Fairs in England and Wales (original) (raw)
SOURCE: REMARKS ON LONDON, being an Exact Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Borough of Southwark... By W. Stow., London, 1722.
A List of the most notable Fairs, kept in England and Wales, whether fixed or moveable, throughout every Month in the Year; with the Time and Place, when and where held.
January hath 31 Days.
1 Llanibither
5 Hickford
6 Salisbury
7 Montgomery
13 Derig
18 Grampound
24 Barkstong
25 Bristol
31 Northallerton, on every Wednesday from Christmas to June.
February hath 28 Days.
1 Llangader
2 Bath
6 Stafford for 6 Days
8 Targaron
9 Llandaff
24 Feversham
26 Stafford for Horses
28 Chesterfield
Winterbourn the second Thursday in the Month.
Abingdon the first Monday in clear Lent.
Banbury the first Tuesday in Lent.
Chichester on Ash Wednesday.
Foy on Shrove Tuesday.
March hath 31 Days.
1 Llangadog
3 Sevenoke
4 Bedford
5 Paranzand
7 Workep
8 Targaron
12 Wrexham
17 Malmsbury
18 Sturbridge
20 Ailesbury
22 Tocester
24 Llannerdenrick
25 Glocester
27 Darby
Oakhampton the second Thursday in March.
Dalton the Wednesday before Ladyday.
Denbigh the Monday before Ladyday.
April hath 30 Days.
2 Epping
3 Leek
4 Bewdley
5 Wallingford
7 Darby
9 Billingsworth
10 Shipwash
11 Warminster
12 Aberforth
13 Orleton
14 Acton
16 Holdzary
21 Riddrewth
22 Stafford
23 Ipswich
25 Colbrook
26 Tenterden
27 Bosworth
28 Soham
Cricklade the third Wednesday in April.
Yarmouth the 3d Thursday and Saturday in April.
Guildford on Good Friday.
Gainsborough on Easter Monday.
Helson the Saturday before Palm Sunday.
Basingdown on Easter Tuesday
Hereford the Wednesday in Easter Week.
Bricklesworth on Monday after Low Sunday.
May hath 31 Days.
1 Andover
2 Leominister
3 Oxford
4 Chatham
5 Heytesbury
8 Stratton
9 Tocking
10 Hetherly
11 Dunstable
12 York
13 Albrighton
15 Cambleford
16 Llanganrannog
17 Tallowdown to the 25.
19 Rochester
25 Malmsbury
27 Montgomery
29 Cranbrook
31 Pershore
Winterbourn the second Thursday in May.
Chorlebury the second Friday in May.
Hellaton on Ascension Day.
Apulby on Whitmonday.
Grayes on Whit tuesday and Wednesday.
June hath 30 Days.
1 Chapplefrith
3 Ailesbury
6 Milton
7 Worksop
9 Maidstone
11 Tewkesbury
13 Newton
14 Bangor
15 Devizes
16 Bealth
17 Highamferries
18 Merchenleth
19 Hereford
21 Ystradmerick
22 Shrewsbury
23 Armington
24 Lancaster
26 Northop
27 Folkstone
28 Royston
29 Westminster
Carlisle the first Wednesday in June.
Thorne the first Monday and Tuesday in June.
Gilham on Trinity Monday.
July hath 31 Days.
1 Portsmouth
2 Huntington
3 Congerton
4 Chesterfield
5 Burton
6 Haverhill
7 Cirencester
9 Ingolstone
10 Foulness
11 Wantage
13 Fotheringhay
15 Greensled
16 Hadden
17 Winchcomb
19 Lynton
20 Uxbridge
21 Bramyard
22 Exeter
23 Carnarvon
25 Bristol
26 Tanhill
27 Canterbury
28 Fairfax
29 Chapelhage
30 Stafford
Bridgnorth on the Thursday before the 21st July.
Cricklade the first Wednesday in July.
August hath 31 Days.
1 Banbury
4 Ludlow
6 Peterborough
9 Aberlew
10 Doncaster
11 Alchurch
13 Tewkesbury
15 Cambridge
20 Devizes
24 London, for 3 Days
25 Brecknoch
26 Cambleford
28 Daventry
29 Caermarthen
Winterbourn the 2_d_ Thursday in August.
Wakefield the 3_d_ Thursday in August.
Ashford the first Sunday after St. Bartholomew's day.
Darington the first Monday after Lammas
September hath 30 Days.
1 Wilton
2 Epping
3 Wimbourn
4 Oakham
5 Probus
7 Ware
8 Southwark, for a Fortnight
9 Wington
10 Kirton
11 Evesham
12 Enfield
13 Sedwin
14 Abergavenny
15 Cliff
17 Glocester
18 Llanvelly
20 Ruthin
21 Chester
22 Darby
23 Pancridge
24 Malton
28 Dolgeth
29 Glassenbury
Kettering the Thursday before Michaelmas day.
Ockington the first Tuesday in September.
October hath 31 Days.
1 Coxton
2 Salisbury
3 Bautomoor
5 Bosworth
6 Maidstone
7 Christchurch
8 Chichester
10 Shipwash
11 Wells
12 Llangoweth
13 Bury
13 Winchester
14 Queencamonel
16 Windsor
17 Malmsbury
18 Farington
21 Coventry
23 Preston
25 Beverly
26 Wehmerly
28 Warwich
29 Albrighton
30 Ross
31 Stokesley
Southall the second Wednesday in October.
Thorne the first Monday and Tuesday in October.
Ockington the first Wednesday in October.
November hath 30 Days.
1 Chard
2 Loughborough
3 Caermarthen
5 Welshpool
6 Hartford
10 Shaftsbury, for 2 Days
11 Dover
13 Willington
17 Lincoln
19 Horsham
20 Bury
22 Sawthey
13 Froom
24 Coward
25 Lanceston
27 Lawrest
29 Maidenhead
December hath 31 Days.
4 Atherston
5 Dolgeth
6 Grantham
7 Sandhurst
8 Leicester
11 Newport
12 Amesbury
21 Saltwich
22 Lleardilavar
29 Canterbury
Banbury the Thursday after St. Andrew's Day.
Leskard the Monday after the 6th of December.
Kettering the Thursday before St. Thomas's Day.