The Tan Malaka Internet Archive (original) (raw)

Tan Malaka


“Nowadays sensible people are communists, people of various shapes and colours, residing in states which can be numbered in tens in various sorts of geographical situations, plus civilizations in five continents, sufficient indeed for the organization and mobilization of the world proletariat in its desire to crush the aristocratic-bourgeois class and its accomplices throughout the world.” [Philosophy of Life, Tan Malaka]



1922: Communism and Pan-Islamism

1922: Speech in Discussion of Executive Committee Report of the 4th Comintern Congress

Alternative translation of above from International Press Correspondence

1923: Communism in Java (with P. Bergsma)

1925: Naar de Republiek Indonesia

1948: Philosophy of Life

1948: GERPOLEK (Chapters I–IV)

1948: GERPOLEK (Chapters XI–XIII)

Writers’ Archive | Dutch Language Tan Malaka Archive | Bahasa Indonesia Tan Malaka Archive