OTHER ORGANIZATIONS jump page (original) (raw)

These represent Marxist and socialist organizations whose life spans are shorter than the main listing of American Marxist organizations or, have a very limited number of publications and/or documentation of their existence. Often these organizations were created by the main Marxist groups around specific campaigns and don't represent actual _Marxist_parties.

International Bodies

The First International —(1864-1876)

The Second International —(1889-1923)

Soviet Government Groups

Russian Soviet Government Bureau—(1919-1921)

Independent American Political Groups

Listed chronologically by date of origin.

“The Eight-Hour Movement,” by T. Wharton Collens [Aug. 1868] This article by a supporter of a Missouri Icarian splinter group argues in favor of the newly emerging 8-hour movement. “While the Communist sees clearly that this reform cannot be realized under the present selfish and iniquitous organization of society and government, he also sees in the eight-hour movement a protest against the excessive burdens imposed upon the toilers, and a determined tendency towards the true solution of the social problem,” Collens declares. He argues that in order to succeed the 8-hour movement needs to move from an orientation towards urban workers (mechanics) alone, but should include also “agriculturalists” in its appeal. While advocating for this immediate reform, Collens nevertheless professes the necessity of a universalist solution: “The only platform on which mechanics and tillers of the soil can stand together, fairly and equally, is Communism; for in Communism abides the remedy for all social wrong.”

Socialist Propaganda League of America —(1915-1919)

National Party —(1917-1919?)

Farmer-Labor Party—FLP / FFLP —(1918-1924)

African Blood Brotherhood—ABB—(1919-192?)

Proletarian Party of America— PPA—(1920-1930+)

Workers' Council of the United States — (1921)

Conference for Progressive Political Action—CPPA—(1922-1925)

Communist League of America (Opposition)—CLA—(1929-1934)

The Lovestone Organization —CP(MG) / CPUSA(o) / ICLL / ILLA—(1929-1940)

Communist League of Struggle—CLS—(1931-1937)

Social Democratic Federation—SDF—(1936-1946+)

American Socialist-Sponsored Groups


Young People’s Socialist League (1907-1946)

American Communist-Sponsored Groups


National Council for Protection of Foreign Born Workers— (1923-19??)


Early Legal Defense groups

National Defense Committee

International Labor Defense

International Workers Order


Labor Defense Council (LDC)—(1922-192?)


American Labor Alliance for Trade Relations with Russia (ALA)—(1921)

Friends of Soviet Russia (FSR)—(1921-1930)


Trade Union Educational League (TUEL)—(1921-1929)

Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen—(1918)

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Russian-American Industrial Corp. (RAIC)—(1922-19??)