Fourth Internationalist Tendency (original) (raw)

MIA: History: ETOL: Document: Fourth Internationalist Tendency—Bulletin in Defense of Marxism [FIT][US][BIDOM]

Encyclodedia of Trotskyism On-Line

Fourth Internationalist Tendency [FIT][US]

Bulletin in Defense of Marxism [BIDOM]

The Bulletin in Defense of Marxism [BIDOM] is now online here on the ETOL. Most of the articles listed on this page come from BIDOM. To access all 142 issues of BIDOM click here.

Permanent Revolution in Nicaragua –by Paul Le Blanc. 1983

The Transitional Program: Forging a Revolutionary Agenda for the United States – by Evelyn Sell, Steve Bloom, and Frank Lovell, 1988. Introduction by Paul Le Blanc (pamphlet) – 6 articles, 259k altogether.

Organizing for Socialism, the Fourth Internationalist Tendency—Who We Are and What We Stand For by Bill Onasch, 1987

Tribute to James P. Cannon – At the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the Fourth Anniversary 1988 by Mary Scully

Our Bodies! Our Choice! Winning the Fight for Reproductive Rights – by Evelyn Sell, 1989/91. (pamphlet)

In Defense of American Trotskyism: Rebuilding the Revolutionary Party– Edited by Paul Le Blanc, 1990 (book)

In Defense of American Trotskyism: The Struggle Inside the Socialist Workers Party, 1979-1983– edited by Sarah Lovell, published by the Fourth Internationalist Tendency, 1992 (book)

The Meaning of the Struggle Inside the Socialist Workers Party– by Frank Lovell (Introduction to In Defense of American Trotskyism: The Struggle Inside the Socialist Workers Party 1979-1983, edited by Sarah Lovell, published by the Fourth Internationalist Tendency, 1992 (book)

In Defense of American Trotskyism: Revolutionary Principles and Working-Class Democracy– edited by Paul Le Blanc, published by the Fourth Internationalist Tendency, 1992 (book)

The “End of American Trotskyism?” Some Comments in Response to Alan Wald– by Frank Lovell, Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency, May-June 1995

Ten Giant Steps in the History of American Trotskyism– by Frank Lovell, Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency

The Socialist Purpose: To Educate the Working Class– by Frank Lovell, Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency

The Cataclysm: World War II and the History of American Trotskyism– by Frank Lovell, Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency

The Importance of Ideas in Party Building–by Mary Scully. 1991 speech delivered to the FIT membership in opposition to the proposal to fuse with Solidarity

Their Trade Union Policy and Ours–by Mary Scully. 1991 speech delivered to the FIT membership as part of the fusion discussions with with Solidarity

Marxism, Centrism, and Sectarianism –by Mary Scully. 1991 speech delivered to the FIT membership as part of the fusion discussions with with Solidarity

Along the Road to the First Hundred– by Frank Lovell, Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency, October 1992 [a history of the Bulletin through its 100th issue]

Toward an Understanding of Working-Class Radicalization– by Frank Lovell, Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency

A Program for U.S. Labor: Debate and Lessons from the Hormel Strike– by Frank Lovell, Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency

U.S. Unions in the 1920s and 1980s– by Frank Lovell, Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency

Labor Radicalism in the 1920s and Today– by Frank Lovell, Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency

The Decline of American Unionism– by Frank Lovell; A review of An Injury to All: The Decline of American Unionism, by Kim Moody; Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency

Labor Notes Conference, 1993– by Frank Lovell, Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency

Does Leninism Equal Sectarianism?1994– by Mary Scully, Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency

A Comment on Mary Scully's Polemic –1994– by Paul Le Blanc, Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency

AFL-CIO Convention, 1995– by Frank Lovell, Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency

AFL-CIO Convention, 1997– by Frank Lovell, Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, publication of the Fourth Internationalist Tendency

Upheaval in China! – by Tom Barrett and Xiao Dian (pamphlet) – 58K.

Balance Sheet on the End of the FIT and Building Solidarity – by Steve Bloom, June 1996. – 77K

The Socialist Opposition to the American Bourgeoisie , by James P. Cannon, 1951, from Trotskyism in the United States, Paul Le Blanc.

Reflections on the Fourth Internationalist Tendency – by Paul Le Blanc, 2000.