Organization Communiste Internationaliste Parti Communiste Internationaliste Organizing Committee for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International (original) (raw)

Encyclodedia of Trotskyism On-Line

The long story of the OCI and the tendency it represented internationally goes back to World War II. We provide at a later point links to the many histories written about it over the last 7 decades as the become available in English. Here we provide several translations of documents by members and international supporters of the OCI through out the years. This page will also include a few critiques of the the tendency as well. This includes scholarly articles by noted French historian on the Soviet Union and Leon Trotsky Pierre Broué and J.J. Marie. However, here on this page we will focus on translations pertaining strictly to the OCI/OCRFI and not their general works on history. These translations were provided to us by the now deceased John Archer, a British Trotskyist and supporter of the OCI in Great Britain. This page will also double as his MIA internet archive as well as provoding space for other writers associated with this current.

[“Trotskyism”](Trotskyism-JJMarie 1970.pdf) [1970 by Jean Jacques Marie, translated by John Archer, introduced by Richard Stephenson in 1988. From Questions d’ Historie No. 15]

Theses for Construction of FI volume 1 [1984. Un-checked and un-revised. pdf. translated by John Archer]

[Theses for Construction of FI volume 2](Theses for Construction of FI volume 2.pdf) [1984. Un-checked and un-revised. pdf. translated by John Archer]