Ian Ferguson - Scotland Football Record from 22 Dec 1988 to 11 Feb 1997 clubs (original) (raw)

Birthday Caps Name Goals Goals Ave
Full Name Ian Ferguson
Position Midfield
Duncan Ferguson Ian Ferguson John Ferguson
Page Links
Clubs When Capped
Appearances by Team
Goals By Team
Appearances by date
All Goals
Birthplace Glasgow Scotland Date of Birth 15-Mar-1967
Place of Death Date of Death
Height Weight
First Game Thu 22 Dec 1988 Last Game Tue 11 Feb 1997
Career Length 08y 01m 21d Career Length in Days 2974
Apps Starts Sub Used Replaced
9 4 5 3
W D L Sent Off
6 1 2 0
Goals Hat-Tricks Penalties
0 0 0
Clubs When Capped Back to Top
Club Club Seq First Last Games Goals W D L F A
Rangers 121 22 Dec 1988 11 Feb 1997 9 0 6 1 2 16 9
Appearances by Team Back to Top
British WC Euro Other Friendlies Total
Team Ranking W D L P Sts Sub P Sts Sub P Sts Sub P Sts Sub P Sts Sub P Sts Sub
ESTONIA ESTONIA 7 equal 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1
MALTA MALTA 6 equal 2 2 1 2 1
FRANCE FRANCE 38 equal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ITALY ITALY 33 equal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
AUSTRIA AUSTRIA 62 equal 1 1 1
CYPRUS CYPRUS 36 equal 1 1 1

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Goals By Team Back to Top
Team Ranking Brit Champ World Cup Euro Other Friendlies Total Goals
Team Ranking H A Tot H A Tot H A Tot H A Tot H A Tot H A Tot
Appearances by date click links for details Back to Top
No P S Sb Off Club M No Date Cm R V Team Sc Agg Crowd Manager Scorers
1 P S TO Rangers 511 Thu 22 Dec 1988 n F A ITALY Italy 0-2 20660 Andy Roxburgh -----
Giuseppe Giannini pen 48; Nicola Berti 70
2 P Rangers 512 Wed 08 Feb 1989 n WC 03 of 08 A CYPRUS Cyprus 3-2 25000 Andy Roxburgh Mo Johnston 9; Richard Gough 54; Richard Gough 96
Christos Koliantris 14; Yiannos Ioannou 47
3 P S TO Rangers 513 Wed 08 Mar 1989 n WC 04 of 08 H FRANCE France 2-0 57292 Andy Roxburgh Mo Johnston 28; Mo Johnston 52
4 P Rangers 548 Wed 17 Feb 1993 s n WC 04 of 10 H MALTA Malta 3-0 35490 Andy Roxburgh Ally McCoist 15; Ally McCoist 68; Pat Nevin 84
5 P S TO Rangers 552 Wed 02 Jun 1993 s n WC 07 of 10 H ESTONIA Estonia 3-1 14307 Andy Roxburgh Brian McClair 16; Pat Nevin 27; Pat Nevin pen 72
Sergei Bragin 57
6 P S Rangers 555 Wed 17 Nov 1993 s n WC 10 of 10 A MALTA Malta 2-0 7000 Craig Brown Billy McKinlay 16; Colin Hendry 73
7 P Rangers 557 Wed 20 Apr 1994 n F A AUSTRIA Austria 2-1 35000 Craig Brown John McGinlay 35; Billy McKinlay 60
Adolf Hutter 13
8 P Rangers 558 Fri 27 May 1994 n F A NETHERLANDS Netherlands 1-3 17500 Craig Brown Duncan Shearer 81
Brian Roy 17; Peter van Vossen 62; Brian Irvine og 71
9 P Rangers 582 Tue 11 Feb 1997 s n WC 04 of 10 A ESTONIA Estonia 0-0 4000 Craig Brown -----

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All Goals Scored click on date for match details Back to Top
Game No Score at Timeof goal Goal Time Pen HatTrick Club M No Date Comp R V Team S Agg Crowd Scorers