Decameron (original) (raw)


Ballate monodiques de l'ars Nova Florentine
Esther Lamandier
Astrée (Chant du monde) AS 56

Astrée E 7706 [CD]
Astrée E5 7706 [Cass.]


  1. Anon: Che ti çova
  2. Anon: Amor mi fa cantar
  3. Anon: Lucente Stella
  4. Anon: Per tropo fede
  5. Laurentius Masii de Florentia: Non so qual i' mi voglia
  6. Laurentius Masii de Florentia: Sento d'amor la fiamma
  7. Laurentius Masii de Florentia: Non dedi tu, Amor
  8. Gherardellus de Florentia: I' vo' bene
  9. Gherardellus de Florentia: Donna, l'altrui mirar
  10. Gherardellus de Florentia: Dè, poni amor
  11. Gherardellus de Florentia: Per non far lieto
  12. Laurentius Masii de Florentia: Non perch' i' speri
  13. Anon: Donna, tu pur invecchi
  14. Landini: Angelica beltà
  15. Anon: Io son un pellegrin

Performers: Esther Lamandier (voice, portative organ, harp, viol, lute)

Playing time: 44'

Recording date:
Église luthérienne St. Jean, Paris, France [02/1980;
Rel.: 1980 (AS), 1986 (E), 1988 (E5)

[6] Astrée (Auvidis) E 7699 [CD] Astrée Auvidis: un autre regard sur la musique

The present program is based on music described in the Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-c.1375), which provides one of the most significant looks at upper class merriment in medieval Italy. The last three songs are two-voice ballatas (not "monodiques" as implied by the CD title).

Other recordings by Esther Lamandier:

Cantigas de Santa Maria

Esther Lamandier
Astrée 7707

Chansons de Toile

Esther Lamandier
Alienor 1011


Esther Lamandier
Alienor 1019

Romances séfarades et Chants araméens

Esther Lamandier
Alienor 1012

Psaumes de David en hébreu biblique

Esther Lamandier
Alienor 1041

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Todd M. McComb