The Shed is great, and greater then the show,Which seemes to be, betweene the good and bad :For even as weedes, which fast by flowres do growe,(Although they be with comely collors clad:)Yet are they found, but seldom sweete of smell,So vices brag, but vertue beares the Bell. |
The prauncing steede, can seldome hold his flesh,The hottest greyhound leaves the course at length:The finest Silkes, do seeld continue freshe,The fattest men, may fayle sometymes of strength:Such deepe deceiptes, in faire pretence are founde;That vices lurke, where vertue seemes t'abound. |
A Spanish tricke it hath ben counted oft,To seeme a thing, yet not desire to be:Like humble bees, which fly all dayes aloft, And tast the flowers, that fairest are to see:But yet at even, when all thinges go to rest, A foule cowe sharde, shall then content them best. |
Weel yet such bees, bycause they make great noise, And are withall, of sundry pleasaunt hewes:Bee most esteemd, alwayes by common voyce, And honourd more, then Bees of better thewes:So men likewise, which beare the bravest Showe, Are held for best, and crowched to full lowe. |
But vertue she, which dwelles in secret thought, Makes good the seede, what ever be the smell:Though outward glose, sometimes do seeme but nought, Yet inward stuffe, (of vertue) doth excell:For like a stone, most worthy to esteeme,It loves to be, much better then to seeme. |
Phylautus heere, and Phylosarchus eke, Did seeme at first, more forward then the rest:But come to proofe, and nowe they be to seeke, Their brethren nowe, perfourme their duty best:Thus good From badde, appeares as day from night, That one takes paine, that other loves delight. |
Source: Gascoigne, George. The Complete Works of George Gascoigne. Vol. II. John W. Cunliffe, Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1910. 59. |