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Hello, While LyX 1.2.0 development is coming along nicely, several bugs in version 1.1.6fix2 make it necessary to release yet another update to LyX 1.1.6. This third update fixes a number of annoying bugs, and improves speed in large tabulars. The documentation has also been updated to reflect the new interface of the 1.1.6 series. Note that this version does not fix all the tabular problems experienced by LyX 1.1.6 users. Many of these problems have been fixed in our development tree, but require changes too important to be part of a fix release. You can get it at: ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/stable/lyx-1.1.6fix3.tar.gz ftp://ftp.devel.lyx.org/pub/lyx/lyx-1.1.6fix3.tar.gz The patch is available at ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/stable/patch-1.1.6fix3.gz RPMs for Redhat Linux are at ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/bin/1.1.6fix3/lyx-1.1.6fix3-1.i386.rpm JMarc What's new ========== ** Updates - documentation has been updated to remove errors due to interface change - new italian user guide; updated french localisation of menus and documentation; new dutch translations of some examples - the `history' and `revert' functionalities have been implemented in CVS support - it is now possible to enter directly characters in an encoding different from latin1 (providing one is using a correct screen font) - new encts class for Elsevier Science's Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science - new cv class for writing curriculum vitae - new extarticle, extreport, extbook and extletter classes, which are versions of the normal classes with more font sizes available - the aapaper class has been complemented with a aa class for the A&A LaTeX document class version 5.0, which is slightly incompatible with the older version ** Bugfixes - the speed of editing in large tables has been dramatically improved (memory is still too high) - fix problem where dependency tracking is _very_ slow with some versions of GNU libstdc++ library (note that this is solved with recent versions of libstdc++ 2.10 on debian) - LyX now re-runs LaTeX when packages like bibtopic or natbib ask for that - generate error messages for unknown layouts when converting a document from a class to another - fix the handling of the most of the keys in the numeric keypad (however the numeric keys still do not work in tables) - fix reading of external insets - fix potential bug when reading math arrays - fix bug where reading on a unix system tables created from a windows machine would not work - fix bug where the main .tex file was not taken in account for dependency tracking (with pdflatex, in particular) - fix bug where the LaTeX output of footnotes had incorrect spacing - fix bug where some insets in tables may not behave as intended after breaking a paragraph in two. - fix insertion of ascii files as lines from menu - fix keyboard bindings of font-changing functions - fix bug where LyX would not start when turkish locales are active - fix activation of OK/Apply buttons in citation form when text is entered - fix crash when using --export and -dbg on a file which has PS figures (which admitedly is not a very common thing to do :) - fix compilation on gcc 3.0.0 - fix compilation with gcc 2.95.3 and --with-included-string - make it clear that xforms 0.89.6 works well with LyX - fix problem where some auto-generated files where not included in the distribution