John OHare - Scotland Football Record from 18 Apr 1970 to 24 May 1972 clubs (original) (raw)

Birthday Caps Name Goals Goals Ave
Full Name John OHare
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Duncan Ogilvie John OHare Brian ONeil
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Clubs When Capped
Appearances by Team
Goals By Team
Appearances by date
All Goals
Birthplace Renton Scotland Date of Birth 24-Sep-1946
Place of Death Date of Death
Height Weight
First Game Sat 18 Apr 1970 Last Game Wed 24 May 1972
Career Length 02y 01m 07d Career Length in Days 768
Apps Starts Sub Used Replaced
13 12 1 3
W D L Sent Off
7 3 3 0
Goals Hat-Tricks Penalties
5 0 0
Clubs When Capped Back to Top
Club Club Seq First Last Games Goals W D L F A
Derby County 6 18 Apr 1970 24 May 1972 13 5 7 3 3 11 7
Appearances by Team Back to Top
British WC Euro Other Friendlies Total
Team Ranking W D L P Sts Sub P Sts Sub P Sts Sub P Sts Sub P Sts Sub P Sts Sub
WALES WALES 82 equal 1 2 3 3 1 3 3 1
BELGIUM BELGIUM 19 equal 1 1 2 2 2 2
DENMARK DENMARK 54 equal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ENGLAND ENGLAND 305 equal 1 1 1 1 1
PERU PERU 6 equal 1 1 1 1 1
PORTUGAL PORTUGAL 36 equal 1 1 1 1 1
Goals By Team Back to Top
Team Ranking Brit Champ World Cup Euro Other Friendlies Total Goals
Team Ranking H A Tot H A Tot H A Tot H A Tot H A Tot H A Tot
BELGIUM BELGIUM 6 equal 1 1 1 1
DENMARK DENMARK 4 equal 1 1 1 1
PERU PERU 1 equal 1 1 1 1
PORTUGAL PORTUGAL 2 equal 1 1 1 1
Appearances by date click links for details Back to Top
No P S Sb Off Club M No Date Cm R V Team Sc Agg Crowd Manager Scorers
1 P S Derby County 344 Sat 18 Apr 1970 s n BC 01 of 03 A NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland 1-0 31000 Bobby Brown John OHare 58
2 P S Derby County 345 Wed 22 Apr 1970 s n BC 02 of 03 H WALES Wales 0-0 30379 Bobby Brown -----
3 P S Derby County 346 Sat 25 Apr 1970 s n BC 03 of 03 H ENGLAND England 0-0 137284 Bobby Brown -----
4 P S TO Derby County 347 Wed 11 Nov 1970 s n E 01 of 06 H DENMARK Denmark 1-0 24783 Bobby Brown John OHare 14
5 P S Derby County 348 Wed 03 Feb 1971 s n E 02 of 06 A BELGIUM Belgium 0-3 13931 Bobby Brown -----
Ronald McKinnon og 34; Paul Van Himst 55; Paul Van Himst pen 83
6 P S Derby County 350 Sat 15 May 1971 s n BC 01 of 03 A WALES Wales 0-0 19068 Bobby Brown -----
7 P S TO Derby County 351 Tue 18 May 1971 s n BC 02 of 03 H NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland 0-1 31643 Bobby Brown -----
John Greig og 14
8 P S Derby County 355 Wed 13 Oct 1971 s n E 05 of 06 H PORTUGAL Portugal 2-1 58472 Thomas Henderson Docherty John OHare 23; Archie Gemmill 58
Rui Rodrigues 57
9 P S Derby County 356 Wed 10 Nov 1971 s n E 06 of 06 H BELGIUM Belgium 1-0 36500 Thomas Henderson Docherty John OHare 5
10 P Derby County 357 Wed 01 Dec 1971 s n F A NETHERLANDS Netherlands 1-2 18000 Thomas Henderson Docherty George Graham 58
Johan Cruyff 5; Barry Hulshoff 88
11 P S Derby County 358 Wed 26 Apr 1972 s n F H PERU Peru 2-0 21073 Thomas Henderson Docherty John OHare 47; Denis Law 65
12 P S Derby County 359 Sat 20 May 1972 n BC 01 of 03 H NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland 2-0 39652 Thomas Henderson Docherty Denis Law 86; Peter Lorimer 89
13 P S TO Derby County 360 Wed 24 May 1972 s n BC 02 of 03 H WALES Wales 1-0 21332 Thomas Henderson Docherty Peter Lorimer 72
All Goals Scored click on date for match details Back to Top
Game No Score at Timeof goal Goal Time Pen HatTrick Club M No Date Comp R V Team S Agg Crowd Scorers
1 1-0 58 Derby County 344 Sat 18 Apr 1970 s BC 01 of 03 A NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland 1-0 31000 John OHare 58
4 1-0 14 Derby County 347 Wed 11 Nov 1970 s E 01 of 06 H DENMARK Denmark 1-0 24783 John OHare 14
8 1-0 23 Derby County 355 Wed 13 Oct 1971 s E 05 of 06 H PORTUGAL Portugal 2-1 58472 John OHare 23; Archie Gemmill 58
Rui Rodrigues 57
9 1-0 5 Derby County 356 Wed 10 Nov 1971 s E 06 of 06 H BELGIUM Belgium 1-0 36500 John OHare 5
11 1-0 47 Derby County 358 Wed 26 Apr 1972 s F H PERU Peru 2-0 21073 John OHare 47; Denis Law 65