, Leadenhall Street, t. th. s. Bear in West Smithfield, t. th.
Cirencester, Co. Bellsavage, Ludgate Hill, t. th. s. Wag. Sarazen's Head, Great Carter Lane f.
Clapham, Co. Cross Keys, Gracechurch street, every day.
Colchester, Co. Spread Eagle, Gracechurch Street, m. f. Car. ditto, f.
Columpton Car. Bear, Basinghall Street, s.
Conwey, Car, Bell, Friday Street, s.
Coventry, Co. George,West Smithfield, th. f. Wag. Castle in Aldersgatestreet,s.
Coxhall, Cat. Spread Eagle, Gracechurch Street, f.
Croyden, Co. Cross Keys, Gracechurch street, every day.
Culworth, Car. Ram, Smithfield, th.
Darking, Car, Greyhound, Southwark, w. f.
Dartford, Co. Spur, Southwark, every Day.
Daventry, Car. Rose and Crown, St. John Street, s.
Deal, Co. Bell in Bellsavage Yard, Ludgate Hill, m. w. f.
Denbigh, Car. Blossoms Inn, Laurence Lane, m. s.
Derby, Co. Ram, West Smithfield, m. th. Wag. Castle in St. John Street, m.
Devizes, Car. White Swan, Holbourn Bridge, t. s.
Doncaster, Car. Red Lion, Aldersgatestreet, m.
Dorchester, Wag. Sarazen's Head, Friday Street, m. Car. ditto s.
Dover, Co. Bell in Bellsavage Yard, Ludgate hill, m. th. Checquer, Charing Cross, t. f.
Downham, Wag. Green Dragon, Bishopsgate Street, t. w. th. f.
Black Bull ditto, the same Days.
Drayton, Car. Blossoms Inn, Laurence Lane, f.
Dulwich, Co. Crown, Southwark, every day in Summer.
Dunstable, Car. Three Cups, Aldersgatestreet, t. f. Co. ditto, th. s.
Durham, Car. White Horse, Cripplegate, m.
Edgworth, Co. Black Bull, Mid Holbourn, every Day. Bell ditto, every Day but Sunday.
Edinburgh, Co. Black Swan,Holbourn, m. once a Fortnight.
Edmonton, Co. Green Dragon, Bishopsgatestreet, every day.
Egham, Co. Black Lion, Water Lane, t. th. s.
Eltham, Cross Keys, Gracechurch Street, and Saracen's Head in Camomile Street within Bishopsgate, every Day.
Ely, Wag. Green Dragon, Bishopsgatestreet, t. w. th. f. Black Bull, ditto, t. w. th. f.
Enfield, Co. Vine, Bishopsgatestreet, every Day.
Epping, Wag. Three Nuns, Whitechapel, t. th. s.
Epson, Co. Checquer, Charing Cross, every Day. Wag. Bellsavage, Ludgate Hill, every day in Summer.
Evesham, Car. Castle, Woodstreet, s.
Exeter, Wag. Sarazen's Head, Friday Street, m. Car. ditto, f. Wag. Bell in Breadstreet, comes in on Saturdays, goes out on Mondays.
Falmouth, Wag. Sarazen's Head in Friday Street, m. Car. ditto, f.
Farington, Co. Sarazen's Head, Friday Street, w. Car. ditto, Bell, f.
Farmingham, Car. Spur, Southwark, w. f.
Fennystratford, Car. Cock, Aldersgatestreet, th.
Finchly, Co. Swan in St. John Street, every Day.
Froom, Car. White Swan, Holbourn Bridge, f.
Gainsborough, Car. Red Lion, Aldersgatestreet, m.
Glocester, Co. White Horse, Fleetstreet, m. w. f. Co. Bell and Tun, Fleetstreet, m. t. f. Car. Sarazen's Head, Great Carter Lane, f.
Godalmin, Car. King's Head, Southwark, th.
Gosport, Wag. Bellsavage, Ludgate Hill, th.
Grantham, Co. Red Lion, Aldersgatestreet, m. White Hart in Drury Lane, m. w.
Guilford, Co. Talbot, Southwark, t. f.
Halifax, Car. White Horse, Cripplegate, th.
Hammersmith, Co. Bell in the Strand, every Day.
Hampstead, Co. Greyhound, Holbourn, every Day.
Hampton Court, Co. Checquer, Charing Cross, every Day.
Harborough, Co. Red Lion, Aldersgatestreet, m. th. Wag. ditto, t.
Harrow on the Hill, Co. George, Snowhill, every day. Wag. ditto, m. w. f.
Harwich, Co. Sarazen's Head, Aldgate, t. f.
Hendon, Co. Bell, Holbourn, every Day.
Henly upon Thames, Co. White Horse, Fleetstreet, t. th. s.
Hereford, Cross Keys, Woodstreet, f. Co. Bolt and Tun, Fleetstreet, Fl.Co. m. w. f. in summer, m th. in Winter.
Hertford, Co. Four Swans, Bishopsgate, every day, Black Bull ditto, t. th. s.
Highgate, Co. in Holbourn, every day, and at Aldersgate.
Hitching, Car. White Hart, St. John street, m. w.
Hoddesdon, Co. Four Swans, Bishopsgatestreet, t. f. Black Bull ditto, t. th. s.
Holt, Wag. Black Bull in Mid Holbourn, t.
Horsham, Car. White Horse, Southwark, th.
Hull, Co. Three Cups, Aldersgatestreet, m. Car. Red Lion, ditto, m.
Hungerford, Wag. White Swan, Holbourn Bridge, t.
Huntington, Co. Red Lion, Aldersgatestreet, w. s. Wag. ditto, m.
Highworth, Car. George, Holbourn Bridge; Oxford Arms, Warwick Lane, m.
Itham?, Co. Three Nuns, Whitechapel, m. w. f.
Ipswich, Co. Spread Eagle, Gracechurch street, m. w. f.
Kedderminster, Car. Sarazen's Head, Snowhill, f. Rose, Smithfield, th.
Kendal, Car. Castle, Woodstreet, f.
Kingsclere, Wag. Bellsavage, Ludgate Hill, th.
Layton buzzard, Car. Sarazen's Head, Carter Lane, th.
Leicester, Co. Ram, West Smithfield, m. th. George ditto, m. th. Wag. Castle, St. John street, m.
Leominster, Wag. Bull and Mouth within Aldersgate, s. White Swan, Holbourn Bridge, s.
Liverpool, Wag. Castle, Aldersgatestreet, th. Car. ditto, f.
Lichfield, Wag. Castle, Aldersgatestreet, m. th.
Lougfield, Co. Saracen's Head, Great Carter Lane, t. f.
Loughborough, Co. Ram, West Smithfield, t.
Low Layton, Co. Three Nuns, Whitechapel, every Day.
Lynn, Wag. Green Dragon, Bishopsgatestreet, t. w. th. f. Pewter pot, Leadenhall Street, w.
Maidenhead, Co. Black Lion, Water Lane, Fleetstreet, t. th. s.
Maidstone, Co. Spread Eagle, Gracechurch Street, t. th. Car. King's Head, Southwark, th.
Maldon, Co. Blue Boar, Whitechapel, w. s.
Malmesbury, Car. White Swan, Holbourn Bridge, w.
Manchester, Wag. Castle, Aldersgatestreet, th. Car. ditto, f.
Mansfield, Car. Swan with two Necks, Lad Lane, f.
Marlborough, Co. Angel, the Backside of St. Clement's, th. Car. White Swan, Holbourn Bridge, w.
Meltonmowbray, Car. Ram, West Smithfield, m.
Midhurst, Car. White Hart, Southwark, w.
Mountsitchet?, Wag. Pewter pot, Leadenhall Street, w.
Newbury, Co. Bellsavage, Ludgate Hill, t. th. s.
Newcastle under Lime, Car. Swan with 2 Necks, Lad Lane, m.
Newcastle upon Tine, Co. Black Swan, Holbourn, m. Wag. Castle, Aldersgatestreet, t.
Newmarket, Co. Four Swans,Bishopsgatestreet, m. th. Green Dragon ditto, t.f.
Newport pagnel, Car. Bull and Mouth by Aldersgatestreet, m.
Newton, Wag. Saracen's Head, Great Carter Lane, t.
Northampton, Co. George, West Smithfield, m. th. Black Bull, Mid Holbourne, m. th.
Norwich, Co. Four Swans, Bishopsgatestreet, w. Green Dragon, ditto, th. Wag. Black Bull ditto f.
Nottingham, Co. Ram, West Smithfield, m. t.
Ockingham, Co. George in Drury Lane, t. th. s.
Odiam, Car. King's Arms, Holbourn Bridge, f.
Onger, Co. Three Nuns, Whitechapel, t. Wag. ditto, w. Co. Py'd Bull ditto, w. Wag. th. Wag. Pewter pot, Leadenhall street, w.
Oundle, Wag. Castle, St. John Street, th. s.
Oxford. Fl. Co. White Horse, Fleetstreet, m. w. s. in summer; St. Co. m. th. Winter. Fl. Co. Black Swan, Holbourn, m. w. f; Co. Bull, Mid Holbourn, t. th. s. Car. Saracen's Head, Great Carter Lane, th.
Peckham, Co. Gracechurch Street, twice every Day.
Peterborough, Co. Horseshoe, Goswell Street, th.
Petworth, Car. King's Head, Southwark, w.
Plymouth, Wag. Sarazen's Head, Friday Street, m. Car. s.
Pool, Car. Rose, Holbourn Bridge, th.
Portsmouth, Wag. Bellsavage, Ludgate Hill, th. White Hart, Southwark, th. Queen's Head ditto, m.
Preston, Car. Castle, Woodstreet, f.
Puckeridge, Car. Swan without Bishopsgate, f.
Pulborough, Car. Queen's Head, Southwark, f.
Ramsbury, Car. White Swan, Holbourn Bridge, th.
Reading, Co. White Horse, Fleetstreet, t. th. s. Coach and Horses, Swan Yard against Somerset House, m. w. f. Bolt and Tun, Fleetstreet, every day.
Redbourn, Car. Windmill, St. John Street, w.
Richmond, Car. White Horse, Cripplegate, m.
Rochester, Co. Star, Fishstreet, Hill, w. t.
Rotheram, Car. Axe in Aldermanbury, f.
Royston, Wag. Vine, Bishopsgatestreet, f.
Rumford, Co. Pewter pot, Leadenhall Street, every Day.
Rye, Co. Bell in Bellsavage Yard, Ludgate Hill, m. w. f.
Rygate, Co. Catherine Wheel, Southwark, w. Car. Greyhound ditto, f.
Saffron-Walden, Vine, Bishopsgatestreet, th.
Salisbury, Co. Angel on the Backside of St. Clement's, m. w. f. Car. King's Arms, Holbourn Bridge, f.
Sevenoke, Car. Spur, Southwark, t. f.
Sherbourn, Wag. Sarazen's Head, Breadstreet, m.
Shipton, Car. Rose, West Smithfield, th.
Shrewsbury, Wag. Castle, Aldersgatestreet, th.
Southampton, Co. Swan, Holbourn Bridge, m. w. f.
Spalding, Co. Horseshoe, Goswell Street, th.
Stafford, Car. Castle and Falcon, Aldersgatestreet, m.
Stamford, Grantham, and Newark, Car. Bell, Woodstreet, m.
Stanmoor, Co. Black Bull, Mid Holbourn, t. f.
Stanstead, Wag. Pewter pot, Leadenhall Street, t. th.
Stony-Stratford, Wag. Castle, St. John Street, t. f.
Stow, Wag. Castle, Aldersgatestreet, t.
Stroudwater, Cat. Bell, Friday Street, f.
St. Albans, Co. Bell, Aldersgatestreet, t. th. s. Car. ditto, m. w. f.
St. Asaph, Car. Castle and Falcon, Aldersgatestreet, m. th.
St. Edmundsbury, Co. Vine, Bishopsgatestreet, m. t. Four Swan ditto, w. Green Dragon, ditto, m. t.
St. Ives, Car. Bell, Warwick Lane, m. f. Dolphin, Bishopsgatestreet, th.
St. Neots, Car. Three Cups, Aldersgatestreet, m.
Swafham, Wag. Black Bull, Mid Holbourn, m. th.
Swindon, Wag. White Swan, Holbourn Bridge, w.
Tamworth, Wag. Castle, St. John Street, m.
Taunton, Wag. Sarezen's Head, Breadstreet, m.
Theobalds, Co. Black Bull, Bishopsgatestreet, t. th. s. from Michaelmas to Candlemas, afterwards every Day to Michaelmas again.
Tocester, Car. Rose and Crown, St. John Street, f.
Tunbridge, Co. Bell, Bellsavage Yard, Ludgate Hill, from Michelmas to Decem. m. w. f. from thence to Candlemas, m. f. to the Wells, every Day in Summer. Checquer, Charing Cross, every day.
Tutbury, Wag. White Swan, Holbourn Bridge, t.
Twittinham, Co. White Horse, Fleetstreet, every day but Sundays.
Uppingham, Co. Ram, West Smithfield, th.
Utoxeter, Wag. Castle, St. John Street, m.
Uxbridge, Car. Bell, Warwick Lane, t.
Wakefield, Co. Black Swan, Holbourn, m. w.
Waltham Abby, Co. Three Nuns without Bishopsgate, t. w. f.
Walsingham, Wag. Black Bull, Mid Holbourn, t.
Walthamstow, Co. Three Nuns, Whitechapel, every Day, Py'd Bull ditto, every Day.
Walton, Car. Vine without Bishopsgate, th.
Ware, Co. Dolphin, without Bishopsgate, t. th. s. Car. ditto
Warington, Wag. Castle, Aldersgatestreet, th. Car. f.
Warwick, Wag. Saracen's Head, Snowhill, f. Bell, Smithfield, th.
Watringbury, Wag. George, Southw, m. w. f. in Summer, t. f. Winter.
Watford, Co. Black Bull, Mid Holbourn, every Day in Summer, Bell ditto.
Welford, Wag. Castle, St. John Street, m. f.
Wellingborough, Co. Ram, West Smithfield, t.
Wells, Car. Castle, Woodstreet, f.
Wickham, Wag. Bellsavage, Ludgate Hill, th.
Winchester, Co. Angel, Backside St. Clement's t. Car. Rose, Holbourn Bridge, m. th.
Windsor, Co. Bellsavage, Ludgate Hill, every Day, White Horse, Fleetstreet, every Day, Checquer, Charing Cross, every Day.
Wisbich, Wag. Green Dragon, Bishopsgatestreet, t. w. th. f. Black Bull ditto, t. w. th. f.
Witham, Wag. Pewter pot, Leadenhall Street, m. w.
Worcester, Fl. Co. Blue Boar, High Holbourn, m. w. f. in Summer. m. th. in Winter, Wag. and Car. Castle and Bell, Woodstreet, s.
Wooton-basset, Wag. White Swan, Holbourn Bridge, w.
Yarmouth, Co. White Swans,Bishopsgatestreet, w. f. Green Dragon,ditto, th.s.
York, Co. Black Swan, Holbourn, t. th. s. Car. Bear, Basinghall lane, f.
F I N I S.