In Festa (original) (raw)

In Festa

Calendimaggio di Assisi
Ensemble Micrologus
Micrologus 0001 [CD]
Micrologus 0001.1 [CD & book]


Intro ...

Anon., Burgos, Monasterio de Las Huelgas, Ms. s.s.

  1. Conductus: Novus miles

... Della primavera

Anon., Monaco, Bibl. Nat., cod. lat. 4660
2. Sequence: Tempus transit gelidum

Raimbaud de Vaqueiras, Paris, Bibl. Nat., Ms fr. 20150
3. Kalenda Maya
Anon., Florence,, Bibl. Med. Laur., Palatino 87 (Codex Squarcialupi)
Rondeau: A l'entrada del tens clar

Francesco Landini, Trento Castello del Bonconsiglio, MS 87
4. Ballata: Echo la primavera

5. La douce saison de may

... Del amore

Walter von der Vogelweide, Paris, Bibl. de l'Arsenal, MS 5198
6. Under der linden

7. Pastourelle: L'autrier jost'una sebissa

Bernart de Ventadorn
8. Canso: Can vei la lauzeta mover

...Della notte

Anon., Llibre Vermel de Montserrat
9. Ballata: Stella splendens

Alfonso el Sabio (attrr.): Cantigas de Santa Maria, Madrid, Biblioteca del Mon. dell'Escorial, Ms. J.B.2
10. Cantiga 330: Madre de Deus

Guiraut de Bornelh
11. Alba: Reis glorios

... Cum gaudio

12. Conductus: Gregis pastor

Anon., Burgos, Monasterio de Las Huelgas, Ms. s.s.
13. Sequence: Vinum bonum et suave

Anon., London, Brit. Lib. Ms. Add. 36881
14. Conductus: Orientis partibus

Anon., Madrid, Biblioteca del Mon. dell'Escorial IV.A.24
15. Ballata: Hora may che fora son

Anon., Anon., Paris, Bibl. Nat., ital. 476
16. Ballo: Voltate in ça
Anon., Petrucci, VII Libro di Frottole, Venice, 1557
Un bel matin d'amor
Anon., Paris, Bibl. Nat., ital. 476
Ballo: Petit riens

Playing time: 62' 16"

Ensemble Micrologus [Patrizia Bovi (voice, harp), Adolfo Broegg (lute, oud, psaltery, bells), Goffredo Degu Esposti (double flute, pipe & tabor, transverse flute, bagpipe, shawm), Ulrich Pfeifer (voice, hurdy-gurdy), Gabriele Russo (vielle, rebec), Koram Jablonko (vielle), Luigi Germini (trumpet, slide trumpet, trombone), Giancarlo Serano (tamburello, tammorra, nakers, bendir), Alessandro Pascoli (choir), Alessandro Quarta (choir), Claudia Mortali (choir)

Recording site and date:
Rec.: Studio Juke Box di Perugia [02/1995]
Rel.: 1995 (CD), 1997 (CD & book)

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):
Goldberg (#-p.):

Information from owned CD & book. This is a splendid CD well worth the trouble to order it abroad by mail.

This program was made in connection with the titled "Calendimaggio di Assisi" which is a medieval recreation festival in the old town of Assisi, done since 1927. The "book" version of the recording contains quite an extensive discussion of the festival, and apparently it has become quite elaborate, and since 1952 has included "real" medieval music. The festival is a touchstone not just for historical awareness, but actually recreating the sense of festival itself and the social value of such an occasion. In the very old town, some of the activities had not ceased since the middle ages, giving the whole thing quite a sense of foundation. - Todd M. McComb

A more recent release by this ensemble:


Sex, lies and ... musical tales in 16th-century Venice
Micrologus - Patrizia Bovi
Micrologus CDM 0027.14.1

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Pierre-F. Roberge