Workers Party/Independent Socialist League, 1940–1959 (original) (raw)

Encyclopedia of Trotskyism | Marxists’ Internet Archive

The Workers Party was founded in 1940 by members of the US Socialist Workers Party who had developed differences over the class nature of the U.S.S.R. and the position the SWP should take, should the war in Europe develop into a war between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.


Labor Action

New International

Student Socialist


Internal Discussions, Bulletins, and Memoranda

Internal Bulletins 1940–1959

Party Builders 1946–1948

Miscellaneous Convention Reports, Constitutions, Letters and Memoranda

Young People’s Socialist League & Socialist Youth League/Young Socialist League, 1940–1959


Plain Talk on War, 1941

India in Revolt, by Henry Judd, Introduction by Max Shachtman, 1942

Conscription for What? An Open Letter to the President of the United States, by “A Jobless Worker”, 1940

“My Friends” A Fireside Chat About the War, by Native Son, 1940

This is not our War, A Declaration by the Workers Party

For A Cost-Plus Wage, by Max Shachtman, 1945

Smash the Profiteers, Workers Party Campaign Committee/Irving Howe, 1946

Jobs for All, Workers Party 1946 Campaign for Mayor of NYC program, 1946

Socialism The Hope of Humanity, Workers Party 1946 Campaign for Mayor of NYC program, 1946. Speech by Max Shachtman, Candidate

The Fight For Socialism, The Principles and Program of the Workers Party by Max Shachtman, 1946

Plenty for ALL, 2nd Ed June 1946

STOP Enemies of the Working People – Program for Detroit Elections, Workers Party 1947 Detroit Mayorality Campaign


Neither Capitalism nor Socialism: Theories of Bureaucratic Collectivism, edited by E. Haberkern & Arthur Lipow


Martin Abern (Harry Allen, Harry Stone)
Mary Bell
Grace Lee Boggs (Ria Stone – supporter of Johnson-Forest Tendency)
James Burnham (John West) (very briefly in the WP)
Joseph Carter (Joseph Friedman)
Reva Craine
Hal Draper (Philip Coben, Paul Temple)
Raya Dunayevskaya (F. Forest, Ray Spiegel – Forest of Johnson-Forest Tendency)
Ernest Erber (Ernest Lund)
Sam Farber (Sergio Junco)
James T. Farrell
James M. Fenwick (C.K. Stewart)
Emanuel Garrett (Emanuel Geltman)
Martin Glaberman (Martin Harvey – supporter of Johnson-Forest Tendency)
C.L.R. James (J.R. Johnson, G.F. Eckstein, J. Meyer, W.F. Carlton)
Albert Glotzer (Albert Gates, Sam Adams, Carl Davis)
Albert Goldman (in the WP for a short period after WW2)
William Gorman (Morris Goelman – supporter of Johnson-Forest Tendency)
Susan Green
Ben Hall (Herman Benson)
Michael Harrington (in the ISL in its final period)
Gordon Haskell
Irving Howe (R. Fahan, R. Fangstone)
Julius Jacobson (Julius Falk)
Henry Judd (Sherman Stanley, Stanley Plastrik)
C.L.R. James (J.R. Johnson, G.F. Eckstein, J. Meyer, W.F. Carlton – Johnson of Johnson-Forest Tendency)
Shirley Lawrence
Dwight Macdonald
Ernest Rice McKinney (David Coolidge)
Sylvia Merrill
Felix Morrow (supporter of an SWP faction in favour of unity with the WP, never joined WP)
Andrzej Rudzienski (Luis Velasco, Juan Robles, Juan Rey) (South American correspondent, Polish exile based in Bolivia)
Max Shachtman
Gertrude Shaw
T.N. Vance (Walter J. Oakes, Frank Demby, Ed Sard)
Jack Weber (Louis Jacobs, A. Roland – in WP for a short period after WW2)
B.J. Widick (Jack Wilson, Walter Jason)

Encyclopedia of Trotskyism | Marxists’ Internet Archive

Last updated on: 7 November 2020