Data_02 - Yeast - Orbitrap - Wild-type grown in rich medium (YPD), harvested in log-phase (original) (raw)
- publication: Ramakrishnan, Vogel, Prince, Li, Penalva, Myers, Marcotte, Miranker. Bioinformatics. Under review
- further information: MSpresso Supplementary website
- main authors (data): John Prince (Colorado, jtprince at, Zhihua Li (UT Austin,
- experimental description
- files:
- eight sets of RAW files for 8 injections
- eight sets of SRF files as output from SEQUEST search
- eight sets of PEPXML files as input for Peptide-/Protein-Prophet
- PROTXML, PROTLST, APEX, BIGPARSE files for combined analysis of all 8 injections
At 5% FDR, TPP detects 1415 proteins.
- other files:
- dataset is part of the gold standard of protein expression in yeast
C. Vogel, cvogel at mail utexas edu
May 2009