MiidEastWeb Copyright Notice (original) (raw)

MidEastWeb encourages you to tell people about material at this Web site and to be an active participant and voice for peace. We must protect our original intellectual property and those of others.

This is a summary what you can and cannot do with original materials and adaptations published at MidEastWeb. Below these points there is a detailed policy statement that takes precedence over them.

In simple language:

1. Who owns our material? Assume that anything you see at MidEastWeb for Coexistence is original or specially adapted by MidEastWeb unless stated otherwise. Those materials are copyright and protected. They belong jointly to the authors and to MidEastWeb for Coexistence, and to no-one else.

2. Please do send whole MidEastWeb articles by mail to friends, with the URL of the article at MidEastWeb. If you send part of an article, make it clear that it is not the whole article. Copyright notices should be included with the article.

3. Please do post links to MidEastWeb articles at Web sites and forums, but do not copy articles without permission. The text may change. Do not link directly to graphics or PDF files. They are not yours to give away.

4. Please do use MidEastWeb materials in classes and seminars. You may print out copies or use some of the materials in presentations provided that the printout /presentation gives credit to MidEastWeb and the URL of the original and notice of copyright as detailed below. You do not need to ask permission for such private non-profit uses.

5. Please do cite articles at MidEastWeb in academic works, giving credit to the author and to MidEastWeb for Coexistence, with the URL of the article.

6. Please do ask permission to translate articles for use at your Web site if translations do not appear at MidEastWeb. Provide us with the URL which we may use or link to as well, and provide working hyperlinks to MidEastWeb main page and to the original article as specified below.

7. Do not copy MidEastWeb materials or adaptations of materials to your Web site without permission and attribution as detailed below.

8. Commercial use - All commercial uses require permission of MidEastWeb for Coexistence.

9. Hyperlink - If permission is given to reproduce MidEastWeb materials on the Web, credit must include a working direct hyperlink to MidEastWeb for Coexistence. Hyperlinks that are redirections through php or javascript are not direct links. If you cannot satisfy this requirement please notify us in advance.

10. Copyright ownership - In all cases where permission is granted to reproduce MidEastWeb materials in any format, the copyright belongs to MidEastWeb for Coexistence and the author. Permission to reproduce material does not transfer right of ownership. This must be explicitly stated.

  1. Other copyrights - Other copyrights must not appear on our material unless limited to specific adaptations that were carried out by permission. Adaptation does not void the copyright of the owners - the authors and MidEastWeb for Coexistence.


1. Please submit only your own work. Do not submit articles for which you do not own the copyright.

2. Please tell us if the article has been published before or has been accepted for publication or submitted elsewhere.

3. Please tell us if you object to editing of your article. All editing is done with the permission of authors and after consultation with them.

4. If your work is published first at MidEastWeb, please be sure to consult MidEastWeb before giving permission for use elsewhere. Syndication use requires special permission. MidEastWeb must be cited as the source if we are the original publishers on the Web and if the item has not appeared in print. By submitting work to MidEastWeb for first publication, you agree to share ownership.

Copyright Policy of MidEastWeb for Coexistence, Registered Association

I. Introduction

MidEastWeb for Coexistence RA (hereinafter "MidEastWeb") is happy to encourage the popularization of original articles and adapted articles and materials that appear atwww.mideastweb.org for not profit educational use, subject to the following conditions and restraints.

Visitors to MidEastWeb should note that the copyright for original MidEastWeb articles belongs to MidEastWeb for Coexistence RA and to the authors, and that no person, organization or legal person has ever been granted, or can claim the right of copyright over such materials. If you see MidEastWeb materials published elsewhere without credit, kindlyinform us.

Contributors retain copyright over their own materials, but adaptations made by MidEastWeb editors are also the joint property of MidEastWeb.

Original materials produced by MidEastWeb and by our contributors are the joint intellectual property MidEastWeb and contributors unless explicitly stated otherwise in writing, and are protected by international copyright law and the laws of applicable jurisdictions. Our policy is intended to protect the rights of our contributors and to ensure that MidEastWeb remains a growing voice for peace and democracy in the Middle East.

Original MidEastWeb articles can be disseminated as detailed below. Other than some uses detailed below, the re-publication in any form of original articles appearing at MidEastWeb without explicit permission is strictly forbidden. It is a violation of copyright law and intellectual property rights. Institutions and legal persons who engage in such practices, whether in printed media, on the Web, in magnetic media or CDs or any other form shall be liable for punitive financial damages. The final publisher will be liable, whether they received the materials through a third party or took them directly. It is your responsibility to verify ownership before publishing.

II Scope and Applicability

This notice applies to all material posted at the MidEastWeb Web site except for visitors comments and material that is the attributed or traceable intellectual property.

III. The following non-profit uses do not require explicit permission

1. In emails - Original materials appearing at MidEastWeb may be circulated with a working hyperlink to the original, and with explicit credit to MidEastWeb for Coexistence and the author. If the material is an excerpt, this must be clearly indicated. No permission is required for such use provided credit is given.

2. At Web sites - Web sites can link to any page at MidEastWeb, preferably giving the title of the page or article as the hyperlink text visible to visitors. This does not include reproducing the entire page at a Web site or forum. No permission is required for linking to any html pages at MidEastWeb. It is forbidden however, to link to image files or PDF files directly. Please link to the html page that refers to those files

3. Citation - The text of an article may be cited for educational or research purposes and quoted briefly, giving the URL link as the reference in print, Web articles or email.

4. Printing materials for your own or classroom use - Articles may be printed out for non-profit use for educational purposes. Materials adapted for printout from MidEastWeb must credit the source URL of the article and MidEastweb for Coexistence, and must give notice that the material is copyright. For example:

Reproduced by permission from the MidEastWeb Brief History of Israel and Palestine athttp://www.mideastweb.org/briefhistory.htm. Copyright by MidEastWeb for Coexistence. All rights reserved.

A running header should identify MidEastWeb for Coexistence and specify copyright on every page of printouts.

Permission for such printouts is hereby granted. You do not need to ask us.

IV. The following uses require explicit permission:

1- Business Use - Any use of MidEastWeb material by a business or for-profit institution, such as a newspaper. We will be glad to furnish such permission and to adapt materials as required for your publication provided that credit will be given to MidEastWeb and in return for standard financial compensation if customary.

2- Web Pages - Reproduction of entire MidEastWeb articles at non-profit Web sites and forums is ordinarily discouraged. Visitors should be aware that Web pages may be changed and updated and should consult the original. In exceptional cases, permission may be granted provided that working hyperlinks are provided both to the source, and to MidEastWeb - Middle East Resources with copyright ownership and permission specified:

For example:

Reproduced by permission from theMidEastWeb Brief History of Israel and Palestine athttp://www.mideastweb.org/briefhistory.htm. Copyright 2002-2005 byMidEastWeb for Coexistence, RA. All rights reserved.

The link to MidEastweb and to the article may open in a new window, but it must be a working, direct, hyperlink. A direct link is one that is not implemented through Javascript, php or other redirection methods.

3- Permission will be granted willingly for MidEastWeb articles to be published in translation, under these conditions:

a- The original article is credited to MidEastweb as above.

b- Authors have approved the translation as well.

c- MidEastWeb can post the translation as well, with credit to the source.

4- Syndication - Syndication of MidEastWeb articles requires explicit permission. The syndicating organization must undertake to ensure that credit will be given to MidEastWeb as described in paragraph (1) and (2) above in every place where the article is published. The syndicating organization shall be responsible for ensuring that end-users shall not override MidEastWeb copyright with their own false copyright claim.

V. The following uses of MidEastWeb articles are forbidden

1- For-profit use in textbooks or electronic aids or any other form except for opinion pages of journals, without compensation to MidEastWeb for coexistence RA. .

2- Publication of parts of items without indicating that the material is excerpted.

3- Publication without credit.

4- Syndication or redistribution without explicit permission, whether or not the source is cited, is forbidden.

VI. Protected Property of MidEastWeb

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any material that appears at MidEastWeb for the first time, and is not fully accredited to a source and identical with that source, is protected by international copyright law. It is forbidden to reproduce, syndicate or distribute such material in any form without permission in writing, except as noted above in Section I. Any adapted materials or images should be credited to the original source, and to MidEastWeb for Coexistence unless they are known to be in the public domain or are explicitly stated to be in the public domain by MidEastWeb.

VII. Excluded From this Copyright claim

Articles that have been credited wholly to other publications and that are not changed or adapted in any way are not MidEastWeb property. Articles that appeared elsewhere previously are not MidEastWeb property. Documents and materials that are in the public domain are not copyright by MidEastWeb for Coexistence RA and cannot be copyright by anyone else. MidEastWeb considers copyright declarations inapplicable to public documents, unless such materials have been changed considerably or translated, so that they are not the same as the original public domain version.

VIII. Permission to use MidEastWeb materials

Nobody can give permission to use MidEastWeb materials except authorized personnel of MidEastWeb. We can waive this right at our discretion. Articles that appeared first at MidEastWeb are obviously our intellectual property unless explicitly stated otherwise. When in doubt, contact MidEastWeb as below.

IX. Infringement by false copyright claim

Permission to use MidEastWeb materials does not grant anyone the right to claim copyright over any part of those materials. It is strictly forbidden to place your copyright on our materials. Syndicated distribution must make certain that this condition is understood by the final user. Both the syndication source and the end-user who infringe our copyright in this way shall be held liable.

If the material is adapted by permission, then the adapter owns the changes that they made, but they cannot claim copyright over the material.

X. Respect for Copyright of others

Mideastweb for coexistence and its editors will not knowingly publish materials that are the intellectual property of others without due attribution or citation in the usual way. We cannot be held liable for

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