Labor Action [New York] - Contents by Issue (1946) (original) (raw)

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[New York]

[Misprints Date Oddities 1946 LA](Misprints Date Oddities 1946 LA.txt)

Vol. 10 No. 1, 7 January 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Preparing World War III: The Big Three Moscow Parley, by John Stewart

2,000,000 Workers Fight for Security, Living Wage

The Watchdog of Capitalism (cartoon), by Carlo

Chicago Cops Attempt to Break Strike, by R. Miller

Ford #400 Rejects Boss Security Plan, by Lee Roberts

Why GM Walked Out of Fact-Finding Hearings, by Robert Stiler

Veterans Protest at Homecoming Delays, by Jack Wilson

Indonesian Freedom Fight Goes Goes On! by Jessie Kaaren

News and Views from the Labor Front

Left Jabs, by Shaw

With the Workers Party

A Letter from Belgium: “Don’t Deprive Yourselves”, from C―

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period


US Imperialism in the Philippines, by P. Prentiss

December New International

Koreans Fight Big Three Trusteeship, by Carl Davis

The Nature of the Chinese “Civil War”, by Albert Gates

Peron’s New Bid for Labor Support, by Susan Green

The “Good Neighbor Policy” Revised, by Walter Weiss

Vol. 10 No. 2, 14 January 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Steel, Packers, UE, FE Set to Go! Unify the Struggle! by David Coolidge

Chicago Steel Workers Prepare, by R.L. Ferguson

Picket Captain (cartoon), by Carlo

W. Electric Strike Has Firm Support, by Libbie Coleman

Stamford’s Example of Labor Unity, by Sid Roberts

GI’s in Philippines Protest New Demobilization Delays, by Jack Wilson

A “Look at the Books” or a “Finger in the Pie”? The Answer Is Both!

News and Views from the Labor Front

Left Jabs, by Shaw

Iran: Victim of Imperialism, by Harriet Fallon

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


Fourth International News, by J.M.F.

Walter Merritt: Specialist in Union Busting, by P. Prentiss

Truman Advises Labor to “Cool Off”, by Emanuel Garrett

Lt. Gen. Morgan: An Example of a Fascist Mind, by Stephen Parker

Our Selection of the UNO Site

“Nothing’s Too Good for Our Boys”, from New York Times

New York Workers Party Convention

Socialist Youth Conference

Civilization Marches On, from Business Week

Vol. 10 No. 3, 21 January 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Electrical, Packinghouse Workers on the Line – Labor Can Win This Fight

Why Don’t They Send all the GI’s Home, by Jack Wilson

UE, Packers Strike in New Jersey, by Saul Berg

Spirit of Western Union Pickets High in Second Week of Strike, by Pearl Prentiss

Announcing the LA Sub Drive, by Reva Craine

Packinghouse Workers Walk Out! by Paul Newman

News and Views from the Labor Front

With the Workers Party

UAW Leaders Try to Put Over Kaiser-Frazer Incentive Plan, by Ben Hall

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


Two NY Housing Programs, by Chris Warren

A New Gabfest on the Jewish Problem, by Jessie Kaarren

Conservatives Win in Ship Convention, by Susan Green

What “Society of Sentinels” Stands For, by Doris Winters

“Black Gold”

Vol. 10 No. 4, 28 January 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Labor Needs General Strategy Board to Unify the Strike Actions, by David Coolidge

[Scene from the Picket Line at US Motors] (photo)

Steelworkers Strike Eleven Reading Plants

[Speakers at WP Rally in NY in Support of GI Demonstrations] (photo)

Meat Strikers Rally Wide Support, by Paul Newman

New Jersey Picket Lines Stand Solid for Victory

Akron CIO Elects Officers, by George Whitney

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Tresca Case Failure Flayed by Speakers

With the Workers Party

Lenin, Liebknecht, Luxemburg: Three Giants of Socialism, by J.R. Johnson

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


No More Alibis! Bring the Boys Home! by Jack Wilson

Protest Letter on Ban of La Verité

Hyatt on the Line, Steel Out, by Gene Dennis

Name Your Own Sub Quota, by Reva Craine

Youth Tour

Vol. 10 No. 5, 4 February 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Against: Company Security, Price Rise, Wage Fixing! by David Coolidge

Next Week in Labor Action

Hold On! (cartoon), by Carlo

US Government Takes Over Meat Plants, by Paul Newman

Ask Nuremberg Court to Bare Facts on Trotsky Frameup

Labor Needs OWN Party to Win, by Henry Newman

IAM Lodge Rejects 15% Wage Raise

Workers Party Branches Back Sub Drive, by Reva Craine

News and Views from the Labor Front

Shachtman Meet Opens Newark Hall

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

With the Worker’s Party

One Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

GIs’ Return Used as Pawn for Big Army, by Jack Wilson


Pass the FEPC Bill NOW! by Chris Warren

Workers Party National Committee Meeting Plans Political, Organization Expansion Drive

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick

Youth Tour

Vol. 10 No. 6, 11 February 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Labor Action Editorial

And the Companies Want Security! (cartoon), by Carlo

Unify the Fight to Hold the Price Line! by Walter Weiss

Congress Threatens Anti-Labor Legislation, by Mary Bell

Promote Your Paper, Support the Sub Drive, by Emanuel Garrett

News and Views from the Labor Front

With the Workers Party

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

International Socialist Notes

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick

Italian Party Leader Dies

India’s Year of Decision, by Henry Judd

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Big 3 Preside at “Peacemakers’” Brawl, by Irving Howe

The Meaning of Company Security Plans, by Ben Hall

Litchfield – a Product of Army System, by Jack Wilson

Vol. 10 No. 7, 18 February 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Hold the Line on Prices! by Emanuel Garrett

Auto Workers Blast UE Pay Settlement, by Jack Wilson

“If They Can’t Run ’Em, We Can!” (cartoon), by Carlo

Jersey Court on Labor Baiting Spree, by Robert West

Stalinists Doublecross GM Auto Strikers, by David Coolidge

Workers Party Maps 5 Labor Action Sundays, by Reva Craine

News and Views from the Labor Front

With the Workers Party

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Note to Subscribers

One Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Off Limits, by J.M. Fenwick


Harlem WP Branch Backs FEPC Meeting

Filibuster Lynches FEPC Bill, by Chris Warren

America’s No. 1 Fascist Picketed in Chicago

Extree! Stalin Winner in Russian Elections!

Big Three Continue UNO Empire Fight

Bosses, Mayor Combine Against Tug Strikers, by Susan Green

Bring Troops from Philippines!

Vol. 10 No. 8, 25 February 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Fight “Big Steal” Formula! by Mary Bell

“Your Government” at Work (cartoon), by Carlo

An Editorial on the Steel Settlement

Companies Have Plenty of $ $ $ for Anti-Labor Ads, Not Pay, by Mike Stevens

Trotskyists Campaign in Belgium

Murray Dependence on Truman Costly to Workers, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

With the Workers Party

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

One Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period


Challenge to Vishinsky to Prove Purge Charges at Nuremberg, by Jessie Kaaren

Frankensteen Resignation No Surprise, No Loss, by Jack Wilson

Korea: Victim of the War for “Liberation”, by Susan Green

First Round of Post-War Social Crisis, by J.R. Johnson

From “Beloved Leader” to Hated Enemy, by Stephen Parker

First Labor Action Sunday March 3, by Reva Craine

Vol. 10 No. 9, 4 March 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

We’re Going to Have an 8-Page Labor Action, by Max Shachtman

Profits Rise, Wage Gains Vanish!

“Quit India!” Cry Angry Masses, by Henry Judd

Police Club Vets; May Widen Strike

Seven Join Detroit WP at Meeting

Snapping! (cartoon), by Carlo

GM Vital Issue for UAW, by Jack Wilson

News and Views from the Labor Front

Fourth International Mourns Death of Italian Revolutionist

Los Angeles Anti-Fascists Win

With the Workers Party

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Where to Buy Labor Action and The New International

World Politics, by Irving Howe

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


International Socialist Notes

Corporations on Strike for High Prices, by Susan Green

‘Security’ Plan Is Aimed at Shop Stewards, by Ben Hall

April 7 Social Will Celebrate WP Anniversary

Sub Drive Jumps 1,000 Hurdle, by Reva Craine

Canadian Spy Scare Shows War in Making

Vol. 10 No. 10, 11 March 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

No. 1 Lesson of GM Strike: Political Action Is Labor’s Need, by Emanuel Garrett

An Editorial

Philly Unions Vote on General Strike

Eight-Pager Needed for Socialist Education! by Ernest Erber

News and Views from the Labor Front

With the Workers Party

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


Indians Retreat – Temporarily, by Henry Judd

Blackmail Game for Peace Draft, by Joe Leonard

Yalta Secrets Come to Light

Aid the General Motors Strikers

French Government Against Wage Increases, from C.

UAW Conventions Issues Blurred, by Ben Hall

Steel Local 2067 Appeals for Aid, from James Houston

Drive Nears 2,000 Mark, by Reva Craine

FEPC Meet Lacks Program, by Chris Warren

Vol. 10 No. 11, 18 March 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Contribute to the $15,000 Workers Party Expansion Drive

Thieves Fall Out over War Spoils, by Irving Howe

GM Program Will Be Issue at UAW Meet

United Nations! (cartoon), by Carlo

Picket Smith Meeting in Philadelphia

Steel Local 2715 for GM Program

You Can Help Us Get the 8-Page Labor Action! by Emanuel Garrett

News and Views from the Labor Front

WP Branches Set Fund Drive Quotas, by Nathan Gould

Workers Party Meeting Demands Indian Freedom

With the Workers Party

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

The Meaning of the Vote in Argentina, by A. Ferrara


H.G. Wells in Group Asking Nuremberg Inquiry in Frame-up Against Leon Trotsky

World Politics, by Irving Howe

They Showed the Way to Labor Emancipation, by J.R. Johnson

Wheat Is Burned as 500 Million People Face Starvation, by Susan Green

“Builders” Slate Elected in UAW Local 719

Sub Drive Passes Half-Way Mark! by Reva Craine

Volume 10, No. 12, 25 March 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Greetings to the UAW Convention; Forward to Labor Political Action! by David Coolidge

Counter-Demand! (cartoon), by Carlo

Labor Action This Week —; Labor Action Next Week –

Aid Your Paper in Fund Drive, by Paul Bern

Fund Drive Needs Vigorous Spirit, by Nathan Gould

Next Week

With the Workers Party

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period


World Politics, by Irving Howe

GM Strike Program Is Central UAW Issue, by Emanuel Garrett

Woman Worker and the UAW, by P. Prentiss

Akron URW Delegation Hikes Pay Settlement, by George Whitney

No More Drowning Your Tears in Beer

All Out for Next Labor Action Sunday, by Reva Craine

Vol. 10 No. 13, 1 April 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

GM Program Elects Reuther, by Susan Green

Attlee Offer to Indians Is a Fraud! by Henry Judd

Reconversion! (cartoon), by Carlo

Subways Run at a Profit, But Banks Want Fare Rise

Petition Nuremberg Court to Investigate Stalin Frame-up Charges Against Trotsky

Auto Labor’s Struggle for GM Strike Program, by Max Shachtman

News and Views from the Labor Front

With the Workers Party

Newark Rings Bell in WP Fund Drive

Meeting on French Crisis

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

New International Bound Volumes

Labor Action Magazine

Six Years of the Workers Party – Our Record of Triple Vindication, by Max Shachtman

Can US Post-War Capitalism Provide Jobs for Everybody? by Albert Gates

Did Rube Goldberg Really Invent Capitalism? by Hal Draper

How Returned GIs Look at Unions, by Henry Judd

Don’t Be a Free Rider – Join the Workers Party! by Ernest Erber

Black Metropolis: Chicago’s South Side, by J.R. Johnson (book review)

Guide to Action for Rail Labor, by Mary Bell (book review)

This Sample Eight Page Labor Action

The Stalinist Menace to World Labor, by J.R. Johnson

Letter from German Comrade Tells of European Barbarism, from Adolphe

World Politics, by Irving Howe

A Heroic History of Revolutionary Resistance Against Fascist Terror, by James M. Fenwick

A Report from Shanghai on Chinese Labor Movement, by G.

The Militant French Printers’ Strike

International Socialist Notes, by J.M.F.

Minority Vote Convicts Italian Revolutionist

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period


Spain: Battlefield for Political Forces

Hear Fenwick on Strike Wave

Month Left to Finish Sub Drive, by Reva Craine

West Coast Machinists Leave IAM, by Rita Ritchie

Vol. 10 No. 14, 8 April 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Follow Through on GM Program! by David Coolidge

Labor Action Tops at Auto Convention

Junked! (cartoon), by Carlo

Transit Strike Challenges Detroit Mayor, by Ben Hall

Shipyard Locals Win Vote to Strike Bethlehem

Workers Party Vet Committee Offers Plan on Housing Action

Boost the Fund Drive for a Permanent 8-Pager! by Nathan Gould

With the Workers Party

New York Workers Party School Announces Six New Courses

Chicago Volunteers Fund Quota Raise, by Nathan Gould

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period

Russia No Workers’ State, by J.R. Johnson

World Politics, by Irving Howe

Greek Elections, by Tom Tanakos

What to Do with Army Surplus Goods, by Susan Green

Peace Talk Wilts in Imperialist Heat, by William Barton

US Planned “Sneak Attack” for Japanese, by Walter Weiss

Mine Strikers Demand Health Service Fund

Akron Hears Gates on Strike Wave

Sell 150 Subs at UAW Convention, by Reva Craine

Vol. 10 No. 15, 15 April 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Open Boarded-up Mansions to Vets; Nuild New Homes, by Philip Bagradian

“Peacemakers” Brawl over Oil Concessions

A Thieves’ Kitchen (cartoon), by Carlo

Reading Steel Local Urges Militant Action

Fight for GM Program Continues, by David Coolidge

Get Behind the Drive for a Bigger, Better LA, by Albert Gates

News and Views from the Labor Front

With the Workers Party

Negro Paper Launches Fight in Detroit Against Discrimination

Party Fund Gains Momentum, by Nathan Gould

Workers Party Anniversary a Huge Success

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Albert Maltz “Confesses” to His Crimes, by Irving Howe

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period


World Politics

WP Pre-Convention Discussion Articles to Appear in Labor Action

Trotsky Attorney Adds Name to Nuremberg Petition

Japanese Workers Stage Mass Protest, by Jack Brad

Sub Drive Close to 5,000 Goal, by Reva Craine

Send Us Your May Day Greetings!

On Labor Action Sunday (cartoon strip), by Henry Newman

Vol. 10 No. 16, 22 April 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Labor Action Announces ... May Day 8-Pager!

CIO Job: Turn PAC into Labor Party

Capitalism’s Second (cartoon), _by Carl_o

Group Protests SWP Inaction on Unity, Joins Workers Party

An Editorial

Price “Bulge” Is a Breakthrough, by Susan Green

Contest Will Close Labor Action Sub Drive, by Reva Craine

News and Views from the Labor Front

Workers Party Pre-Convention Discussion ...

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

With the Workers Party

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period


Anti-Semitism Is an Anti-Labor Weapon, by Jessie Kaaren

Demand Freedom for India Now, by Henry Judd

Seattle Leaps Ahead in WP Fund Drive, by Nathan Gould

Imperialist Policy in Iran, by J.R. Johnson

Urges Youth Back Drive for 8-Page Labor Action, by Shirley Waller

Vol. 10 No. 17, 29 April 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Now More Than Ever! (cartoon), by Carlo

US Labor – Forge Victory of Socialism, Workers Party May Day Manifesto, 1946, signed by Max Shachtman

For Price Control by Workers’ and Housewives’ Committees, by Susan Green

8-Pager Is a Political Necessity! by Mary Bell

News and Views from the Labor Front

Workers Party Pre-Convention Discussion

Harlem WP Calls Meeting to Aid Columbia Defense, by Chris Warren

Fund Passes $9,000; Some Branches Slow, by Nathan Gould

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Labor Action Magazine

Conclusion No. 1 (cartoon), by Carlo

“Operation Dixie” – CIO Begins Labor’s Great March to the South, by David Coolidge

Open the Books – Towards Workers Control of Production, by Ernest Erber

The “Free Enterprise” Racket (cartoon), by Carlo

The “New Line” of Stalinism: A Danger in the Trade Unions, by Jack Wilson

What a Real Workers’ Government Would Look Like in America, by Susan Green

Report on Socialist Youth League, by Shirley Waller

The Significance of the GM Strike Program, A Workers Party Statement, signed by Max Shachtman

Labor Action Embarks upon Its Sixth Year as the Champion of International Socialism, by Albert Gates

May Day Greetings from James T. Farrell

Highlights from Previous May Days

May Day Born in Struggles of American Labor, by Chris Warren

Greek Trotskyism During the Wartime Terror

International Socialist Notes, by J.M.F.

A Letter from France, from D.

Why the World Socialist Perspective Remains Valid for Our Time, by Irving Howe

Boarded Up! (photo)

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick

Labor Action’s May Day Greeting to New Readers, by Reva Craine

With the Workers Party

Vol. 10 No. 18, 6 May 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Arithmetic and the Labor Party

Reuther, Thomas Evade Rank and File Mandate, by David Coolidge

Time to Get Up! (cartoon), by Carlo

Roxas Wins Elections as Discontent Grows, by Saul Berg

Vote “Yes” – Say French Trotskyists

“Freedom from Want” Promised; But Starvation Stalks the World, by William Barton

Regular 8-Pager in Six Weeks! by Irving Howe

Workers Party Pre-convention Discussion

News and Views fom the Labor Front

Spirited May Day Celebration by Newark Branch

San Francisco Organizer Makes National Tour

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

With the Workers Party

World Politics, by Irving Howe

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period


Antisemitism: Its Destruction Is the Task of Labor, by Jessie Kaaren

Petition to Nuremberg on Trotsky Gains Thirty-four New Signatures

Seeds of World War III in UN Quarrels, by Walter Weiss

Let’s Reach 75% of Goal Next Week, by Nathan Gould

17 Quotas Topped Near Drive End, by Reva Craine

Trotsky Book Critic to Be Subject to Criticism by LA

Vol. 10 No. 19, 13 May 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Price Control Up to Labor, by Susan Green

Miners Stand Fast, Defy Boss Barrage, by Mike Stevens

New Feature by Carlo Will Appear Every Week

Shachtman Book on Socialism Comes Off Press

Army Prisons Run Like Concentration Camps, by Joseph Hauser

Sub Drive Tops Goal – On to the 8-Pager, by Reva Craine

News and Views on the Labor Front

Branches Hold Spirited May Day Meetings

Workers Party Pre-Convention Discussion ...

California Labor Faces Need of Beating Down KKK Menace

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Dear Reader, by The Editors

Japan Election Solves Nothing, by William Brad

An Editorial

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period

World Politics, by Irving Howe

Reorganize Trotskyist Group in Austria

Anglo-American Diplomats Produce a Monstrosity in Report on Palestine, by Jessie Kaaren

UNRRA Barely Dents Food Crisis, by William Barton

Workers Party Fund Passes $10,000, by Nathan Gould

Italy Demonstration Asks Bread and Work

PM Picks Stalinist Hack as Trotsky Critic

Vol. 10 No. 20, 20 May 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Profit and Loss (cartoon), by Carlo

Housing Crisis Can Be Solved, by Mary Bell

Miners Determined to Win Demand for Welfare Fund, by Mike Stevens

Youth Groups Protest Jim Crow in Skating Rink

People Are Pawns in Big Power Wrangle at Paris, by Susan Green

News and Views from the Labor Front

Workers Party Pre-Convention Discussion ...

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Where to Buy Labor Action and The New International

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Jim Crow in Army Life, by Jim Bagradian

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period


World Politics, by Irving Howe

Famine Rides on Broken Transport, by William Barton

Price Control Must Be Tied to Slogan “Open the Books”

Conflict and Policy in Germany, by Herbert Mason

Three Weeks Left and $3,300 to Go! by Nathan Gould

Eighty Attend San Francisco May Day Meet

Louisville May Day

A Boss’s Dictionary: Layoff (cartoon), by Carlo

Vol. 10 No. 21, 27 May 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Nationalize Mines, Rails Under Workers’ Control!

Murray’s Speech Makes Headlines, But Is Not Discussed, by David Coolidge

News and Views on the Labor Front

Workers Party Pre-Convention Discussion ...

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Goldman Asks to Be Heard at Nuremberg, from Albert Goldman

Workers Party Program for the Reconstruction and Post-War Period


World Politics, by Irving Howe

Imperialist Politics Aggravates Food Crisis, by William Barton

WP Meeting Demands Freedom for the 31 Arrested in Columbia, by Henry Salter

What 2 Weeks Can Mean for an 8-Pager, by Nathan Gould

Trotskyist Rally in Paris Applauds Internationalism

A Boss’s Dictionary: Career-Man (cartoon), by Carlo

Vol. 10 No. 22, 3 June 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Truman Guards Pocketbooks of Railroad Trusts

For a Government of Labor, Not of Strikebreakers, by Jerry Todd

Will India Really Get Its Freedom, by Henry Judd

Thousands of Soldiers Languish Overseas, Victims of Brutal Military Court-Martial, by Joseph Hauser

Ku Klux Klan Stir Up Race Hatred in West, by J.H. Brent

What is the Historical Perspective of Bureaucratic Collectivism?

James Farrell, Shachtman Speak at NY Workers Party School

Battle Against Union Jim Crow Waged by Los Angeles Labor

Why Labor Needs a Party of Its Own, by Susan Green

Where to Buy Labor Action and The New International

World Politics, by Irving Howe

SWP Minority Statement on WP Unity, by Albert Goldman & Lydia Bennett

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

International Socialist Notes, by James M. Fenwick

Stalinist Equality, from New York Post

Gordon Haskell Speaks at Chicago WP Meeting

Note on Fund Drive Column

We Need a Labor Party, Not a “Third” Party, by Ben Hall

“Here, Slip This On!” (cartoon), by Carlo

French Referendum Contest of Classes

Ohio YPSL Leader Joins Workers Party

The Boss’s Dictionary: Revenge (cartoon), by Carlo

Vol. 10 No. 23, 10 June 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

SWP Minority Group Joins Workers Party

Fight Strikebreakeers with a Labor Party! by Irving Howe

Same Old “Big Steal” Formula! (cartoon), by Carlo

News and Views from the Labor Front

96% of Quota Met; Drive Ends on June 15

Continued Inaction Scored in Carlo Tresca Case

Where to Buy Labor Action and The New International

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

World Politics, from Quatrième Internationale

International Relief Work of the WP, by Mary Bell

Workers Party Program for organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period

Shift to Right in France Despite CP–SP Majority, by Mary Bell

A Low-Cost Housing Swindle, by Henry Salter

With the Workers Party

Socialist Appeal, La Verité Report US Nuremberg Petition

A Boss’s Dictionary: Democracy (cartoon), by Carlo

A Condemnation of the SWP Stand on the Nuremberg Petition, from Jack Weber

Vol. 10 No. 24, 17 June 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Why Isn’t There Enough Bread?

Maritime Labor Defies Strikebreaker Truman!

Fight Jim-Crow in Columbia Trial, by Chris Warren

Leaders Duck Labor Party Issue, by Susan Green

News and Views from the Labor Front

A Boss’s Dictionary: Humanitarian (cartoon), by Carlo

Fund Drive Is Now 98% Complete, by Nathan Gould

With the Workers Party

Where to Buy Labor Action and The New International

World Politics, by Irving Howe

Background of Those Who Joined WP

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period


World Starvation Indicts the Whole Capitalist System, by William Barton

Workers Party Holds 4th National Convention

PCI Polls 45,000 Votes in France

Labor Action Will Appear an 8-Pager on August 5th

Democrat-PAC Bloc Loses California Primary, by Jack Brent

Vol. 10 No. 25, 24 June 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Our Answer to Bevin’s Speech, A Workers Party Statement

Stop the Price Rise!

Reuther Group Triumphs at Mich. CIO Convention, by Ben Hall

Maritime Bulletin

Akron CIO Revolts on PAC Policies, by George Whitney

Congress Readies New Labor Blows, by Susan Green

News and Views from the Labor Front

A Boss’s Dictionary: Eccentric (cartoon), by Carlo

Fund Drive Goal Surpassed by WP, by Nathan Gould

With the Workers Party

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...


World Politics, by Irving Howe

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period


Sugar Imperialism Drags Puerto Rico to Poverty, by Herb Mason

The Army Demonstrates Its “New” Democracy, by Joseph Hauser

Ku Klux Klan Prepares Anti-Labor Violence, by Susan Green

Planning Your Future (cartoon), by Carlo

Tin-Horn Generals Win New Draft Bill, by Grant Wallinde

Farrell Protests Ban on Novel by Canadian Government

Hudson Tube Strikers Enter Third Solid Week

Vol. 10 No. 26, 1 July 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Nationalize the Food Industry!

Seafarers Stick by 30% Demand

Pacific AFL Plans War on CIO

Lichfield: America’s Buchenwald!

News and Views from the Labor Front

A Boss’s Dictionary: Overtime (cartoon), by Carlo

With the Workers Party

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period

World Politics, by Irving Howe


“Black and Tan” Rule in Palestine Rouses Resistance

The Meaning of the French Elections, by Nathan Gould

Imperialist Conflict in Germany, by Herb Mason

Explain “Why SWP Minority Joined the Workers Party”

The Eight-Pager Is on the Way

Vol. 10 No. 27, 8 July 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Labor Can Control Prices!

The Shadow of the Atom Bomb

We Need Our Own Party!

UAW Begins Campaign to Hold Rents

Both Boss Parties Share Blame for Price Debacle, by Susan Green

British Terror Hits Palestine Jews, by Ed Findley

Should the People Tighten Their Belts? by David Coolidge

New Branch in Boston

News and Views from the Labor Front

A Boss’s Dictionary: Sedition (cartoon), by Carlo

With the Workers Party

Philly Lecture

October to June – The Meaning of the Recent French Elections, by Nathan Gould

World Politics, by Irving Howe

Russians Aid Anti-Jewish Move at UN

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period

Truman’s Attack on Rail Workers

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Will Stalin Open His Doors?

Race Track Mogul “Sings” – Reveals tieup Between Underworld and Two Boss Parties, by Jerry Todd

Famine in India (photo), from British Socialist Appeal

Bulgarian Terror Hits Trotskyists

Why Are You So Quiet About the Lichfield Trial, General Eisenhower? by William Barton

Indian Trotskyists Report New Strength, by V. Karalasingham

Stalinist Logic

The Eight-Page Labor Action

Vol. 10 No. 28, 15 July 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Stop the Price Profiteering, Manifesto of the Workers Party

Workers Party Runs Two Candidates for Congress

Indian Trotskyists Hit British Plan

UAW Leaders Talk of New Party, by Herb Mason

News and Views from the Labor Front

Nation-Wide Labor Fight Against Price Profiteers

Seattle Meet Calls for Labor Party

With the Workers Party

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Chicago Negro Home Bombed for Defying ‘ White Covenant’, by Paul Newman

The Struggle for Freedom in Palestine, by Al Findley

A Program for Organized Labor in the Reconversion and Post-War Period

Antoinette Konikow (obituary)


An Exchange of Letters

The Death of Ta-Tu-Thau

A Boss’s Dictionary: Tolerance (cartoon), by Carlo

Why Nothing about Congressman May?

Stalinism Stands Exposed as an Inciter of Anti-Semitism in Europe and the Near East, by Irving Howe

A-Bomb Test at Bikini Prelude to New War, by Henry Judd

August NI Ready Next Week

Supreme Court’s New Chief Justice

Philly Party Holds Picnic

Vol. 10 No. 29, 22 July 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Price Rises Hit Workers’ Pockets, by Emanuel Garrett

Big Four Talks Get Nowhere, by Henry Judd

Ask CIO to Adopt UAW Wage Plank, by Jack Wilson

CIO Vets for Profit Tax to Pay for Bonus, by Walter Jason

Workers Party Candidates Denounce May

News and Views from the Labor Front

Cops Raid Youth Club in Cleveland

A Boss’s Dictionary: Revolution (cartoon), by Carlo

Private Enterprise

The False Position of the SWP on the Question of Wages and Prices, by Ernest Erber

With the Workers Party

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Who Caused the Pogroms in Poland?

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor in the Revonversion and Post-War Period

Sidney Hillman’s Career in “Business Unionism”, by David Coolidge

World Politics, by Irving Howe

Chen Chi-chong

The Fight for Socialism – A Must Book Explaining the Program of the Workers Party (book review), by Susan Green

A Report From France Where Hunger Reigns

Erber on National Party Tour

Jersey CIO Backs Phelps Offer

Vol. 10 No. 30, 29 July 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Next Week: Our 8-Page Paper!

Rallies Swell the Demand for Action on Prices!

CIO Board’s Price Program Is Off the Mark, by Emanuel Garrett

Campaign to Hold Rents in Chicago

Union Action on Prices Effective, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

A Boss’s Dictionary: Justice (cartoon), by Carlo

Hearings on Freeport Case

With the Workers Party

World Politics, by Irving Howe

The Behavior of American GIs in Japan, by Gerry McDermott


Vets Protest Palestine Policy

Jim Crow Vandals Toss Fire Bomb into Negro Home, by Jerry Todd

Seattle Notes

New York WP, Election Page

E.R. McKinney – Our Candidate in Harlem, by T.R. Cobb

Workers Party Launches Drive to Place Candidates on Ballot

For Security and a Living Wage, Workers Party Platform

Max Shachtman – Our Candidate in Brooklyn

Rep. Celler, Supporter of Capitalism, Does Not Deserve Labor’s Vote, by Susan Green

Vol. 10 No. 31, 5 August 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Break the Lynch System! by Dvid Coolidge

Murray, Reuther Pull Back on Pay Rise, by Emanuel Garrett

UAW Board Meeting Will Discuss Prices, by Jack Wilson

WP Election Campaign in Flying Start

The Lynch Record for 10 Years

Labor Action Fights in Socialist Cause

UE Local 107 Adopts UAW Price Program

Local 107 Votes Fighting Program

CIO Longshoreman to Hit Shipowners with Slow-Down, by Chispa

The Boss’s Dictionary: Time-and-a-half (cartoon), by Carlo

Picketing Hits Philadelphia Market Sales

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

With the Workers Party

Labor Action Magazine

Workers Party Program

The Recent Strike Struggles and the Political Tasks of American Labor, by Albert Gates

Diplomatic Hypocrisy Is Keynote of Big Four Peace Conference at Paris, by Henry Judd

How Has Labor Action Affected Your Political Ideas? by Ernest Erber

Tribute to a Fine Socialist Spirit – Antoinette Konikow, by Albert Goldman

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


The Lurid Tale of Ship Profits, by Paul Newman

Terror – The Barbaric Master of Europe, by Irving Howe

How the Italian Workers Seized the Factories in Their Strike Wave, by J.R. Johnson

Spanish Socialist Tells of Escape from Stalinist Bands, by A.

New ABC of Marxism Out

World Politics, by Irving Howe

A Powerful Indictment of Stalinism (book review), by Susan Green

Books You Should Know ...

Is Norman Thomas Going Home Again?

What’s So Funny About Lollipops?

James Maxton, British ILP Leader, Dies, by Britannicus

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

E.R. McKinney

Rejection of Bell Proposals Weakens Buffalo Price Rally

Call for Action on Jim-Crow Bombing, by Robert Ferguson

Goldman Completes First Lap of His West Coast Tour

Chicago Meeting Hears WP Program on Price Control, by Harriet Fallon

Heresy Invades Los Angeles SWP

Hitler and Stalin

May-Garsson Steal Is a Small Part of War Time Profiteering Scandal, by Susan Green

Taken for a Ride Again! (cartoon), by Carlo

Come to Think of It, by Hal Draper

Report on French Situation, by Robert Charles

Anti-Labor Hoodlums Set Fire to SWP Hall

Call at Local New York Office for Petitions etc.

Vol. 10 No. 32, 12 August 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Dewey Action Whitewashes Freeport Killer, by Ernest Rice McKinney

Price Control Action Is Still Major Need! by Emanuel Garrett

The Double Cross (cartoon), by Carlo

Powers Clash at “Peace” Conference, by Henry Judd

Armed Veterans Buck Tennessee Machine, by Abe Victor

Control Prices at Their Source! by Susan Green

WP Candidates Rap 79th Congress Record

The Newest Gouge

News and Views from the Labor Front

A Boss’s Dictionary: Day-dream (cartoon), by Carlo

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

With the Workers Party

Labor Action Magazine

Program of the Workers Party

Ten Years of the CIO – A Stirring Story of the Rise of American Labor, by Irving Howe

“Who Is Behind the Workers Party?” by Ernest Erber

The Social and Economic Problems of the South, by David Coolidge

[General Bradley on War] (photos)

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


Fourth International News

Observations of a Veteran, by William Barton

Reparations: New Blow at the European People, by Albert Gates

Who Will Win in China – The US or Russia?

Next Week

Trotskyist Unity and the Nature of the Party, by Albert Goldman

World Politics, by Irving Howe

Behind Peron’s Victory in Argentina, by Susan Green

Books You Should Know ...

The Price of Struggle in France, by Pierre Roussel

Indian Trotskyist Paper Analyzes Nehru’s Political Role

Labor, Vets Picket Smith in Cleveland, by Gerry McDermott

Youth Notes ...

Goldman Speaks on WP Program at Two Meetings in Bay Area

Louisville Mayor as Strikebreaker

US-Russia Dispute Behind Espionage Trial, by Vincent Wheelan

Come to Think of It, by Hal Draper

Congress Adjourns After Record of Loyal Service to Big Corporations, by V. Jensen

Navy Seeks to Dull Atom Bomb Fears, by Carl Davis

Bares Aims of Palestine Partition Plan, by Eugene Vanshan

Vol. 10 No. 33, 19 August 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Meat Up 30% – Butter Up 32%

Press for Wage Rises as OPA OK’s Price Jump

This Issue ...

Do Not Let Britain Finish Hitler’s Task!

Army Brass, Dollar-a-Year Men Tapped Big War Contracts for Graft

Detroit WP Offers SWP Use of Its Hall

Lynch Mobs Spread Terror in the South, by Ernest Rice McKinney

Come to Think of It, by Hal Draper

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


Fourth International News, by E.G.

Canadian Group Protests Attack on Demaiziere, from Charles Papineau

Labor Action Magazine

Leon Trotsky as He Was in 1932 (photo)

The Heritage of Leon Trotsky – And the Role of the Workers Party, by Albert Gates

Program of the Workers Party

The Social and Economic Problems of the South, by David Coolidge

A Heroic Socialist Leader ... A Fighting Voice of Freedom!

World Politics, by Irving Howe

Behind Peron’s Victory in Argentina, by Susan Green

Trotskyist Unity and the Nature of the Party – II, by Albert Goldman

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Truck Bosses Won’t Pay for Strikebreaking

The Boss’s Dictionary: Merger (cartoon), by Carlo

With the Workers Party

Youth Notes ...

Akron Workers Propose Strike

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

“Peace” Conferees Battle for Power, by Henry Judd

Memphis AVC Admits Negroes

SP Commits Shameful Election Drive Act, by Abe Victor

Seattle Audiences Hear Workers Party Speaker

See Kelly on Jim-Crow; Get Brush-Off, by M. Young

Next Week

Small Akron Group Forms ULP, Injures Labor Party Cause, by George Whitney

Vol. 10 No. 34, 26 August 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Resistance Flares in Palestine, by Max Shachtman

The “Peacemakers”! (cartoon), by Carlo

CIO Program Lacks Bold Wage Plan, by Emanuel Garrett

Communal Riots a Tragic Injury to India’s Independence Cause, by Henry Judd

UAW Adopts Compromise Formula, by Walter Jason

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

News and Views from the Labor Front

A Boss’s Dictionary: Depression (cartoon), by Carlo

With the Workers Party

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Labor Action Magazine Section

“That Agony Is Our Triumph ...”, by Bartolomeo Vanzetti

A First Hand Report of the Recent Popular Revolution in Bolivia

The Social and Economic Problems of the South, by David Coolidge

World Politics, by Irving Howe

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


Fourth International Notes

The September Issue of the NI

Books You should Know ...

The Polish Resistance Against Stalinist Rule, by A. Rudzienski

In the Land of the Emperor Hirohito and Emperor Douglas, by William Brad

Trotskyist Unity and the Nature of the Party – III, by Albert Goodman

Where is ther Ex-GI’s Dream of the Future? by Charles Stewart

What Was Trotsky’s Goal in Russia? by Susan Green

The Veterans Enter Politics in Tennessee, by Irving Howe

Paris Postal Workers Resist Stalinists, by Jack Armor

Sacco and Vanzetti: Men to Remember, by Tommy Powers

West Virginia Coal Production Reduced

NAACP Offers No Direction, by Lucille James

NMU Strike Hits Great Lakes Shipping, by Gerry McDermott

Detroit Labor Protests Anti-Labor Arson Attack

Next Week

Program of the Workers Party

Youth Notes ...

South African Labor Strikes Gold Mines

New York Workers Party Surpasses Signature Goal, by Abe Victor

Vol. 10 No. 35, 2 September 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

The Real Agenda! (cartoon), by Carlo

Control of Runaway Prices Up to Labor! by David Coolidge

UAW Factions Vie over Policy, by Walter Jason

“Peacemakers” Beat New War Drums, by Henry Judd

An Editorial

News and Views from the Labor Front

A Boss’s Dictionary: Nightmare (cartoon), by Carlo

On-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Vote in Republican Primary Spotlights Situation in Harlem, by Conrad Lynn

Come to Think of It – An “Ism” Is a Set of Ideas, by Hal Draper

Labor Action Magazine Section

Program of the Workers Party

Government, Real Estate Interests Combine to Sharpen Housing Crisis, by Walter Weiss

The Economics of Filipino “Freedom”, by Mary Bell

How Rising Costs Wipe Out Wage Raises, by Henry Judd

World Politics, by Albert Gates

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


Things Are Tough All Over Department, from New York Times

Books You Should Know ...

Next Week

A Southern “Liberal’s” Dressed-up Bilboism, by Ernest Rice McKinney

H.G. Wells and His Place in History, by Britannicus

Goodrich Votes Labor Party, Vets Motions

Trotskyist Unity and the Nature of the Party – IV, by Albert Goldman

The Referendum in Poland, by A. Rudzienski

An Analysis of China’s “Civil War”

Bikini Atom Test Filmed as Spectacle; Navy Plays Down Threat to Mankind, by Susan Green

Fourth International Notes, by E.G.

With the Workers Party

Chicago Negro Home Is Bombed Again

WP Speakers Stress Trotsky’s Teachings

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

Carpenters will Work Only on Vet Housing

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Labor Strength Can Put an End to Lynch Law, by J.R. Johnson

Gold Mine Strike Broken by Police

Los Angeles WP Proposes Organized Protest on British Palestine Crimes, by Hal Draper

Are National Buyers’ Strikes Effective? by Ben Hall

Trounce Smith in Minneapolis, by Nancy Austin

Vol. 10 No. 36, 9 September 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Rigged Vote Returns Monarchy in Greece, by Carl Davis

Labor’s Living Standard Cut by Meat Profiteers!

What They Said on Labor Day ...

Choose Jim-Crow Jury in Tennessee Trial, by Eva Evans

UE Caucus Dodges Main Issues

Conservative Statistics ...

“Peace” Conference Stymied as Disputes Grow, by Henry Judd

News and Views from the Labor Front

A Boss’s Dictionary: Luxury (cartoon), by Carlo

Who’s got the Missing $12,000,000?

British Soldiers’ Wives and Children in Italy

Next Week ...

Labor Action Magazine Section

Program of the Workers Party

Real Labor Party Is a Prime Need! by Emanuel Garrett

Some Economic Facts About the South, by David Coolidge

Business Reporter Laments over Capitalists’ Lack of Confidence in Their Own System, by J.R. Johnson

World Politics, from La Verité

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


Milan After the Bombings, by Jack Armour

Historical Moments Department ...

Books You Should Know ...

Stalin’s New Purges and Ukraine Independence, by Albert Gates

Trotskyist Unity and the Nature of the Party – V, by Albert Goldman

International Socialist Notes, by E.G.

Cost of American Occupation, by Henry Judd

Anti-Semitism in Poland, A. Rudzienski

A Socialist Program for Palestine, by Ed Finley

The Fight Against Franco Goes On! from La Battalla

Cable Seeks Release of Trotskyist

Prison Scandal Breaks in Washington

With the Workers Party

Sugar Plantations Struck in Hawaii

Socialist Confidence Keynotes NY Trotsky Memorial Meeting

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

“Gay Nineties” in Chicago

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Three-Cornered India Battle Shaping

This Speaks for Itself! (cartoon/diagram), by Guernsey-Montgomery, from Economic Outlook, CIO

What Next for Railroad Labor? by Gordon Haskell

September NI Discusses Trotsky’s Role

Erber Analyzes Price Situation at Ohio Meet

Vol. 10 No. 37, 16 September 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Seamen Take Lead in Wage Fight!

An Editorial

Teamsters Defy Threats, Hold Strike Lines Solid

Reuther Airs UAW Dispute at Milwaukee Conference, by Ken Hillyer

Sailors Are Confident They’ll Win, by Labor Action Reporter

Strike Kills Jim-Crow, from Two SIU Members

WP Canteen

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Boss’s Dictionary: Loyal Worker (cartoon), by Carlo

On-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Vet Housing Cut

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

Labor Action Magazine Section

Hollywood Terror Films Mirror of Social Decay, by Irving Howe

A Stalinist Swine Insults the Working Class of Italy, by Max Shachtman

Northern Monopolists Pull Strings of Southern Economy, by David Coolidge

National Budget Reveals Growth of Militarism, by Albert Gates

World Politics, by I.H.

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


Books You Should Know ...

London Homeless Families Occupy Luxury Dwellings

Historical Moments Department

The Sudeten Trek: How Benes Copies Hitler, by Eugene Vaughn

Program of the Workers Party

Stalinists Organize Army After the Prussian Pattern

Trotskyist Unity and the Nature of the Party – VI, by Albert Goldman

The Promise of American Production – I, by Irving Howe

National Unrest in Ukraine Behind Stalin’s 3 Votes at UN, by A.G.

SWP, Please Note: How French Trotskyists Fight High Prices, by Saul Berg

What Next for Railroad Labor? by Gordon Haskell

With the Workers Party

No Cargo, No Tugs, No Pilot, by Mary Howard

Buffalo Meeting Hears Erber on Workers Party Price Program

Press Manager’s Press Action

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

US, Russia Vie to Control Germany

Nationalize Meat Industry Say 25 Packinghouse Locals

Workers Party Files Petitions for Congressional Candidates

Intrigue, Hypocrisy and War

Stalinists Embrace Argentina’s Dictator, by Carl Davis

Eight-Month Phelps Dodge Strike Ends with Victory for Workers

Vol. 10 No. 38, 23 September 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Seamen Smash Pay Freeze!

Flimsy Pretext Used to Rule WP Off Harlem Ballot

CIO Sailors “Hit the Bricks”, AFL Will Honor Picket Line

UAW Faction Fight Heads for Showdown, by Walter Jason

Victory Certain as NY Teamsters Strike Nears End, by Susan Green

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Boss’s Dictionary: Diplomacy (cartoon), by Carlo

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Phila. Vet Housing Rally Hears Much Talk, Does Nothing

They Sure Are Cards

Labor Action Magazine Section

Six Who Survived: What Happened at Hiroshima? by Albert Gates

American Labor Shows Its Power in New Strike Wave, by Emanuel Garrett

A Political Portrait of Nehru, Premier of India’s New Cabinet, by Henry Judd

Why Revolutionary Socialists Can’t Support Russia, by Albert Goldman

Next Week

World Politics, by I.H.

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


Books You Should Know ...

Let ’Em Eat Bibles, from British Zone Review (Germany) & New York Times

The Promise of American Production – II, by Irving Howe

The Place of Buyers Strikes in the Fight to Cut Prices, by Ben Hall

Program of the Workers Party

US Business, Philippine Landlords Open War on Peasant Resistance Forces, by Frank Ward

Wallace’ Speech a Plea for Imperialist Deal with Stalinist Russia to Divide the World, by J.R. Johnson

A Former Revolutionary Artist Crawls Back to Stalinism

Millions Face Starvation in India, from Voice of India

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

With the Workers Party

Government Responsible for Jim-Crow Brutality

Press Manager’s Press Action

Youth Notes ...

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Klan Renews Outrages in Philadelphia, Letters Threaten CIO President

“If You Can’t Pay Us a Living Wage ... We’ll Take Over!”, by Gerry McDermott

Labor Plans “Send-Off” for Smith in Los Angeles, by Hal Draper

What Next for Railroad Labor? by Gordon Haskell

Socialist Youth League School Ends Interesting Summer Sessions

Vol. 10 No. 39, 30 September 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Workers Party Hits British Palestine Rule

Imperialist Policy Clash Erupts in Cabinet Crisis

The Boss’ English (cartoon), by Carlo

NMU Seamen Strike Ends with Victory

Terror Sweeps Greece as Monarch Returns, by Tom Tanakos

Supreme Court Stalls WP Protest, by Abe Victor


Coast Rally Muffs Anti-Smith Issue, by Hal Draper


News and Views from the Labor Front

The Boss’s Dictionary: Tax-Expert (cartoon), by Carlo

The Economics of Lynching ...

Pepper Visit to California Adds Spice to Local Political Stew, by William Gorman

SP Disgraces Labor in Appeal on Ballot Name

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

Labor Action Magazine Section

The Dardanelles: Where Imperialist Rivalries Clash

Henry Wallace – Champion of “Liberal” Imperialism, by Henry Judd

Internal Crisis Forces Stalin to Begin New Series of Purges, by Albert Gates

Taruc Explains Aims of Philippine Peasant Army, by Frank Ward

World Politics, by I.H.

Stalinists Nab Youth in Germany, from Neue Volkszeitung


Books You Should Know ...

Italian People Saddled with Huge Fascist Debt, by Jack Armor

US Supplied Mussolini’s Army with Vital Scrap Steel, by J.A.

Economics Behind Racial Struggle in the South, by David Coolidge

Russia Squeezes Slave Labor out of Hungary, by Carl Davis

Henry Wallace Proposes to Divide the World, by J.R. Johnson

Palestine: Socialist Policy and SWP Duplicity, by Albert Goldman

The Consequences of an Incorrect Position on the Russian Question (letter), from Robert Sherman

The Promise of American Production – III, by Irving Howe

Animal Farm – A Good Fable with a Midsdirected Moral (book review), by Henry Judd

Buyers Strikes in the Fight to Cut Prices, by Ben Hall

Program of the Workers Party

International Socialist Notes, by E.G.

20,000 Hail Algeria Independence Head

With the Workers Party

AFL Electrical Workers Hold Stormy Session, by William Barton

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Lots of Talk But No Houses, by Walt Weiss

Case History of a Fraud, by Abe Victor

London Veterans Take Over Luxury Homes, by Susan Green

New York Voters

Vol. 10 No. 40, 7 October 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Break the Meat Trust!

It All Depends Who Asks! (cartoon), by Carlo

Packinghouse Worker Says

Cost-Plus Pays Off for Profiteers, by Susan Green

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Boss’s Dictionary: Philanthropy (cartoon), by Carlo

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

Philly Forum Discusses WP Price Program, by Frank Harper

New York Voters

Philly Negroes Resist Hoodlum Attack

Labor Action Magazine Section

US Knee-Deep in War for Oil, by Mike Stevens

War Helped $ Billion Corporations Tighten Grip on Economy, by Mary Bell

Atomic Scientists Find Their Consciences, by Irving Howe

When Labor Downs Its Tools, Nobody Can Doubt Its Power, by Susan Green

World Politics

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


International Socialist Notes, by E.G.

Books Your Should Know ...

That Brave New Post-War World, from New York Times

Next Week

New Developments in Stalin’s Russia – I, by F. Forest

Rubber Workers Convention Muffs Basic Wage Issue, by Milton Biller

Ship Workers Convention Shows Poor Leadership, by David Coolidge

The Working Class and the “Public” in America, by Ernest Rice McKinney

Program of the Workers Party

Workers Party Candidates Answer NAACP Questionnaire

LaGuardia Explains How Boss Parties Rig Laws and Courts to Keep Minority Parties Off the Ballot, by Abe Victor

With the Workers Party

Seattle SP’ers Retreat Under Utilities Attack, by Vincent S. Wheelon

Reading Audience Hears Erber Speak on WP Price Program

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Shachtman Radio Speech Calls for Meat Control, by Max Shachtman

With the Workers Party in Action

Tennessee Defense Proves Intimidation of Witnesses, by Eva Evans

Campaign Meetings in Harlem Set

Vol. 10 No. 41, 14 October 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Meat Crisis Calls for Drastic Action, Says E.R. McKinney

Meat Warehouses Bulge, Packers Create Famine! by Jerry Todd

One Way to Handle Prices! (cartoon), by Carlo

2 Negroes Sentenced to Legal Lynching, by Eva Evans

New York Voters

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Boss’s Dictionary: Dictatorship (cartoon), by Carlo

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

Bulgarian Official Acknowledges receipt of Protest Cable, from B. Athanassov



Labor Action Magazine Section

Molotov: Hitler’s Accomplice (excerpts from Molotov’s address to the Supreme Soviet, October 31, 1931)

Why Schacht and Von Papen Were Freed at Nuremberg, by Irving Howe

Stalin Gave Hitler Green Light to Start Second World War, by Ernest Erber

Nuremberg Showed Moscow Trials Were Frameups, by Albert Gates

World Politics

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


International Socialist Notes, by E.G.

You See? Just Like He Said, quotes from Gen. Eisenhower & New Republic

Books You Should Know ...

The Native Fascists in Nightshirts, by Jerry Todd

A GPU Music Critic Censors Shostakovich, by I.H.

Wm. Dunne Expelled by Stalinist Party, by Carl Davis

The Prospects for a Small Revolutionary Party, by Ernest Erber

New Developments in Stalin’s Russia – II, by F. Forest

Timid “Left Wing” Wins at French Socialist Convention, by Saul Berg

Two Who Remain in Tennessee’s Jails, by Ernest Rice McKinney

Program of the Workers Party

Next Week

With the Workers Party

Boss Party Platforms Keep Mum on Major Issues of Day, by J. Marvin

Colonel Blimps Find Singapore Surprise, from Fight (Ceylon)

Political Crazyquilt Snares Coast Labor, by William Gorman

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

Conrad Lynn Speaks for Harlem Branch on Election Issues

New York Voters

Los Angeles WP Announces Policy for November Elections

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Philadelphia gets a Building Boom – But Not in Houses!

Your ... Are a Menace! (cartoon), by Seaman, from Labor Reports

Bradley Defends Vet Wage Cut, by Charles Stewart

Peddles Anti-Semitic Forgery

Studio Labor Battles Hollywood Producers’ Drive for Open Shop, by Hal Draper

Rap Brass Hat Legal System, by William Barton

Vol. 10 No. 42, 21 October 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Meat: Truman’s Price-Lifting Way? – Or Labor’s Way, by Emanuel Garrett

One Way to Meet the Price Boost! (cartoon), by Carlo

Nothing Solved as “Peace” Conference Ends, by Henry Judd

WP National Office, Labor Action Move to New Headquarters

New Outrages in Monarchist Greece, by Chris Sikokis

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Boss’s Dictionary: Progress (cartoon), by Carlo

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Bronx AVC Forum Will Hear Gould

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

It’s the Same American Legion, by Will Barton

Labor Action Magazine Section

The Face of Southern Justice

How Long Will the Post-War Economic Boom Last? by Albert Gates

Meat Price Gouge Shows Need for Nationalization of Industry, by Susan Green

Fight on Stalinism Begins in Shoe Union, by Mike Stevens

Don’t Miss It


World Politics

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


International Socialist Notes, by E.G.

Books You Should Know ...

The Current NI

In Next Week’s Labor Action

The Native Fascists in Nightshirts, by Jerry Todd

US “Land Reform” in Japan Won’t End Landlord System, by Mike Stevens

Boss Parties Exploit European Jews’ Plight, by Jessie Kaaren

Colonial Independence in the Modern World, from Spark (India)

Boarded Up!

New Developments in Stalin’s Russia – III, by F. Forest

Program of the Workers Party

Big Meetings in Harlem Campaign

Labor Action School Offers Six Courses, Opens November 8

Seaman Answers Labor Baiter, by Justin Graham

With the Workers Party

Shachtman Challenges Celler at Brooklyn Veterans Meeting

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

Hated King George Rules by Terror, by Chris Sikokis

America-Firsters Form New Reactionary Front, by Susan Green

Library Symposium to Hear McKinney vs. Powell, Reynolds

Next Step in Meat Crisis Up to Labor, by J.R. Johnson

Shachtman Will Speak on Russia at Bronx Forum

Vol. 10 No. 43, 28 October 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

UAW Launches New Wage Drive! by Walter Jason

Vote Against Capitalist Rule! Vote for the WP Candidates! Workers Party Election Statement

An Editorial

Housewives Rebel Against High Meat Prices, by Susan Green

Tammany Judge Digs Up Technicality Not in Law to Turn Down WP Petition

New Address

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Boss’s Dictionary: Patriot (cartoon), by Carlo

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

Baltimore SYL, WP Open Bi-weekly Fall Forum Series, by Henry Willis

Labor Party Government Reforms Army!

Labor Action Magazine Section

Shadow of Stalinism Covers First Meeting of Progressives, by Albert Goldman

Peace Was Not on the Agenda of the Conference at Paris, by Albert Gates

CP of Greece Signs Agreement for Debate with Trotskyists

How the Social System Works in the South, by David Coolidge

World Politics, by J. & G.

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


Books You Should Know ...

Next Week

Democracy in Action!


Leon Trotsky on Marxism in Our Time

What are the Prospects for American Capitalism? by Ernest Erber

First Hand Description of Conditions in India, by G.

Don’t Miss It!

Who Are the Profiteers in Housing? by Henry Newman

Movements for Independence Grow in West Indian Islands, by W.F. Carlton

New Developments in Stalin’s Russia – IV, by F. Forest

New Japanese Constitution Saves the Zaibatsu Class, by William Brad

Nenni Wants to Keep Empire

With the Workers Party

Palestine Symposium Opens Forum Season

Crowd Turns Social Affair into Political Event as Chicago WP Opens Its New Headquarters

WP Urges You to Support these SWP Candidates

Have You Registered at Labor Action School?

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...


Chicken Coops Are at a Premium as Los Angeles Real Estate Interests Block Home Construction, by J. Brent

Program of the Workers Party

October NI Appraises Trotsky Book on Stalin

Election Laws Are Rigged Against Labor!

Shachhtman Routs Celler as Vets Make Brooklyn Meeting a Debate

Seattle WP Branch Asks Labor to Vote for Swett and Roberts

Brownsville WP Chalks Up Successful Campaign Meeting on Displaced Jews

Vol. 10 No. 44, 4 November 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Shachtman Debates Oak This Friday, Nov. 8, in New York

Organize Committees to Push Prices Down! by Emanuel Garrett

Bankrupt! (cartoon), by Carlo

New International Announces Sub Drive

UN Cannot Produce Peace

UAW’s Wage Drive Marked by Caution, by Walter Jason

Building Up of NI Circulation Is a Political Necessity, by Ernest Erber

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Boss’s Dictionary: Work (cartoon), by Carlo

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

Labor Action Magazine Section

Rank and File Strikes in Belgium, by S. Berg

Why Are US Labor Leaders Behind Red-Baiting Drive? by Ernest Rice McKinney

The Terrible Result of Allied Starvation Policy in Germany, by Jack Armour

Truman’s Lasso Too Loose to Corral Meat for People

DeGaulle Makes New Bid for Power, by Irving Howe

Don’t Miss It!

World Politics, by I.H.

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


International Socialist Notes

Books You Should Know ...

Army Postman Rings 15,00 to 20,000 Times for General, from New York Times

Next Week

The Epic Struggle for Indonesian Freedom, from British Socialist Appeal

Historical Development and Modern Socialism, by Ernest Erber

Gutter Sheet Makes Appearance in New Jersey with Scab Propaganda

Program of the Workers Party

New Developments in Stalin’s Russia – V, by F. Forest

What Does the GI Think as He Sees Hungry Europe? by J.R. Johnson

It Didn’t Reach Auto Plants, But There Was Plenty of Steel, by Ben Hall

How Labor Can Solve the Housing Problem – III, by Henry Newman

Norman Thomas’ Breathtaking Slogan

With the Workers Party

“Iron Curtain” Balks Labor Action Reporters, by Henry Judd & Eva Evans

Press Manager’s Press Action

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Vote Labor! Vote for the Workers Party Candidates!

Labor Candidate in Cleveland, by Gerry McDermott

AVC Meet Evades Real Issues, by I. Blake

Protest Ballot Ban on Minority Parties


Are You Registered at the New York Labor Action School?

To Anonymous Contributors

Vol. 10 No. 45, 11 November 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Housing Shortage to Become Even Worse Next Year, by Mike Stevens

Landlords Begin Drive to Break Rent Controls! by Emanuel Garrett

“Carry On!” (cartoon), by Carlo

NAM Starts Slick Drive on Labor

New International on Many Newsstands

Chicago Workers Party Balks Landlord Meeting

Labor Action Forum in NY on the Palestine Situation

Notice to New York City Readers of The New International

Stalinists Win at AVC Meeting, by Robert Sherman

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


Books You Should Know ...

“Kennst Du das Land ...?” from New York Times

In Labor Action

Labor Action Magazine Section

The DP’s of Europe – Forgotten Victims of a Rotting Society, by Henry Judd

Nations Talk Disarmament but Prepare for New War, by J.R. Johnson

James M. Cain’s Plan for Authors a Totalitarian Inspired Scheme, by Albert Gates

Truman’s Political Gang in Missouri, by Mike Stevens

To the Convention of the SWP: What Are the Facts on Unity? by Max Shachtman & Ernest R. McKinney

Is There a New Class Structure in the US? by George Lawler

How Labor Can Surmount Its Obstacles in the South, by David Coolidge

Program of the Workers Party


Protest Ban on Minority NY Parties

Dist. 7 Conference Hears Murray’s Plan, by Frank Harper

With the Workers Party

SYL Discusses “Wallace Issue”

Philly Forum on Hunger in Europe

McKinney Scores at Harlem Symposium

Bankruptcy of PAC Policy in Chicago

Press Manager’s Press Action

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

New Headquarters in Philadelphia

An Eye-Witness Report on the Trieste Issue, by George Harris

San Francisco Union Pickets Demonstrate Against Hate-Monger, by Milton Miller

Gould Speaks at AVC Forum

Italian Blackshirts Renew Activity; Punished Lightly by Government

Bosses Call It “Model Union”

Food Minister Fails to Crush Black Market

Vol. 10 No. 46, 18 November 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Block thje Rent Gouge Now!

New Wage Demand by Rubber Workers to Meet Price Rise, by E.J. McLain

Seattle Housewives Demand City Ordinance to Lower Price of Milk

Stalinists Take Lead in French Elections

Imperialist Conflicts Sharpen in UN Arena, by Albert Gates

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Boss’s Dictionary: Religious-Cult (cartoon), by Carlo

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

German Workers Stage Sit-Down

Notice to New York City Readers of The New International

Labor Action Magazine Section

The Meaning of the Elections

Stalin-to-Molotov “Diplomacy” Confuses Western Diplomats, by Henry Judd

Next Week

World Politics, by I.H.

Russia: 29th Anniversary of Its Great Revolution, by J.R. Johnson


International Socialist Notes

Books You Should Know ...

The Relationship of Bolshevism to Stalinism, by Irving Howe

How Can Women Attain a Full Creative Life? by Susan Green

Program of the Workers Party

A Portrait of a Town in Occupied Germany, by Jack Porter

A First Hand Report on Communal Riots in India, from Samasamajist (Ceylon)

Bustamente – “Uncrowned King” of Jamaica, by J.R. Johnson

A Fuzzy Thinker to Edit a Fuzzy Liberal Magazine

Parisian Workers Face Winter of Deprivation, by Jack Arthurson

Philly WP Opens New Home Office

No Socialism in British Nationalization, by Jack Arthurson

With the Workers Party

Bidault Pays Tribute to Stalinist Treachery in French Strike Period

Schacht Predicts No Trial for Big Industrialists

Reimann Will Discuss German Fate at Forum

US Government Seeks Naval Base in Naples Harbor

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

It Happened Last Week in Greece

Which Way for the Jewish People: Zionist Politics or Socialist Struggle? by Al Findley

Marxism and the Jewish Question in November NI

NI Sub Campaign Gets into Motion

New International Is a Socialist Weapon, by J.R. Johnson

No Report Yet on Shachtman Vote


Vol. 10 No. 47, 25 November 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Defend the Miners Union! by Emanuel Garrett

CIO Statement on Stalinism Straddles Issue, by David Coolidge

This Is Where We Came In! (cartoon), by Carlo

SWP Expels 2 Leaders of Minority

Truman–Landlords Plan Rent Raid on People, by Susan Green

PCI Polls 60,000; Shows Increased Strength

News and Views from the Labor Front

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

Baltimore Forum Hears Gates on Election Results

Detroit WP Gathers FEPC Signatures

Sell Labor Action at River Rouge Strike Meeting


Labor Action Magazine Section

[Independent Political Action] (cartoon), by Carlo

Republican Congress Plans a Boost for Big Business, by Albert Gates

Lack of Labor Tie and Stalinist Infiltration Cloud AVC Future, by Steve Parker

A Profile of a Political Demagogue, by Irving Howe

Totalitarian Mind ...

World Politics, by I.H.

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


Books You Should Know ...

International Notes ...

Let’s Get That General Out of That Hot Alpine Sun! from New York Times

Next Week

The Results of the French Elections, by Henry Judd

Jan Christian Smuts – The Pious Bilbo of South Africa, by Carl Davis

Program of the Workers Party

Cleveland SYL Cracks Jim Crow

Next Week

A Portrait of a Town in Occupied Germany – II, by Jack Porter

The Face of Stalinism, quote from New York Times

An Analysis of the Political Groupings in Palestine Zionism, by Al Findley

Jake Vardaman – Missouri Boy

Socialist Policy on the Labor Party Question, by Ben Hall

With the Workers Party

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Progressive Conference a Blind Alley for Labor, by Susan Green

Forum on Palestine Opens Sessions of NY Labor Action School, by Sylvia Merrill

Unemployed War Veterans Seize Town in Italy

Max Shachtman to Lecture on British Crisis

Farrell on Tolstoy at NY Forum

See Hunger Uprisings Soon in Germany, by Jack Arthurson

Italians, Fleeing to France, Found Frozen in the Mountains

Coming in December New International

Vol. 10 No. 48, 2 December 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

400,000 Miners Defy Strikebreaker Truman

CIO Convention Announces Wage Drive, by Emanuel Garrett

Push Demand for Seattle Price Control

Big Power Blocs Vie for Control of Trieste, by Henry Judd

The Boss’s Dictionary: Equality (cartoon), by Carlo

Inside Labor Action

News and Views from the Labor Front

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

Goldman Speaks on Wage Rise Issue in Akron, by George Whitney

Buffalo Meeting on WP Program Attracts Union Men

New International Subscription Drive Shows Progress in Many Fields

Hawaii Sugar Strikers Win

Labor Action Magazine Section

The Next Step for US Labor

“Anti-Red” Drive in Unions, resolution of Workers Party National Committee

Next Week

World Politics

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


Books You Should Know ...

A Correction ...

Brief Catechism on Capitalist Ethics, from New York Times

A Triumph for Trotskyism in Bolivia, by L. Velasco

Stalin’s Education: From Classroom to Barracks, by Julius Falk

Program of the Workers Party

Good Journalist But Shallow Thinker (book review), by Abe Victor

Behind the Allied Struggle for Control of the Danube Area, by Jack Arthurson


James T. Farrell on the “Cain Plan” for Writers

With the Workers Party

Why Cannon Expelled the SWP Minority Leaders, by Felix Morrow

Christmas Drive to Free CO’s

Press Manager’s Press Action

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

The Role of Women in Modern Society

Chicago Veteran Squatters Fall into Jim Crow Trap

Jersey Labor Shows Apathy to Both Capitalist Parties, by S. Berg

New York Sunday Forums Continue as Big Success

Greenberg to Discuss Art at NY Forum

Negroes Deal Effective Blow at Meat Prices in Cleveland

There Is Still Time to Enroll in the LA School

Notice to New York City Readers of The New International

Vol. 10 No. 49, 9 December 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

“No contract – No Work!”

Oakland Tied Up by Major Strike

NY Rally on Miners

That’s the Way, quote from New York Times

$5,000 Xmas Fund for Labor Action!

The Boss’s Dictionary: Outrage (cartoon), by Carlo

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

Russian State Analyzed at Philly Meeting, by F. Harper

Ask DA Why He Dropped Tresca Case

New Japanese Constitution an Expression of US Policy, by William Brad

Goldman Opens Forum Series in Cleveland

Labor Action Magazine Section

Time to Toss Him Off! (cartoon), by Carlo

CIO Convention Plans Wage Fight and Southern Drive, by David Coolidge

Europe’s People Restive in Face of Second Winter of Starvation, by Jack Arthurson

How to Lick the Stalinist Menace in the AVC, by Charles Stewart

A Blow at Free Expression

CIO Urges Amnesty for CO’s

World Politics, by I.H.


International Socialist Notes

The Delicatessen Store Mystery

Why Workers Should Not Defend Stalin’s Russia, by Albert Gates

Program of the Workers Party

Genocide or Socialism, by Irving Howe

James T. Farrell on the “Cain Plan” for Writers II

South Africa – A Hell Hole of Capitalism

Overflow Crowd at Farrell LA Lecture, by Mary Bell

Belgium Puts German POW’s into Peonage, by Jack Arthurson

Ex-CPers Indict Their Party as Anti-Socialist, by Carl Davis

Can They Afford It?

With the Workers Party

Socialist Policy in Trieste, from New International

Youth Notes ..., by Julius Falk

AVC Appoints Delegation to Call for Amnesty

Notice to New York City Readers of The New International

Press Manager’s Press Action

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

“Tool Owners Union” Is Latest Thing in Well-Financed Anti-Labor Devices, by Chris Sikokis

They Earned the Brass Check!

Landlords Plot to Raise Rents Under Cover of Coal Crisis

Ky CIO Meeting Is Uninspiring

Knitgoods Workers Seek Escalator Clause Wage Rise

Board of Elections Tells Shachtman Vote in 2 Brooklyn Assembly Districts

Gould to Talk on Militarism at NY Forum

Vol. 10 No. 50, 16 December 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Experience of Coal Strike Shows Labor Needs Own Party

CIO Unions Meet on Joint Strategy in Wage Drive!

A Balance Sheet of the Coal Strike, by Max Shachtman

Labor’s share of National Income SHRINKS (diagram)

Chicago Race-Haters Try to Bar Negroes in Project

Report Landlord Profits Rose 25% Since 1939

Give to Labor Action’s $5,000 Xmas Fund!

News and Views from the Labor Front

[The Boss’ Dictionary:] Espionage (cartoon), by Carlo

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

Newark AVC Meeting Reveals Confusion in Handling Problems, by Jack Webb

Labor Action Magazine Section

Business Profits Hit Record High; Wage Levels Decline, by Albert Gates

Deadlock in India Aggravated by British Imperialist Intrigue

New Peace Treaties Mangle the Face of Europe, by Irving Howe

Lire Topples, Jobless Mount in Italy

What Is General Motors Up To?

World Politics

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


International Socialist Notes

Senator Bilbo: Portrait of a Dixie Demagogue, by C.T. Hollocher

Ex-CPers Expose Stalinist Party Role as Strikebreaker, by Carl Davis

Program of the Workers Party

Next Week

Austria Disintegrates Under Occupation, by I.H.

Catholic Unionists and the Mine Strike, by Stanley Grey

Nation’s Teachers in Fight to Increase Take-Home Pay, by Julie Falk

Trail Blazers of Science, from New York Times

Women Still Lack Rights in Italy, by Jack Arthurson

With the Workers Party

India’s Problems Analyzed, by Eleanor Mason

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

Where You Can Buy Labor Action and New International

Reading Tops Goal in NI Sub Drive; Other Branches Lag at Half-Way Mark

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Notice to Our Readers

Mine Strike Poses Question of Labor’s Program, by David Coolidge

Vol. 10 No. 51, 23 December 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Club-Swinging Paris Police Break Up PCI Indo-China Meeting

Joint Strategy on Wages and Prices Vital to Labor!

Act Now to Keep Lid on Rent Ceiling

An Appeal to Every Reader of Labor Action! by Max Shachtman

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Boss’s Dictionary: Un-American (cartoon), by Carlo

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Trotskyists in Germany Organize, Issue Pamphlet

Democracy Includes ... the Right to Starve

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

Chicago Workers Party Branch Takes the Lead in New International Subscription Drive

Labor Action Magazine Section

General Motors Floats a Special Anti-Strike Fund in Wall Street

CIO Report Shows Validity of Labor’s Wage Demand, by Albert Gates

Strutting Race-Hating Columbians Spread Fascism in the South, by Stephen Parker

Meader Report Maligns Negro and Jewish Soldiers, by E.R. McKinney

Why McKenney–Minton Quit CP, by Carl Davis

Murray Letter on Labor Unity

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick


World Politics

Books you Should Know ...

Mister Attlee Explains ...

A Sordid Record of Corrupt Municipal Politics, by Irving Howe

The Week’s Most Fascinating Story

UN Talks Disarmament, Does Nothing, by Henry Judd

Program of the Workers Party

Commutation of Nazi General’s Sentence Part of Allied Policy, by Jack Arthurson

Frisco SWP Members Resign, Protest Convention Expulsions, from B. Steele, N. Howard & Lili

Italian Workers Cross to France

With the Underground to Palestine, by Mary Bell

Stalin’s Russia Again Betrays the Interests of Europe’s Jews, by Albert Findley

French Socialists Caught in Parliamentary Muddle, by Jack Arthurson

US Still Dominates the Philippines, by Charles Stewart

Youth Corner ..., by Julie Falk

A Zero Box Score on Housing, by Philip Romano

With the Workers Party

Defend the Negro Tenants at Chicago Ariport Homes! from Workers Party of the US, Chicago Local

Gates Discusses Palestine Issue at Philly Forum, by Frank Harper

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

New York Sunday Forums Continue as Huge Success

Detroit Forum

Reading Forum

Mine Strike Poses Question of Labor’s Program, by David Coolidge

Labor Action Reporters Find Miners Disturbed by Retreat but Confident, by Ken Hillyer

NY Workers Party in Rent Campaign

Some Thoughts on Christmas ...

Vol. 10 No. 52, 30 December 1946
Labor Action

A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Assn. in New York City

Emanuel Garrett
Albert Gates Irving Howe Henry Judd

Real Estate Lobby Presses Congress to Lift Rent Ceilings

Firm Wage-Price Strategy Can Beat Boss Offensive!

If Senator Bilbo Goes – Does the Bilbo System Remain? by Irving Howe

Turn In 175,000 Petitions in Michigan FEPC Drive

1946 – Survey of the Old Year Poses Labor’s Tasks – 1947, by J.R. Johnson

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Boss’s Dictionary: Leisure Class (cartoon), by Carlo

Tapping the Wall Street Wire, by Jack Ranger

Newark AVC Hears Socialist View on World War Threat, by Jack Webb

No Matter How You Slice Stakhanovism ...

Labor Action Magazine Section

An Editorial Statement

The Capitalist Theorists and the Issue of Wages, by David Coolidge

How Labor Action Reported the Struggles of Workers in 1946, by Arthur Stein

Hunger Spreads in Germany and France, by Jack Arthurson

International Socialist Notes, from Verité

Starvation: The Germans Speak: “Why We Are Hungry”, from Neue Volkszeitung


Books You Should Know ...

Stalinist Terror Dominates Elections in Poland, by A. Rudzienski

Bilbo Tells Senate Committee: “I Thought It Was a Good Thing”, by Chris Warren

Program of the Workers Party

Why McKenney–Minton Quit CP, by Carl Davis

Growth of Forced Labor in Europe, by Arthur Stein

Bolte Book Shows Weakness of AVC Leadership’s Policies, by Roger Ott

Unrest in France; Labor Suffers Economic Pinch, by Jack Arthurson

US Still Dominates the Philippines, by Charles Stewart

With the Workers Party

Commemorate Tresca Murder

Organize Miners’ Branch of WP in West Virginia

Youth Corner ..., by Julius Falk

Where You Can Buy Labor Action and New International

Press Manager’s Press Action, by Henry Judd

Italian Lira at All-Time Low

Hearst Thugs Attack Students Protesting Papeer’s Slurs on Modern Art, by Shirley Waller

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Indian Minority Rejects South African Ghetto

UN Best Measures Its Achievements by Paper Tonnage, by Henry Judd

Examines Cleveland Unions’ Independent Political Action, by Gerry McDermott

General Strike Hits Naples in Food Crisis

Discuss Oakland Gen. Strike Lessons at WP San Francisco Bay Area Forum

Famine and Hunger in Europe’s Granary

To Our Readers

Publications Index | Encyclopedia of Trotskyism | Marxists’ Internet Archive

Last updated on 21 July 2020