Ernest Mandel Internet Archive (original) (raw)

Marxists’ Internet Archive

Ernest Mandel as a young man

1923 – 1995

“The working class’s periodic upsurges into direct action create at the same time the conditions for resolving the crisis of the subjective factor, on condition that revolutionaries have been active in the movement for long enough, effectively enough and on a sufficiently wide enough scale. They must simultaneously aim to build new national revolutionary parties and a new International.” – The Reasons for Founding the Fourth International


Jump to specific year:

1946 | 1947 | 1948 – 1949 | 1950 – 1953 | 1955 – 1963 | 1964 – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 | 1971 – 1973 | 1974 – 1979 | 1980 – 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1989 | 1990 – 1994


December 1945 Belgian Regime Bankrupt Official Figures Show
1946 Sectarianism and the Democratic Demands
22 February 1946 Belgian Stalinists and “Socialists” Block Election Victory of Workers
April 1946 Problems of the European Revolution
April–August 1946 Where Is the Soviet Union Going? (series)
1 April 1946 New Belgian Government Shaky
24 April 1946 Belgian Workers Face Wage Freeze
1 July 1946 Jewish Question Since World War II
1 July 1946 An Open Letter to the Editor of New International
5 July 1946 On the Opportunist Utilization of Democratic Slogans
Aug. 1946 The First Phase of the European Revolution
10 Aug. 1946 Labor Under the Kremlin Regime
15 Nov. 1946 The Conflict in Poland
1 January 1947 Draft Theses on the Jewish Question Today
1 January 1947 Shachtman Supports Adherence of Trieste to Italy
15 March 1947 Second Year of the Crisis in the Soviet Union
10 April 1947 Stalinism: How to Understand It and How to Fight It
June 1947 A. Leon (October 22, 1918–September, 1944)
July 1947 Leon Trotsky: The Man and His Work
Nov. 1947 From the ABC to Current Reading: Boom, Revival or Crisis?
5 July 1948 The Tito Affair and Stalinism
Aug. 1948 The True Testament of Trotsky
15 Sept. 1948 Marxism and Democracy
22 Sept. 1948 France Heads Toward a Decision
28 Sept. 1948 France Heads Toward a Decision (abridged by Joseph Hansen)
January 1949 Economic Trends in Eastern Europe
March 1949 Where Is Eastern Europe Going?
20 Sept. 1949 Purge of Soviet Culture
15 Dec. 1949 A New Stage of Struggle in Italy
1 May 1950 The Third Chinese Revolution: I. Origin and Significance of the Victory of Mao Tse-tung
10 Dec. 1950 The Third Chinese Revolution: II. Nature and Perspectives of the China of Mao Tse-Tung
April 1951 The Question of Stalinism? (Ten Theses)
10 June 1951 The Theory of “State Capitalism”
18 July 1951 First Balance Sheet of the Yugoslav Affair
July 1952 Eastern Europe Since 1950
Nov. 1952 Economic Problems of Transition Epoch: The Soviet Bureaucracy in the Mirror of Stalin’s Latest Work
Nov. 1953 Letter from Ernest Mandel to George Breitman
Nov. 1953 The Rise and Decline of Stalinism
Dec. 1953 Letter from Ernest Mandel to George Breitman
Aug. 1955 The Marxist Theory of Imperialism and its Critics
Oct. 1957 Prospects and Dynamics of the Political Revolution against the Bureaucracy
March 1958 The New Reform in Soviet Agriculture
Spring 1958 Sociology of the American Owning Class (book review)
Autumn 1958 The New Programme of the Jugoslav Communists
October 1958 The Industrialization of Backward Countries
January 1959 The USSR from the XXth to the XXIst Congress of the CPSU
Spring 1959 The XXIst Congress of the CP of the Soviet Union
Autumn 1959 The Colonial Revolution and the National Bourgeoisie (The Latin American Stalinists in the Footsteps of the Mensheviks)
Autumn 1959 A Liberal at a Loss in the XXth Century
December 1959 Marxism As Seen By Bourgeois Economists
1962 The marginalist theory of value and neo-classical political economy (extract from Marxist Economic Theory)
1962 30 Questions and Answers on the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (pamphlet)
1963 The Law of Value in Relation to Self-Management and Investment in the Economy of the Workers’ States
Feb. 1963 Crisis in the Common Market
Nov. 1963 An Answer to the Chinese Communist Leaders’ Defense of Stalin
1964 After Imperialism?
1964 The Economics of Neo-Capitalism
1964 On The Pablo Tendency
Summer 1964 Defend the Cuban Revolution
Fall 1964 Peoples Frontism in Ceylon: From Wavering to Capitulation
October 1964 A Right-Wing Tendency
1965 A Socialist Strategy for Western Europe
March 1965 Soviet Management Reform
March 1966 The 23rd Congress of the CPSU
Spring 1966 Reply to John McCormick on Soviet Management Reform
July 1966 De Gaulle’s Trip To Moscow
Sept. 1966 Defend Peace by Defending Vietnam and China
October 1966 Surplus Capital and Realization of Surplus Value (extended book review)
October 1966 Rebuttal
1967 An Introduction to Marxist Economic Theory (book)
January 1967 International Capitalism and “Supra-Nationality”
March 1967 The Labor Theory of Value and Monopoly Capitalism
April 1967 Yugoslav Economic Theory
May 1967 The Lessons Of Greece
October 1967 The OLAS Conference and the “Principles” of Paul-Henri Spaak
1968 The Centenary of Marx’s Capital
1968 Economics of the Transition Period
1968 Workers Under Neo-capitalism
January 1968 The Dollar Crisis
January 1968 The Kremlin Finally Considers the Counterrevolution in Indonesia
April 1968 Anibal Escalante, Mike Banda and Whitewash for the Kremlin
April 1968 The Dollar Crisis
April 1968 The Belgian Elections
20 July 1968 The Lessons of May 1968
10 Aug. 1968 Brief Analysis of Czech Crisis
21 Sept. 1968 The Revolutionary Student Movement – Theory and Practice (pamphlet)
Nov. 1968 On Workers’ Democracy
Nov. 1968 The rationale of the Czech tragedy
Dec. 1968 Revolutionary Upsurge in Europe
15 Dec. 1968 The Crisis of the International Monetary System
1969 Debate with Martin Nicolaus on US Imperialism: Ernest Mandel: Where Is America Going? Martin Nicolaus: The Universal Contradiction Ernest Mandel: The Laws of Uneven Development
1969 The New Vanguard
1969 The Social, Economic and Political Background of the Czechoslovak Crisis
1969 Why the Fourth International
Dec. 1968/January 1969 The Debate on Workers’ Control
1 June 1969 First Anniversary Statement to Black Dwarf
1 June 1969 The Inconsistencies of “State-Capitalism”
October 1969 Marxist Theory of the State (pamphlet)
1970 The Causes of Alienation
1970 The Economic Roots of American Imperialism
1970 Intellectuals and the Third World
1970 The Leninist Theory of Organisation (pamphlet)
1970 Revolutionary Strategy in the Imperialist Countries
1970 World Revolution Today – Trotskyism or Stalinism?
January 1970 Althusser corrects Marx
April 1970 Lenin’s Heritage
June 1970 The Changing Role of the Bourgeois University
Aug. 1970 The Mystifications of State Capitalism
Nov. 1970 The Strategic Orientation of the Revolutionists in Latin America (with Martine Knoeller)
1971 Imperialism and National Bourgeoisie in Latin America
1971 Rosa Luxemburg and German Social Democracy
1971 Trotsky in Exile
April 1971 [The Leninist Theory of Organization](../../history/etol/img/img-pamphlets/IMG- The Leninist Theory of Organization.pdf)
November 1971 The dialectic of growth
1972 Late Capitalism (book – extract)
June 1972 The Soviet Economy Today – Towards Capitalism or Socialism?
September 1972 The Driving Forces of Imperialism
October 1972 Letter to the PRT (Combatiente) (signed by Ernest, Livio, Pierre, Sandor, Tariq & Delphin)
November 1972 On the dialectic of nation and class struggle
1973 Ten Theses on the Social and Economic Laws Governing the Society Transitional Between Capitalism and Socialism
January 1973 In Defence of Leninism: In Defence of the Fourth International
Spring 1973 Value, Surplus Value, Profit, Prices of Production and Surplus Capital – A Reply to Geoff Hodgson
Spring 1973 Workers’ Control and Workers’ Councils
Feb. 1973 Some Fundamental Differences Between the PRT and the International Majority (signed by Ernest, Livio, Pierre, Sandor, Tariq & Delphin)
Sept. 1973 The Beginning of a Revision of Marxism
1974 Why They Invaded Czechoslovakia
May 1974 The Gulag Archipelago: Solzhenitsyn’s Assault on Stalinism and the October Revolution
May 1974 Woe to Revolutionists Who Make a Revolution Only Half Way
June 1974 EEC: The Common Market in Crisis
Summer 1974 Morrow on Spain
Summer 1974 Self-Management – Dangers and Possibilities
Autumn 1974 Some comments on H. Ticktin’s Towards a Political Economy of the USSR
October 1974 Petrodollars: An Arab and Iranian finance capital emerges
December 1974 The Generalized Recession of the International Capitalist Economy
1975 Liebman and Leninism
June 1975 The Recession and the Prospects for the International Capitalist Economy
20 July 1975 The Imperialist Defeat in Vietnam
December 1975 International Capitalist Economy – Waiting for the Upturn
1976 Revolutionary Strategy in Europe
1976 Trotskyists and the Resistance in World War Two
February 1976 The Common Market – at a snail's pace
June 1976 On the Current Stage of World Revolution
June 1976 Society Is Polluted Too (interview by Carl Gardner & Mandy Merck)
July 1976 East Berlin Conference: New Stage in the Crisis of Stalinism
November 1976 A Hesitant, Uneven, and Inflationary Upturn: The International Capitalist Economy
Jan. 1977 Speech at London Rally to Condemn Healyite Frame-up Campaign
20 Sept. 1977 East German Communist Denounces Bureaucracy
1979 Why The Soviet Bureaucracy is not a New Ruling Class
June 1979 First Comments on Nahuel Moreno’s The Revolutionary Dictatorship of the Proletariat
1980 Historical Materialism and the Capitalist State
October 1980 Making the Classless Society (letter)
January 1981 China – The Economic Crisis
Spring 1981 The Laws of Motion of the Soviet Economy
1982 Mandel on Althusser, Party and Class
1982 The Role of the Proletariat
1982 World Monetary Crisis
January 1982 The Debate Over the Character and Goals of the Russian Revolution
January 1982 Marx and the Crisis
January 1982 Post Scriptum to China – The Economic Crisis
January 1982 The Roots of the Polish Economic Crisis
June 1982 What prospects for a solution to the economic crisis
December 1982 In Defense of Permanent Revolution, A Reply to Doug Jenness
1983 Emancipation, science and politics in Karl Marx
March 1983 Vanguard Parties
2 April 1983 Social Democracy and Social Movements
December 1983 What Road for Antimissiles Movement?
19 April 1984 Pierre Frank is Dead (obituary)
April 1984 On the Workers and Peasants Government
1985 The Actuality of Socialism
1985 Dictatorship of the Proletariat and Socialist Democracy
1985 Marx, the Present Crisis and the Future of Labour
March 1985 “The US doesn’t control the historical process”
1986 The Place of Marxism in History (book)
24 Feb. 1986 Anatomy of a Split: Why the Australian SWP left the Fourth International
7 June 1986 A Tribute to George Breitman (obituary)
Sept. 1986 In Defence of Socialist Planning
April 1987 Bureaucracy and Commodity Production
1987 Message to Nahuel Moreno Funeral Ceremony
March 1988 The causes and consequences of Bukharin’s rehabilitation
Summer 1988 The Reasons for Founding the Fourth International
April 1989 Three-Phase Stalinism
11 July 1989 For the Beijing Commune – For the Political Revolution in China
Nov. 1989 Making Revolution: The Rebirth of East German Socialism
Nov. 1989 Trotsky’s conception of self-organisation and the vanguard party
Dec. 1989 Fifteen Years of Inprecor
1989 How To Make No Sense of Marx
1989 The Luck of a Crazy Youth (interview with Tariq Ali)
1989 Mandel on Broué: Understanding Trotsky
1989 The Marxist Case for Revolution Today
1990 A theory which has not withstood the test of facts
1990 Communism
1990 Karl Marx
1990 The Trotskyite View of Soviet Reforms
1990 Trotsky’s Economic Ideas and the Soviet Union Today
25 May 1990 Ernest Mandel and Gregor Gysi Debate in East Berlin!
15 July 1990 A Mild Case of Blind Factionalism
1991 The Roots of the Present Crisis in the Soviet Economy
January 1991 Ernest Mandel in Moscow
February 1991 Economic Consequences of the War
May 1991 Socialism and Individual Rights
July 1992 Socialism and the future
1992 “Don’t push porridge down throats!”
1992 The Irresistible Fall of Mikhail Gorbachev
1992 Why Keynes Isn’t the Answer
1992 Willy Brandt and Petra Kelly
Feb. 1993 Socialism or neo-liberalism?
October 1993 The Nature of Social-Democratic Reformism
November 1994 The Struggle for World Socialist Revolution
Other sites of interest: The Ernest Mandel Internet Archive (Texts in English, Dutch, French & Spanish)
Marxist Writers’ Archive | Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism