Military Heritage Music - Free Sound Clips (original) (raw)
Military Heritage Music
British Army Songs in the French and Indian Wars
Why Soldiers Why (How Stands the Glass Around)
The British Grenadiers
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Selections from "Follow the Drum: Military Music of the early 19th Century"
This delightful CD was put together by the Friends of Fort York and captures a beautiful selection of British martial music of the Napoleonic Wars. Not only are the pieces well researched, they are stirring to the heart of any military heritage enthusiast. (the following 3 tunes are in .WMA format)
Fife: Buttrey 1790 Drum beating - Rumrille and Holton 1780
Logan Water, White Cockade, Flowers of Edinburgh
Fife: - Buttrey Manuscript c.1790; Drum Beating - Ashworth, Charles. A New Useful and Complete System of Drum Beating 1812
Fife: Andrew 1804 Drum beating - Rumrille and Holton 1817
Selections from "The Commencement of the Duty"
Selections kindly provided by Fort York from The Commencement of the Duty : Military Music of the War of 1812. The CD can be purchased at Fort York in Toronto.
Bugle March - Quick March/ Quick No. 6
Narration is drawn from an 85th Light Infantry Officer's account while serving in the War of 1812 (Gleig, Robert A Subaltern in America); Melody - The Light Infantry Officer, Cooper, 1806/Potter, Samuel 1804; Harmony - Potter, Samuel 1804; Drum beating - Clark, Benjamin 1797. (tune longer on CD).
Narration is from John Shipp's The Path of Glory . Shipp started his military career as a drummer. Melody - Buttrey Manuscript c.1790; Drum Beating - Ashworth, Charles. A New Useful and Complete System of Drum Beating / Potter, Samuel The Art of Beating the Drum (tune longer on CD).
Fife and Drum Sound Clips
All these Real Audio sound clips are performed by The Fifes and Drums of the 41st Regiment of Foot at Fort George National Historic Site. Special thanks goes to Fort George for allowing us to broadcast these tunes on our website.
The King Enjoys His Own Again Popular British military tune of the 18th and early 19th Centuries.
<bgsound="drumcall.ra"></bgsound="drumcall.ra">Drummer's Call Sound Clip
Duty call of the British to assemble the Drums.<bgsound="drumcall.ra"></bgsound="drumcall.ra">Reveille Sound Clip
Duty call for raising the troops<bgsound="drumcall.ra"></bgsound="drumcall.ra">The Troop Sound Clip
Played to assemble the troops.<bgsound="drumcall.ra"></bgsound="drumcall.ra">Ca Ira Sound Clip (Large file)
This is a British beating of this tune. Re-titled Downfall of Paris, the British played it to taunt the French.<bgsound="drumcall.ra">Grenadier's March Sound Clip</bgsound="drumcall.ra">
A popular British march especially during the Seven Years WarFrench Napoleonic Songs and Tunes
"Le Charge"et "Marche des Grenadiers a Cheval"
Le Chant du d�part
Le Chant de l'oignon
Le Marche de la Garde Imperial a Waterloo
Le Marche vers la Gloire
Le Marche des Grognards
Marche du Sacre
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