Ireland & Trotskyists on Ireland (original) (raw)

Encyclodedia of Trotskyism On-Line

Publications, Journals and Magazines by Irish Trotskyist Groups

USFI Publications

Trotskyists On Ireland

Report to Trotsky Regarding the Prospects in Ireland – by K. Johnstone, December 1935 – 12K

Correspondence – between Nora Connolly O’Brien & Leon Trotsky, April/June 1936
– from Workers Republic, No.122, 1989 – 7K

Kathleen Ni Houlihan’s Newest Saviour – by Maurice Ahearn
– from New International, June 1936 – 30K

The Struggle for Ireland – by William Morgan
– from New International, April 1939 – 19K

The Irish Question – by Sherman Stanley
– from New International, May 1939 – 10K

Ireland and Ulster – by V.F.
– from New International, June 1939 – 14K

Irish Labor and the Bombings – by William John MacCausland
– from New International, August 1939 – 12K

The Easter Rebellion – by Oscar Williams
– from Fourth International, August 1942 – 30K

International Notes: Ireland – by Paddy Trench
– from Fourth International, December 1942 – 12K

International Notes: A Letter Ireland
– from Fourth International, January 1943 – 10K

Irish Trotskyism

Note on National Defence – by Paddy Trench, 1940 – 13K

Polemic on the National Struggle – between Bob Armstrong and Editor, Socialist Appeal
– 4 articles + 3 appendices from Internal Bulletin, 1940 – 108K

A Letter from Ulster – by Bob Armstrong
– from Fourth International, April 1943 – 7K

Notes from Belfast – by Bob Armstrong
– from Socialist Appeal, June 1943 – 7K

Theses on Ireland – by Fourth International, 1944 – 32K

TUC Betrayed – by Revolutionary Socialist Party, Irish Section 4th International
– leaflet distributed in Belfast, 1944 – 11K

CP Policy in Ireland – by Bob Armstrong
– from Socialist Appeal, August 1944 – 12K

Irish Militant Deported – (about deportation of Johnny Byrne from England)
– from Socialist Appeal, February 1945 – 19K

Workers of Belfast! – by Revolutionary Socialist Party (Irish Section – Fourth International)
– leaflet distributed in Belfast, April 1945 – 6K

Vote Labour – But Without Illusions! – by Revolutionary Socialist Party (Trotskyist) (Irish Section – Fourth International)
– leaflet distributed in Belfast, 1945 – 11K

In Defense of Revisionism – by R. Armstrong & M. Merrigan
– from International Information Bulletin, SWP, March 1947 – 39K

The Case of Robert Armstrong – resolutions of International Executive Committee, Fourth International
– from SWP Internal Bulletin, February/October 1949 – 4K