Oak-saung-taung (Oh Saung Taung; Phayar-taung), Mogok Valley, Mogok Township, Pyin-Oo-Lwin District, Mandalay Region, Myanmar (original) (raw)

Oak-saung-taung (Oh Saung Taung; Phayar-taung), Mogok Valley, Mogok Township, Pyin-Oo-Lwin District, Mandalay Region, Myanmari

Regional Level Types
Oak-saung-taung (Oh Saung Taung; Phayar-taung) - not defined -
Mogok Valley Valley
Mogok Township Township
Pyin-Oo-Lwin District District
Mandalay Region Region
Myanmar Country



Latitude & Longitude (WGS84):

22° 56' 52'' North , 96° 32' 32'' East

Latitude & Longitude (decimal):

Nearest Settlements:

Place Population Distance
Mogok 90,843 (2016) 4.7km

Mindat Locality ID:


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Other/historical names associated with this locality:


Northeast of Mogok.

Specimens labelled "Norbergite" coming from Oakssaung Hill has showed by analysis to be chondrodite or clinohumite. See messageboard at http://www.mindat.org/mesg-7-227088.html
Was discovered in 2003. Chondrodite marble and spinel marble are the principle rocks. The morphology of the area suggests that the gems were down from the highlands and accumulated at the bottom of the hill. Gem mining is illicit, and it is carried out in the loos (loo-dwin) and in myaw-dwin schemes where the following gems are found:
-Transparent, clean, light blue to greenish-blue, columnar, slender gem quality apatite crystals are found mostly as detrial. Apatite crystals of over 30 grams are known, and stones over 50 carats have been faceted.
-Bright blue sodalite found as boulders of varying sizes (pebble to fist size) associated with calcite characterized by concentric light blue spots. The material makes fine quality, large size, translucent cabochons.
-Light creamy monoclinic amphibole crystals associated with mica and other minerals.
-Hackmanite, chondrodite, spinel and diopside.
In 2004 at Phayar-taung, Myaw-taung and Kyini-taung uranium-bearing minerals were discovered. - Ted Themelis (2008) Gems and Mines of Mogok

Select Mineral List Type

Standard Detailed Gallery Strunz Chemical Elements

Mineral List

9 valid minerals. 1 erroneous literature entry.

Detailed Mineral List:

'Apatite'Formula: Ca5(PO4)3(Cl/F/OH)References: Themelis, Ted (2008) Gems & Mines of Mogok (2nd ed.) A&T Publishing, Los Angeles, CA.
CalciteFormula: CaCO3References: Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data, Sieghard Ellenberger specimens
ChondroditeFormula: Mg5(SiO4)2F2References: Sieghard Ellenberger data Themelis, Ted (2008) Gems & Mines of Mogok (2nd ed.) A&T Publishing, Los Angeles, CA.
DiopsideFormula: CaMgSi2O6References: Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data, Sieghard Ellenberger specimens Themelis, Ted (2008) Gems & Mines of Mogok (2nd ed.) A&T Publishing, Los Angeles, CA.
EkaniteFormula: Ca2ThSi8O20References: Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data, Sieghard Ellenberger specimens
GraphiteFormula: CReferences: Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data, Sieghard Ellenberger specimens
'Hackmanite'Formula: Na8Al6Si6O24(Cl2,S)References: Sieghard Ellenberger data Themelis, Ted (2008) Gems & Mines of Mogok (2nd ed.) A&T Publishing, Los Angeles, CA.
'Humite Group'References: Dan Weinrich photo
NorbergiteFormula: Mg3(SiO4)F2Description: Specimens labelled "Norbergite" coming from Oakssaung Hill has showed by analysis to be chondrodite or clinohumite. See messageboard at http://www.mindat.org/mesg-7-227088.html**References:** Moore, T. (2004): What's New in Minerals. Denver Show 2003. Mineralogical Record. 35 (2), 151-156
SodaliteFormula: Na4(Si3Al3)O12ClReferences: Themelis, Ted (2008) Gems & Mines of Mogok (2nd ed.) A&T Publishing, Los Angeles, CA.
SpinelFormula: MgAl2O4References: Sieghard Ellenberger data Themelis, Ted (2008) Gems & Mines of Mogok (2nd ed.) A&T Publishing, Los Angeles, CA.
TremoliteFormula: ◻Ca2Mg5(Si8O22)(OH)2References: Sieghard Ellenberger data
WollastoniteFormula: Ca3(Si3O9)References: Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data, Sieghard Ellenberger specimens

Other Regions, Features and Areas containing this locality

This page contains all mineral locality references listed on mindat.org. This does not claim to be a complete list. If you know of more minerals from this site, please register so you can add to our database. This locality information is for reference purposes only. You should never attempt to visit any sites listed in mindat.org without first ensuring that you have the permission of the land and/or mineral rights holders for access and that you are aware of all safety precautions necessary.


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