Post Office Town Deliveries (original) (raw)
SOURCE: REMARKS ON LONDON, being an Exact Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Borough of Southwark... By W. Stow., London, 1722.
Note, Those Places in Italick Letters, are Archbishopricks, and Bishopricks.
Abingdon, Berks
Ailesbury, Bucks
Alnwick, Northumb.
Andover, Hants.
Arundel, Suff.
Ashburton, Devon
Attleborough, Norf.
Axminster, Devon.
Banbury, Oxon
Bangor, Carmarth, tho' a Bishoprick, is no Post-Town.
Barnet, Herts.
Barnstaple, Devon.
Barwick, Northumb.
Basingstoke, Hant.
Bath, Somerset, is a Bishoprick, with Wells.
Bautry, Yorks.
Beaumaries, Anglesea
Bedford, Bedf.
Bediford, Devon.
Boston, Lincolns.
Braintree, Ess.
Brecknock, Brecon
Brentwood, Ess.
Bridgwater, Somerset.
Bristol, Somerset.
Bromley, Staff.
Broomsgrove, Worcest.
Buckingham, Bucks
Burford, Oxon
Cambridge, Camb.
Canterbury, Kent
Cardiff, Glamorg
Cardigan, Cardig.
Carlisl_e_, Cumb.
Carmarthen, Carmarth.
Carnarvon, Carnarv.
Caxton, Cambridg.
Chelmsford, Ess.
Chepstow, Monm.
Chester, Chesh.
Chichester, Suss.
Chippenham, Wilts
Cirencester, Gloc.
Colchester, Ess.
Convey, Carnarvon.
Coventry, Warwicks. is a Bishoprick with Lichfield.
Crookhorn, Somerset.
Derby, Derbys.
Darlington, Durh.
Dartford, Kent
Dartmouth, Devon
Daventry, Northampt.
Denbigh, Denbighs.
Devizes, Wilts
Dorchester, Dorset.
Dover, Kent
Dunstable, Bedfords.
Durham, Durh.
Ely, Camb.
Exeter, Devon
Falmouth, Corn.
Farringdon, Berks
Fowey, Cornw.
Glocester, Gloc.
Godalmin, Surrey
Harwich, Ess.
Haverfordwest, Pemb.
Hereford, Heref.
Hertford, Hertf.
Honiton, Devon
Hounsloe, Midd.
Hull, Yorks.
Hay, Brecon
Huntington, Huntingt.
Ipswich, Suff.
Kederminster, Worcest.
Kendal, Westmorl.
Kidwelly, Carmarth.
Lancaster, Lanc.
Landaff, Glamorg. tho' a Bishoprick, is no Post-Town.
Lavenham, Suff.
Launceston, Cornw.
Lechlade, Gloc.
Leicester, Leic.
Leominster, Heref.
Leverpool, Lanc.
Lichfield, Staff.
Lincoln, Linc.
London, Midd.
Loughborough, Leic.
Ludlow, Salop
Lyme, Dorset.
Lynn, Norf.
Maidstone, Kent
Manchester, Lanc.
Maningtree, Ess.
Monmouth, Monm.
Morpeth, Northumb.
Namptwich, Chesh.
Newark, Notting.
Newborough, Anglesea
Newcastle, Northumb.
Newmarket, Suff.
Northallerton, Yorks.
Northampton, North.
Norwich, Norf.
Nottingham, Notting.
Oakham, Rutlandsh.
Oxford, Oxon
Padstow, Cornw.
Penreth, Cumberl.
Peterborough, Northampt.
Petersfield, Hamps.
Plymouth, Devon
Pool, Dorset
Portsmouth, Hamps.
Reading, Berks
Rochester, Kent
Rumford, Es_s_.
Rye, Suss.
Salisbury, Wilts.
Sandwich, Kent
Saxmundham, Suff.
Shaftsbury, Dorse_t_.
Sherbourn, Dorset.
Shrewsbury, Salop
Somerton, Somerset.
Southampton, Hamps.
St. Alban's, Herts.
St. Asaph, Flintsh.
St. David's, Pemb.
St. Edmundsbury, Suff.
Stafford, Staff.
Stamford, Linc.
Stanes, Midd.
Stratford, Warwic.
Swanzey, Glamorg.
Tadcaster, Yorks.
Tamworth, Staff.
Taunton, Somerset.
Thaxted, Ess.
Thetford, Norf.
Tocester, Northampt.
Troubridge, Wilts
Truro, Cornw.
Tuxford, Notting.
Waringdon, Lanc.
Warwick, Warwic.
Wells, Somerset.
Weymouth, Dorset.
Whitchurch, Hamps.
Whitehaven, Cumb.
Winchester, Hamp.
Worcester, Worcest.
Yarmouth, Norf.
York, Yorks.