One Day as I Went Riding (original) (raw)

One Day as I Went Riding

The Sherwood Consort - Mary Devlin
Winged Horse Music/ 225167 [CD]


  1. Mor a Cheannaich (Scottish traditional, prob. 17th century)
  2. Ecco la primavera (Francesco Landini, 14th century)
  3. Gabriel from hevene-king (carol, 14th century)
  4. Dame playsans (13th century)
  5. A Robyn, gentil Robyn (William Cornysh, 16th century)
  6. Giovine donna vidi star (Landini)

Cantigas de Santa Maria [instr.]
7. Des oge mais quer' eu trobar (CSM 1) 8. Como poden per sas culpas (CSM 166) 9. Pero que seja a gente (CSM 181)

  1. Bryd onne brere (English, 14th century)
  2. Com' a seguir (Landini)
  3. Et je ferai (French, 13th century)
  4. Fuweles in the frith (English, 13th century)
  5. Jamais, nuill temps (Gaucelm Faidit, 12th century)
  6. Pensis, chief enclin (French, 13th century)
  7. Pensis, chief enclin [instr.]
  8. L'autre jour / Hier matinet / Ite missa est (French motet, 13th century)
  9. O virtus sapientie (sequence, Hildegard von Bingen, 12th century)
  10. Par un matinet / Hé, bergiers! / Eius (motet)
  11. Reis glorios (Girault de Borneilh, 12th century)
  12. The twa corbies (Scottish traditional, 14th century)
  13. Robin is to the greenwood gone (English ballad, 15th century)
  14. Joie et solas / Jonete sui / Eius (motet)
  15. Miraculous, love's wounding (Thomas Morley, 16th century)

Playing time: 56' 21"

The Sherwood Consort - Mary Devlin, dir., Renée Fladen-Kamm, vocal dir.
Barbara Jaspersen (soprano), Mary Devlin (soprano, harp, lute, gittern), Victoria Varieur (mezzosoprano), Nannette Silva (contralto), Paul Keaton (tenor), Harvey Garn (tenor), Stephen Prestwood (tenor), Charles Seagrave (bass), Brad Erickson (vielle), John Harris (recorders)
Guest artists: Shira Kammen (vielle), Margaret Davis (medieval harp), Kevin Carr (pipes, Scottish fiddle)

Recording site and date:
Unknown [2002 or prior];
Rel. 2002

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Jorge Salazar