Rosa das Rosas (original) (raw)

Rosa das Rosas

The Symbol of the Rose in the Middle Ages
Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Gianfranco Russo
Edizioni Musicali III Millennio CDA 0144


  1. Cantiga de Santa Maria: Rosa das rosas
  2. Anon., England 14th c.: There is no rose
  3. Anon., MS. Wolfenbuttel: Ave rosa novella
  4. Anon., MS Montpellier: En mai quant rosier
  5. Machaut: Rose, Liz
  6. Anon., Bamberg Codex: Ex semine rosa
  7. Anon., Engelberg Codex: O Maria rubens rosa
  8. Anon., Bamberg Codex: Quant flourist la violette e la rose
  9. Hildegard von Bingen: Vos flores rosarum
  10. Thibaut de Navarre: En mai la rousee
  11. Anon., France 13th c.: Rosa veris paradisus
  12. Anon., Sephardic 14th c.: La rosa enflorece
  13. Anon., MS Oxford: Rosa fragrans
  14. Chatelain de Coucy: L'an que rose ne fuille
  15. Anon., Bamberg Codex: Quant voy la rose
  16. Anon, lauda of Bobbio, 14th c.: Vernans rosa

Performers: Antonella Tatulli (voice), Stefano Albarello (voice), Sara Borioni (voice), Adele Rossi (voice), Laura Scipioni (voice), Elisabetta De Filippo (psaltery, tabor, daff, bells, nakers, darbouka, timbrels), Olga Ercoli (harp, bells), Luigi Lupo (flute, recorders), Luigi Polsini (fiddle, oud, lute, rebec, giga), Gianfranco Russo (fiddle, symphonia, recorder, bowed lyre)

Playing time: 60'

Recording site & date: Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista [08/2001]; released: 2002

Information from label & Jorge Salazar.

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Todd M. McComb