Etruscan_Glossary, from Etruscan_Phrases Table 1 (original) (raw)

1/15/2009 Etruscan Glossary, from Etruscan_Phrases Table 1, showing Etruscan conjugation and declension patterns

Etruscan Phrases – Glossary

by Mel Copeland
(from a work published in 1981)

This glossary of Etruscan words is selected from Indo-European Table 1 which is a map showing the relationships of the wor ds found in the Etruscan vocabulary.

Because the Etruscan language is frozen in time (~500 B.C.), it is a good reference on the evolution of related Indo-European languages. Just as we now utilize maps of genetic movement through populations, so too can we map the flow of words through populations using a map similar to Table 1. The most current version of this glossary is in excel format: Etruscan_GlossaryA.xls.

A major effort is now being exercised in mapping languages. Thus, Table 1 follows, and is a part of, that effort. There are many discoveries in Table 1 which are fascinating and bear further investigation. This glossary augments that work.

What is shown in Table 1 is a map of three Indo-European linguistic strands: an Eastern (Blue), a Middle (Green), and a Western group (Red). The Slavic language group, which is in the main represented in Table 1 by Polish, appears in the "green" zone. Sanskrit, Avestan and Persian I placed in the "blue" zone. What is interesting about Table 1 is that some of the solid "green" and "red" zone languages have words that fall into the "blue," Sanskrit zone. German and Gaelic – including Old English – fall solidly into the (Green) zone, and French, Italian, Etruscan and Latin represent the strongest band in Table 1: the red zone.

This section of the glossary contains words from the following pages of Indo-European Table 1. To ascertain cognates that relate to this glossary click on the appropriate page and scroll alphabetically via the Etruscan word. Glossary is also in Excel format, download – sorted alphabeticaly by the Etruscan words (Etruscan_GlossaryA.xls) is the

most complete version . See Etruscan Grammar for Etruscan declension and conjugation patterns, which is the working document used in translating the Etruscan scripts, together with Etruscan_GlossaryA.xls. This Glossary has been updated down to the yellow zone.

Indo-European Table 1 – Etruscan words / locations & etymological relationships to other Indo-European languages

Names of family, mother, father, etc. & numbers Table1.html mi through piviato (pi8iato) Table 1.B.1
A through boris Table1.html plak through reva (re8a) Table 1C
ca through kfa (kua) Table 1A ri through semenies Table 1.C.1
ci through eos Table 1A.1 senata through suvera (sv8era) Table 1D
fac through itis Table 1A.2 ta, te, ti, tu, table (tafle) through tvtin Table 1E
la through meva (me8a) Table 1B oce through vra (8r, 8ra) Table 1F
English Etruscan Location
about, over, superb SUPER (SVPER) N417, Q805
about, over, superb SUPRO (SVPRV) Q661
about, towards ERCE BS18
abrade, scrape off APRATO (APRaTV) N216
abundance OP (VP) Q1, Q65, Q95, Q320, Q335, Q416, N31, R286, Aph29
accelerate, make quick CILeR (to quicken) Z317, Z386, Z470, Z701, Z1006, Z1065, Z1662, Z1800
accelerate, make quick CILeReS (you qucken) Z290, Z872, Z937, Z999, Z1386, Z1807
accompany KOMITE (KVMITE) (you --) Aph-2
Achaia, Greece ACIE N149, R219, R238, P-1
Achaia, Greece IKIHI T-11
adopt, to ASA (he/she adopts) Q424, Q775, R596, R607, R653, Z638, Z1345, Z1784 ;
adopt, to ASE (you adopt) TC46, Q416, R381
adorn, embellish TECUM (TECVM) (adorned) (see cover) Z1615, Au13
adorn, equip ORN (VRN) (I equip) ZB-1, Z834
adult, puberty POVE (PV8E) N341
Aecai, name of Trojan hero AECAI DM-6
aegis, shield AEKiS Z40
afraid, to fear, have respect for VERIER (8ERIER) (to be afraid) (see true) Q278
after, next PUIA (PFIA) N294
after, next PUIA (PVIA) Z1780
after, next PUE (PVE) N294
afterwards, then? POIA (PVIA) TC144, AH-1, AJ-1
age, lifetime AVETUS (AFETVS) HT5
age, lifetime AGE (AbE) R248, R334
age, lifetime AGES (AbES) R661
Agememnon ACHMEMNVN DM-6
ai!, oh! AI Z530, TC71, TC127,| TC260, Au55
air AIR J52
air, to air, ventilate, dry ARE (you dry) Z769
Alexander, Prince of Troy ELCHINTRE DM-8
alien ALENI M45
allow, to LEIS TC150
allure, to wheedle LACTH Z516
alone SOLA (SVLA) (see sun) Z598
alone SOLO (SVLV) Z1161, R49, R65
altar AR (See plow and gold) AR-1, NC-4, SM-1
amber GLAS (bLAS) Q543
Ana, name ANA AJ-19, AO-3
and ETH M78
and ET N216, Q701, Q745, R40, R94, R128, R142, R160, TC1, MS-1
and also, and indeed AC Z54, Z432, Z1183, Au-1, TC46
and also, and indeed AK Z489, Z508, Z1139
anger IR J-4
anger IRI Z10, Z54, Z245, Z606, Z1807, AP-1
angry, to become angry IRICER (to grow angry) R128
Anio, river, name ANIA Z1578
any, some CEI Q65, K119, TC290
anyone, anything CILVA (CILFA) Z1310
Aph APH, name of goddess Z19, Au102, N123, Q433, Q475, R306, R314, R437, R447, R521, R596
Phabas, Apollo (Phoebus) PHABAS Q906
x PHABETO (PHABETV) Q217, Q253, Q263, Q468, Q893, Q899
Apronai Apronai (name, see Ronai) BS-5
applaud, to strike PLATO (PLATV) N139
approve, to APRO8 (APRV8) N268, N341
arbitrator, judge ARBERTORE (AR8ERTVRE) N417, R13, R72, R349, R417, G14, G30
arc, arch, bow ARC TC127, TC236, TC260, PL-10
arcade, covered passage IAN (see Janus) J20, Aph-1
Arelis, name (Aurelius) ARELIS Z963
Ares, Greek god of war ARES N529
Argos, capital of Argolis ARCO (ARCV) R314
Ariphmus ARIPHMO (ARIPHMV), name Q53
Arno, river & gens ARNA Z737
x ARNO AE-1, AN-1
arrange, to compose, tidy KOMA (KVMA) (he/she arranges) Q871, R294, R633
x KOMO (KVMV) (I arrange) N748
arrow, dart PINA N357, N363, N738
x PINAU (PINA8) N638, N670
x PINAS Z1397
x PINE Z122
x PINIE N294
as, like, in the way of COM (CVM) N378
x KOM (KVM) N-1, N31, N149, N184, N391, N417, Q297, Q303, Q468, Q871
ascent, steep ERTI (ascent) R87
x ERTO (ERTV) (steep) M78
Asia ASI S-1
x ASIA N647
ask, to call upon, demand, pose POSC (PVSC) (I demand) N505, N563, N638
ask, to demand PROCO (I demand) Z1080
x PROKIS (PRVKIS) (you demand) Z272
assemble, collect together CU (CF) Z234, Au76, Au86
x CUA (CFA) (he/she assembles) Z1, Z656, Z784, Z1183
x CUE (CFE) (you assemble) Z180, Z336, Z1137, Z1236, J18, Au35, Au49
Athena, pallas PALAS Au13
Athens, Athena ATHINEM (of Athens, Athena) L-7
attempt, try ATENTO (ATENTV) Q263, Q369
Attis, King Atys, father ATE N160, N349, Q46
x ATES N462, R359
x ATI Q-11, AM-5
x ATIE BS-16
Atijeries, Atijerius gens ATIIERI R-1, R22
x ATIIERIE R100, R114, R219, R229, R238;
x ATIIERIER R405, $114
x ATIIERIO (ATIIERIV) Q243, R88, R181, R195, R565, G21
avail, to have influence, pose POS (PVS) I pose R619, R530
x POSE (PVSE) (you pose) N349, Q74, R248, J43
avoid, to shun EFITI (you avoided) M19
x EFITOS (EFITVS) (we avoided) HA-5
avoid, to evade IFETSvM Z812
Bacchus, Euhan, god of wine EUN (EFN) M45
back, behind, rear POST (PVST) N112, N349, N363, Q183, Q754, R447
bad, evil MAV (MAF) (see unfortunate) S-8
bad, to mistrust MEVA (ME8A) (he mistrusts) LS-4
x PEIU (PEIV) (badly) N268
badly PEIS Z1292
bait, food ESA LS-4
Balae, holiday resort BALE L59
band, girdle PHASEI Z180, Z347
barley ORK (VRK) Z489, Z508, Z761, TC213
be, to be ES (you are) Z347, Z439, Z470, Z561, Z572, Z784, Z1027, Z1378, Z1410, Z1438, TC61, N453,
x EST (he/she/it is) N469, N607, N638, N676, N767, Q46, Q202, Q209, Q217, Q224, Q311, Q543,
x ISONT (ISVNT) (they are) R229, R619, R661, K43, Pl-2
x RONT (RVNT) (they will be) Q453, J48
x SIM (I am) Z-1, Z897, Z1192, Q-1
x SOM (SVM) (I am) N522, N582
x SOME (SVME) (we are) Q278, R339, R474
x SUNT (SVNT) (they are) Q701
be able, to do QISI (you did) MS13
be, place name? ESTE (he/she/it is, place name?) Q821, R65, R459
beam TRAVE (TRaFE) S-50
bear, to carry FERE (you bear) Q360, Q369, R487, R574
beat, cut, to kill CAITIM (of the cutting, killing?) Z674
beat, to combat PUNE (PFNE) (you combat) J-4
because CEIA TC56
become, to be made FI (see make, do) Z1781
x FIA Z606, Z614, Z622, Z629
before, sooner ANT AP-1, Au30
x ANTA (See go before, excel) Z1780
before, in front PRE N435, N469, Q162, R31, R88, L65
before, in front of, for, like PRO (PRV) AN-5
beg, to ask PREC (I beg) N533, N607, N676
x PREK (I beg) (L38)
x PRECE (you beg) R294
x PRECER (to beg) R94
beginning, origin ORS (VRS) TC56
behind, after, next POSTE (PVSTE) (see back) N647
behold! EC Z391
x EK R664
bejeweled KAMITO (KAMITV) Z103
belonging to, in power of PENES Q253, K86
bellow, roar mocum (MVCVM) (roaring?) Q674
bend, to; archon, leader ARCAS (you bend, hide) Q543
x ARCE (you bend) Z1578
x ARCES (you bend?) AJ-17
x ARCIA (name, leader, archon) N53, Q117, Q521, Q683, R499
x ARCIS N31, N290, N320, N341, N500, N529, N561, N598, N632, R278
x ARCIO (ARCIV) (to bend) N21, N53, N280, N476, N522, N660, Q65, R370, R457
x ARCAMEN (we bend) N63
x ARKANI (archons) N304, N333, N543, N582, N632 Q723, R270
betray, hand over, give up TRATI (you handed over) R88
bewail, lament CERE (you bewail) Q331
x CEREN (they bewail) Q871
x CERES (you bewail) Z133
x CERI (you bewailed) Z665, Z737, Z755, Z769
bind together, to yoke IOKA (IVKA) (he/she binds) N505, N563
x IOCE (IVCE) (you bind) Z665
x IOCES (IVCES) (you bind) Q468
x IOCI (IVCI) (you bound) N476, Q53, Q162, Q209, Q243, Q416, R258
x IOCO(IVCV) (I bind) N711
x IOKI (IVKI) (jockey, horseman?) J25, AE-6, N-1, N357, N476, R306, K36
x IOCIE (IVCIE) (jockeys, horsemen?) K36, Q217
birth, bringing forth young FETRA (he/she brings forth) M78
x FETURE (FETVRE) (See fetus) N435, N513, N638, R270, R286, R394, R505
black, dark, dead ATER Z489
black, to become black ATRO (ATRV) HA-3
blackbird MARLE N404
blessed VEITU (8EITV) N63, N194, N268, N304, N324, N333, N483, N491, N505, N700, N725, Q488, Q500, R394
blind, to make, hide CACE (he makes blind, hides) N311
blood KROVE (KRVFE) Z592
boat, barque BERCA M-8
body, carnal, flesh CARNA L-15
x CARNAL R459, R542
x CARNIS (bodies) Z1216
x KARNE (you are carnal?) Z1243
x KARNOS (KARNVS) (we are--) Z1177
Boii (Celts of N. Italy) VOIA (8VIA) (see devour) Q278
bone OS (VS) (see mouth) ZB-3, Z176, Z455, Z1006, Z1243, Z1386, TC260, TC271, AJ17, DL-7, N236, R661
x OSUIS (VSFIS) (bony? ossuary?) Z47, Z681, Z834, TC201
Boris, name, wind BORIS (BVRIS) R219, R238
born, to be NAC Q701, R511
x NAK M19
x NAKUA (NAKFA) AH-3, Z263, Z432, Z1227, Z1591, Z1623, Au-1, Au55, Au74, L15
x NACIM (born of) Z887, Q303
x NACUS (NAKFS) Z522, Z905
x NAI AM-6
x NAS TC170, TC231, J35, K13, AD-1, AE-1, AK-1, AN-1, AN12, AN31, R5
x NATINE Q243, R565
born again, to be ReNAIX S15
boundary TERMeNES N206
x OR (VR) (see speak) Z308, Z421, Z1789, TC19, TC46, TC266, Q217, R-1, R-5, R108, Au85
x ORAS (VRAS) TC19, TC161,
boy, young boy, cherub PULESI (PVLESI) TC179, TC213,
bramble ROVATO (RV8ATV) M19
branch RAMOER (RAMVER) Z826
breast, mammary MAM N100, N112, N469
x MAMAR Z5525, Z263, Z432, Z614, Z681, Z887, Z1080, Z1274, Z1410, Z1591, Z1864
breath, wind LENA (see lioness, relieve) M67
bring out, produce, give birth ETA (he/she produces) AD-1
x ETES (you produce) Z1292, Z1326
x ETO (ETV) (I produce) N230, N244, N254
bronze, metal AIS M32
brood, to incubate COV (CV8) (I breed) R251
x COVRO (CV8RV) N74, N100, N149, N160, N254, N404, N417, Q65, Q84, Q95, Q107, Q320, Q326,
brother BRATER (8RATER) (frater) R-1, R100, R156, MS14
x BRATER (8RATeR) (frater) R164, G-1
x BRATRO (8RATRV) Q243, Q294, R88, R565
x BRATROM (8RATRVM) (of the-) Q320
x BRATROS (8RATRVS) (fratres) Q424, Q468, Q522, Q551, R229
Brutusi, gens BRuTOSU (BRuTOSY) Q243, Q294, R88, R565
bull TAR Z10, Z150, M-1
bull-like, cow-like? Name? TARINA N173, N184
burn, incinerate CINA (he/she burns) Q320
x CINAS (you burn) Q424, Q468, Q521, Q551, R229
x CINE (you burn) F28
x CINI (you burnt) TC46, N41, N491, N543, N573, N598, N615, N647, N689, N711, Q435, Q422, Q481
x CINO (CINV) (I burn) N11
x CINOS (CINVS) (we burn) N139
burn, to scorch OSAIE (VSAIE) N453
x OSE (VSE) (you burn) J45
x OSI (VSI) (you burnt) Z47, Z681, Z834, TC201
x OSIA (VSIA) (noun? See Osia) J25
x OSUIS (VSFIS) (see bone) Z47, Z681, Z834, TC201
bury, carry out (to grave) EFEREI N139
bury, to ruin, destroy SEPeLES (you bury) Q369
bush BRATA (8RATA) N53, N216, N483, N624, Q84, Q127, R370, R447, R607, R619, Aph-7
by that way ILA N230, N244
x ILAC M78
KAINA, name KAINA R212
x CAINA Au35, Au49
call, to ACA Au55
x ACI AB-1
call, summon, to CAL (I call) Z572, TC46, Au67, Au90
x CaLA (he/she calls) Z582
x CaLa R349
x KALA (He/she calls) Z1408
x KaLaS (you call) Z463, Z540, Z1408
x KaLE (you call) K46, AH-7
x KaLV (to call) L38, N149, Q737, R542
x KALI (you called) (See dropped) N533
callous, hard, possibly name CALOS (CALVS) R114
Kaneri, possibly name KANERI Q369, Q388, R56, R108, R121, R133, R150, G-1
Canin, name, Cannae? CANIN Q360
cap CAP M-1
x CAPE (you cap?) BS-11
Capari, name? CAPARI Z19, Z29, Z1177
Capui, name Capua? CAPUI (CAPVI) N149
care for, to CAR (I care for) (alt. heart) K74
x CARO (CARV) (to care for) ZB-4, Z842, Z1770
care for, dear, high-priced KARE (you care for) Au67
x KAREN (they care for) Z582
x KARO (KARV) (to care for) K13
x KARETO (KARETV) (dear) Q406
carry, bear away AFEF (Aveu) R219
carry away or down TEVRA (TE8RA) (he, she carries away) Q500, R474
x TEVRE (TE8RE) (you carry away) N638
x TEVRI (TE8RI) (you carried away) N676
carry, to convey, sail FE N294
case, instance CASUS (CASVS) N341
cassock, coat SOTANAS (SVTANAS) Z263, Z405
Catene, name CATeNE Z1300
x CATeNIS Z5, Z929, TC161, TC236, TC266, Au67, AL-1
Cato, gens, cunning CATE (you are wise?) Q821
x CATES (you are wise?) Z1386
x CATO (CATV) Z1326
x KATO (KATV) Z1586, N216
x KaTO (KaTV) AN-20, AN-37
x CATOS (CATVS) N41, N160, N280, N417, N483, N553, N624
x KATE (you are wise?) Q334, Q512, R437, R521, R565, R584
x KATI (you were wise?) R487
cause, to pretend CASE (you cause, a cause?) N206, N254
x KASE (you cause, a cause?) R238, R653
x CASI (you caused, causes?) N311, N378
cause, to give reason COSO (CVSV) ( I give reason) R22, R114
x COSOR (CVSVR) (to give reason) N74
x COSOS (CVSVS) (causes, reasons) M13
cede, surrender CETO (CETV) (to cede) TC127, TC241, TC271, TC279, TC307, AM-3
cell, chamber CARSI TC56, TC161, TC179
cellar, store-room SELUR (SELFR) Z692
Celts, Celtae-arum CELTO (CELTV) (see to hide) TC283
Cephes, Greek god, name CEPHES N311, N378, Q162
x CEPHII (gens, Cephii, plural) Z1319
chamber, vault CaMaReM (of the chamber) N469
chariot, two-wheeled cart CISOM (CISVM) (see wagon) N607, N638
x COKIE (CVKIE) (see wagon) Q406
Charon, ferryman of Hades KARON (KARVN) M74
cherish, fondle, pet KUA (KFA) (he/she cherishes) Z84, Z111, Z214, Z308, Z378, Z455, Z953, Z1057
x KUE (KFE) (you cherish) Z59
x KUE (KFE) (you cherish) Tomb inscription above his head
cherry SIRES Z872
chimera KIMeR Z19, Z40, Z191, Z674, Z1250, Z1607, Z1623
Cilen, gens CILEN N462
Cilerii, gens CILeRII Z1203, Z1562, K131
cite, to summon, quote CITA (he/she cites) PL-3, PL34
x CITI (you cited) PL22
x CITO (CITV) (to cite) K79
x CITHO (CITHV) I (to cite) J54
Citlo, gens? CITLAV (CITLA8) Z439, Z421
x CITLO (CITLV) Q512, Q543, Q692, Q775, Q795, Q821, R437, R499
x CITLOP(CITLVP) (verb?) N324
clean NETI Z1088
Clear, bright CLERI (he/she/it was clear) Q202, Q229
Clerii, name, gens? CLeRII N-1
Clenar, name, gens? CLENAR N31
x CLENaRON (CLENaRVN) Z317, Z380, Z960, Z1006, Z1065, Z1801
CLENSI, name, gens? CLENSI TC28
close, to shut CLOTRA (CLvTRA) AF-1
CN, abbreviation of a name CN Z190,Z289, Z851, Z897, Z929, Z1168, Z1203, Z1236, Z1359, Z1372, K107, K136,
collect, thicken, congeal COKAR (CVKAR) (to congeal) AJ-17
x COKE (you congeal) N462
x COKO (CVCV) (I congeal) Q406
x COGI (CObI) N-1, N31
column, neck KOLEM (KVLEM) (see cultivate) Q243
comb PETeNA (see five, petition) Z1227
come, to arrive FENI (you came) Z1600
x FENIAS (he/she came) M81
x VeNER (8eNER) (to come) Z150, Z1853
x VeNES (8ENES) (you come) K43
x VeNeSI (8eNeSI) (see Venice, Veniti) K52
x VENO (8ENV) (I come) N41
x VeNO (8eNV) (I come) N268
x VENUS (8ENVS) (we come; see Venus) Q152
come through, to arrive PEVENES (PE8eNeS) K20
consecrate, to sanctify SANTI (you sanctified) Z1282
x SANTIS (you sanctified) Z1337
consider, to think PENSIN (they think) Z19
conspire, to take an oath CONA (CVNA) (he/she pledges) Au27
x KONA (KVNA) (he/she pledges) K32, K131
x CONO (CVNV) (I / to pledge) Aph-3
continue, to proceed PERK (I continue) N160
controversy, polemic POLOMiK (PVLVMiK) Au71, Au99




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