Io son un pellegrin (original) (raw)

Io son un pellegrin

El caminar en la música medieval
Capilla Antigua de Chinchilla - José Ferrero, dir.
Columna Música 1CM 0186


Laudario di Cortona (13th cent.)

  1. Gloria'n cielo
  2. Laude novella

Carmina Burana (Anonymous, 13th cent.)
3. In taberna 4. Ich was ein chint so wolgetan 5. Totus floreo

Anonymous, German (14th cent.)
6. Wer daz elend bauen will (hymn to St. James)

Anonymous trouvère (13th cent.)
7. Quant voi la flor nouvelle

Adam de la Halle (1230-1287)
8. Fi, Maris, de vostre amour (rondeaux)

Anonymous, English (13th cent.)
9. Byrd one brere (song)

Anonymous, English (14th cent.)
10. Edi beo thu Hevene Queene [instr.]

Codex Calixtinus (12th cent.)
11. Dum pater familias (hymn to St. James)

Sephardic romance & songs (Anonymous, 12th cent.)
12. La rosa enflorece 13. Durme, durme 14. Para que quiero yo mas vivir

Giovanni da Florentia (c.1350)
15. Io son un pellegrin (ballata)

Anonymous, Italian (14th cent.)
16. Il Lamento di Tristano [instr.] 17. Rotta de Il Lamento di Tristano [instr.]

Francesco Landini (1325-1397)
18. Ecco la primavera (ballata)

Capilla Antigua de Chincilla - José Ferrero, dir.
Luisa Maesso (voice, percussion), Juan Francisco Sanz (voice, percussion), José Ferrero (voice, symphony, drehleier, rebec, medieval harp), María José López (rabel, rebec, viola da braccio), Ana López-Pintor (fídula), Sergio Alonso (rabel, tromba marina, chorus), Miguel Morell (oud, citole), Alfonso Sáez (flute, axabeva, chirimía, horn, crumhorn, chorus), Miguel Ángel Orero (percussion, santur, oboe de cápsula, chorus)

Playing time: 73' 54"

Recording site and date:
Iglesia de San Julián de Chinchilla de Montearagón, Spain [09/2007];
Rel.: 2007

Information from Jorge Salazar.

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Pierre-F. Roberge