Appreciates Morgan Column on YPSL Camp (August 1939) (original) (raw)

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Irving Howe

(August 1939)

Workers’ Forum, Socialist Appeal, Vol. III No. 61, 22 August 1939, p. 3.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL).

Dear Comrade Editor:

I want to express my appreciation of Bill Morgan’s column describing the California Y.P.S.L. camp. It was the sort of article which renews one’s faith in the ability of our movement to fight against all odds until victory will be achieved. Bill caught the spirit which filled the California camp and other Y.P.S.L. Camps – the spirit of fight and study and enthusiasm and sacrifice.

(May I suggest that you change the manner of printing his articles? They would be much more attractive if you give them special feature headlines based on the material in each article, instead of burying each piece under the dull and unsuggestive column-head On the Line?)

I also want to officially invite the Appeal to send up a reporter to the New York Y.P.S.L. camp which is opening this week, especially to the training school which we will have on the week of August 25 and which will end in a grand jamboree. If you think California Y.P.S.L.’s run a good camp, you ain’t seen nothing till you come to the New York camp.

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