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Valenti, P., Bodnar, R.J., Schmidt, C. (2012) Experimental determination of H2O–NaCl liquidi to 25mass% NaCl and 1.4GPa: Application to the Jovian satellite Europa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 92. 117-128 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2012.06.007 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
and 1.4 GPa: Application to the Jovian satellite Europa P. Valenti a, R.J. Bodnar b,⇑, C. Schmidt a b ...an aqueous liquid mantle on the Jovian satellite Europa is estimated to be about 9 km thick, assuming NaCl...provided by the discovery of fluid inclusions in halite from the H-chondrite regolith breccias Zag and...on Jupiter’s satellites Ganymede, Callisto and Europa indicate the existence of subsurface layers of...presence of hydrated salt minerals on the surface of Europa and Ganymede, which are thought to have formed
Battler, Melissa M., Osinski, Gordon R., Banerjee, Neil R. (2013) Mineralogy of saline perennial cold springs on Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut, Canada and implications for spring deposits on Mars. Icarus, 224 (2). 364-381 doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2012.08.031 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Mineralogy of the three springs is dominated by halite (NaCl), calcite (CaCO3), gypsum (CaSO42H2O), thenardite...salinity is much higher, suggesting water flows through halite in the subsurface. Mirabilite is likely deposit...from Europa indicates the presence of mirabilite. While the depositional environment on Europa differs...Axel Heiberg Island, and are presumed to contain halite cores at depth (Stephenson et al., 1992). However...Island – Stolz diapir – is known to have an exposed halite core (Schwerdtner and van Kranendonk, 1984). Eight
Zolensky, M. E. (2005) Extraterrestrial Water. Elements, 1 (1) 39-43 doi:10.2113/gselements.1.1.39 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
MOONS OF JUPITER The surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa is covered with water ice, and many scientists...of its orbit to Jupiter. If there is an ocean on Europa, some biologists believe that life could develop...life is found at undersea thermal vents on Earth. Europa has a complicated surface, with brighter and darker...1998; McCord et al. 1999). Study suggests that Europa has a metallic iron core, a thick mantle of rock...of surface salts suggests that the ocean within Europa must be briny. Does this ocean still exist, or
Thombre, R S, Gomez, F., Parkhe, R., Kaur, K., Vaishampayan, P., Shivakarthik, E., Sivaraman, B., Perumal, R., Mason, N. (2020) Effect of impact shock on extremophilic Halomonas gomseoemensis EP-3 isolated from hypersaline sulphated lake Laguna de Peña Hueca, Spain. Planetary and Space Science, 192. 105041pp. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2020.105041 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
subsurface brines of Ocean worlds like Enceladus and Europa. 36 The microbial community structure of the...emerge to form a salar with magnesium, sulphate and halite rich crust. The salt rich 110 sulphated deposits...brines on Mars and 112 other Ocean worlds like Europa, Enceladus and Titan (Prieto-Ballesteros et al...that by 2025, Europa Clipper mission will examine 125 the potential habitability of Europa by characterizing...of Ganymede and it will also make two flybys of Europa to compare the 128 habitability of the ocean
Marion, Giles M (2001) Carbonate mineral solubility at low temperatures in the Na-K-Mg-Ca-H-Cl-SO4-OH-HCO3-CO3-CO2-H2O system. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65 (12) 1883-1896 doi:10.1016/s0016-7037(00)00588-3 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
important role in the geochemical evolution of Mars and Europa. Several models have been published in recent years...proposed salt assemblage for the icy surface of Europa consisting of highly hydrated MgSO4 salts and natron...geochemical processes occurring on Earth, Mars, and Europa have elicited considerable interest in the application...Mars (Catling, 1999; Morse and Marion, 1999) and Europa (McCord et al., 1998, 1999; Kargel et al., 2000)...31. 32. 33. 34. 35. H2O(cr,I) (ice) NaCl(cr) (halite) NaCl 䡠 2H2O(cr) (hydrohalite) KCl(cr) (sylvite)
(2001) Astrobiology Space Missions: What Will We Find on Mars, Europa..?. Astrobiology, 1 (3) 350-380 doi:10.1089/15311070152757537 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Astrobiology Space Missions: What Will We Find on Mars, Europa . . . ? Exploring for Martian Life: Recent Results...Ames on Jan. 24-25, 2001, will also be reviewed. Europa: Views from the Galileo Mission nary research...include: I. What is the surface composition of Europa, and is it possible to distinguish among endogenic...sites/niches/environments favorable for exobiology in Europa (again drawing on terrestrial considerations, etc...potential recycling in the ice and/or liquid water of Europa steady or episodic, and what are the implications
Kempe, Stephan, Kazmierczak, Jozef (2002) Biogenesis and Early Life on Earth and Europa: Favored by an Alkaline Ocean?. Astrobiology, 2 (1) 123-130 doi:10.1089/153110702753621394 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Hypothesis Paper Biogenesis and Early Life on Earth and Europa: Favored by an Alkaline Ocean? STEPHAN KEMPE1 and...KAZMIERCZAK2 ABSTRACT Recent discoveries about _Europa_—the probable existence of a sizeable ocean below...probability of life on Europa. Key Words: Biogenesis—Ocean chemistry—Soda ocean—Alkalinity—_Europa_—Lake Van. Astrobiology...Searching for life or its biogeochemical signatures on Europa (e.g., Phillips and Chyba, 2001) challenges our...on Earth. ReIOGE NESIS cent discoveries about Europa suggest that evidence of events that occurred in
King, P.L., Lescinsky, D.T., Nesbitt, H.W. (2004) The composition and evolution of primordial solutions on Mars, with application to other planetary bodies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68 (23) 4993-5008 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2004.05.036 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
phosphates; carbonates; gypsum; epsomite; bloedite; halite; hexahydrite; and, finally bischofite. This sequence...H2-loss. In contrast, on the Galilean satellites (Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto) surface solutions were...the Europa (Kargel et al., 2000). Na-Ca-Mg chloride hydrates have also been suggested for Europa but...to exist on the Europa a solid solution series. e Mineral proposed to exist on Europa (Zolotov and Shock... 2001b). Note that those authors proposed that Europa also contains nonhydrated salts (MgCl2, CaCl2,
Kargel, Jeffrey S., Kaye, Jonathan Z., Head, James W., Marion, Giles M., Sassen, Roger, Crowley, James K., Ballesteros, Olga Prieto, Grant, Steven A., Hogenboom, David L. (2000) Europa's Crust and Ocean: Origin, Composition, and the Prospects for Life. Icarus, 148 (1). 226-265 doi:10.1006/icar.2000.6471 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
microorganisms. Key Words: Europa; ocean, Europa; cryovolcanism, Europa; spectroscopy, Europa; Europa, prebiotic chemistry...Galileo radio-tracking/gravity data require that Europa has a differentiated internal structure, including...compelling evidence of interior ductile deformation in Europa, lateral lithospheric mobility measured in several...mean crater retention age is around 10–100 Myr—and Europa probably remains active (Shoemaker 1996, Chapman...et al. 1998b, Spencer et al. 1999). In any case, Europa clearly possesses a geologically young surface
Pašava, Jan, Tornos, Fernando, Chrastný, Vladislav (2014) Zinc and sulfur isotope variation in sphalerite from carbonate-hosted zinc deposits, Cantabria, Spain. Mineralium Deposita, 49 (7) 797-807 doi:10.1007/s00126-014-0535-2 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
composition of sphalerite samples from Picos de Europa (Aliva mine) and sphalerite and hydrozincite samples... The two generations of sphalerite at Picos de Europa show different δ66Zn values (stage 1 sphalerite...(Figs. 1 and 2). Mineralization in the Picos de Europa area (Aliva mine) includes fault-controlled breccias...from paleomagnetism (Symons et al. 2009). Picos de Europa (Aliva mine) Zn–Pb mineralization is abundant in...the eastern and central massifs of the Picos de Europa where there are abundant small but high-grade mines
Marion, Giles M., Fritsen, Christian H., Eicken, Hajo, Payne, Meredith C. (2003) The Search for Life on Europa: Limiting Environmental Factors, Potential Habitats, and Earth Analogues. Astrobiology, 3 (4) 785-811 doi:10.1089/153110703322736105 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
2003 © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Europa The Search for Life on Europa: Limiting Environmental Factors...ocean of Europa has focused considerable attention on the potential habitats for life on Europa. By generally...habitats for life on Europa; and (3) Earth analogues and their limitations for Europa. Based on empirical...million years. The potential habitats for life on Europa are the ice layer, the brine ocean, and the seafloor...low temperatures on or near the icy surface of Europa preclude the possibility of biological activity
Marion, Giles M., Kargel, Jeffrey S., Catling, David C., Jakubowski, Scott D. (2005) Effects of pressure on aqueous chemical equilibria at subzero temperatures with applications to Europa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69 (2) 259-274 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2004.06.024 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
equilibria at subzero temperatures with applications to Europa GILES M. MARION,1,* JEFFREY S. KARGEL,2 DAVID C...deep oceans and deep ice. The putative ocean of Europa could have pressures of 1200 bars or higher on...and (3) simulate pressure-dependent processes on Europa. As part of objective 1, we examined two models...two hypothetical cases for Europa. Case 1 dealt with the ice cover of Europa, where we asked the question:...a nonconvecting icy shell, the cold surface of Europa precludes stable aqueous phases (habitats for life)
Managadze, G.G., Safronova, A.A., Luchnikov, K.A., Vorobyova, E.A., Duxbury, N.S., Wurz, P., Managadze, N.G., Chumikov, A.E., Khamizov, R.Kh. (2017) A New Method and Mass-Spectrometric Instrument for Extraterrestrial Microbial Life Detection Using the Elemental Composition Analyses of Martian Regolith and Permafrost/Ice. Astrobiology, 17 (5) 448-458 doi:10.1089/ast.2016.1511 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
satellites, comets, and asteroids—in particular, Europa, Ganymede, and Enceladus. Key Words: Mass spec...our planet. It has been shown that conditions on Europa (Managadze, 2009; Managadze et al. 2009) and on...subsurface of Mars or the jovian moons, especially Europa. The instrument can also provide information about...(evaporites), most of which are represented by halite (Fendrihan et al., 2006). These microorganisms...DETECTION 455 may one day be detected on Mars. Halite has been found in SNC meteorites (Gooding, 1992)
(1996) May - June 1996. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 27 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
am ous m in eral lo ca lities: T he P icos d e Europa lea d -zin c d e p o sits, S p a in .............work is carried out in a thick, relatively stable halite band some 30 meters below the potash. Ramps are...SANDSTONE G RO UP 900m ■ 1120 TOP OF DIRTY HALITE - BOULBY HALITE 1000m 1100m 1200m -J ZEC H STEIN EVA...EVA PO RITES BO LBY POTASH Z3 INTERBEDDED HALITE AND 1140 - ANHYDRITE + + + + + H + + + + + H +++++4...mine. Sylvinite (a term used to describe sylvite-halite rock) only occurs in economic quantities in the
Grandia, F., Canals, A., Cardellach, E., Banks, D. A., Perona, J. (2003) Origin of Ore-Forming Brines in Sediment-Hosted Zn-Pb Deposits of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, Northern Spain. Economic Geology, 98 (7) 1397-1411 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.98.7.1397 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
ore-forming brines have halogen signatures indicative of halite dissolution. Mixing of fluids frequently cannot...before the onset of halite precipitation, (3) seawater evaporated past the point of halite precipitation,... and (4) a _halite_-saturated brine at 25ºC derived from halite dissolution. The calculated Cl/Br-Na/Br...show that mixing between a residual brine and a _halite_-dissolution brine can account for the deposits...salt domes (Altube, Monteleón, Jugo) originated by halite dissolution, although there is also significant
Ward, Melissa K., Pollard, Wayne H. (2018) A hydrohalite spring deposit in the Canadian high Arctic: A potential Mars analogue. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 504. 126-138 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.10.001 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
also cause the decomposition of hydrohalite to halite. Accordingly, this site is a useful analogue for...Jackson, 2014). The island’s diapirs are composed of halite (NaCl) cores covered by a thick anhydrite (CaSO4...diapir within the Sverdrup Basin with an exposed halite (NaCl) core (Hugon and Schwerdtner, 1982). The...thernadite, light blue thernadite–halite mixture and dark blue halite. (B) Layers showing a barrage wall...temperature, minerals began immediately decomposing to halite and a brine mixture. ing the spring snowmelt)
Young, Cindy L., Poston, Michael J., Wray, James J., Hand, Kevin P., Carlson, Robert W. (2019) The mid-IR spectral effects of darkening agents and porosity on the silicate surface features of airless bodies. Icarus, 321. 71-81 doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2018.10.032 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Glotch et 12 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT al. (2016) for halite/basalt mixtures. Deeper features for silica were...2015), OSIRIS-Rex (Christensen et al., 2018), and Europa Clipper (Lam et al., 2018), for airless bodies...that was also observed by Glotch et al. (2016) for halite/basalt mixtures. The addition of KBr to the PT...heavily hydrated salts with disrupted terrains on Europa. Icarus, 177(2), pp.472-490. CE Donaldson Hanna...Astrobiology and the potential for life on Europa. Europa. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp.589-629
Izawa, M.R.M., Nesbitt, H.W., MacRae, N.D., Hoffman, E.L. (2010) Composition and evolution of the early oceans: Evidence from the Tagish Lake meteorite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 298 (3) 443-449 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.08.026 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
consistent with the known presence in meteorites of halite (Zolensky and McSween, 1988; Gooding et al., 1991;...mirabilite (NaSO4·10H2O), Th; thenardite (NaSO4) Ha; halite (NaCl), Bi; bischofite (MgCl2·6H2O). Kieserite (MgSO4·H2O)...Fig. 1b. Modern seawater composition plots in the halite field (Fig. 1b, large dot), thus NaCl would be the... epsomite + bloedite and epsomite + bloedite + halite. For closed systems, the final solution composition...composition (PI) and bloedite is consumed to produce halite + epsomite. Where previously precipitated salts
Abel, O. (1927) Fossile Magrovesümpfe. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 8 (1) 130-139 doi:10.1007/bf03160411 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
nach einigen Stunden in der Regel nur mehr die HalIte ubrig, wahrend die fehienden Artgenossen in den...Wege über Europa erfolgt ist, mit anderen Worten, ob wir fossile Mangrovesumpfe aus Europa keunen oder...hat und daB mit dern Aussterben der Mangroven in Europa tins atlautisebe Rhizophorengebiet vom indisehen...zeitliche Beschri%nkung der Flyschbildungen in Europa. Diskussion: J. F. Poj1pEcxJ: TJnter Zustimmung
Bowen, Brenda Beitler, Benison, K.C., Oboh-Ikuenobe, F.E., Story, S., Mormile, M.R. (2008) Active hematite concretion formation in modern acid saline lake sediments, Lake Brown, Western Australia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 268 (1) 52-63 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.12.023 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
hydrothermal systems on satellite bodies of Jupiter (Europa and Ganymede) and Saturn (Enceladus and Titan)...satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. Europa is almost entirely covered by water ice, which...provided by the Galileo mission. I return to discuss Europa in Section 12.5.1. Similarly, Some of Saturn’s...the hydrous breakdown of olivine, and gypsum and halite salts within veinlets that cut the olivine crystals...material of the lake’s sediments also include gypsum, halite and jarosite. The hematite concretions at Lake
(1986) Zechstein 1 and 2 Anhydrites: facts and problems of sedimentation, in The English Zechstein and related topics. Special Publication, 22. Geological Society of London. 157-163 doi:10.1144/gsl.sp.1986.022.01.14 Report (chapter)
(Ca2) and the thick Stassfurt rock salt (Na2); this halite can be a b o u t 500 m thick. The lower part o...= 'Cumulusanhydrit' in dark dolomite Na = Werra-Halite Fio. 4. Complete sequences of cored Werraanhydrit...Z2 shelf carbonates. In Z1, more than 200 m of halite was formed there (Richter-Bernburg 1964, p. 979)...is the classic Werra-Becken where about 300 m of halite with potash represents nearly the whole of Zechstein...30, 2015 162 G. Richter-Bernburg (4) Wherever halite occurs in Z1 it is in sub-cycle IV, and this seems
Bagheri, R., Nadri, A., Raeisi, E., Eggenkamp, H.G.M., Kazemi, G.A., Montaseri, A. (2014) Hydrochemical and isotopic (δ18O, δ2H, 87Sr/86Sr, δ37Cl and δ81Br) evidence for the origin of saline formation water in a gas reservoir. Chemical Geology, 384. 62-75 doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.06.017 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
between evaporate formation water, water modified by halite dissolution and fresh water. It is recommended...Bagheri et al. / Chemical Geology 384 (2014) 62–75 halite dissolution may lead to the formation of brine...distinguish different origins of water salinity, such as halite dissolution and evaporated seawater. Combined Cl...seawater and refuted other possible sources including halite dissolution by meteoric water and membrane filtration...Kangan Anticline are taken as representatives of halite dissolution and fresh meteoric water, respectively
(2003) The Gawain Field, Blocks 49/24, 49/29a, UK North Sea, in United Kingdom Oil and Gas Fields. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 20. Geological Society of London. 713-722 doi:10.1144/gsl.mem.2003.020.01.58 Report (chapter)
section where localized thickening of the Stassfurt Halite, at the expense of the faster anhydrite and dolomite...creates uncertainties in depth conversion since these halite pods are difficult to map and hence difficult to...Plattendolomit; Near Top Stassfurt/Werra Halite; Base Stassfurt/Werra Halite; Top Rotliegend. Downloaded from...bounding fault. velocities of a thickened Stassfurt Halite section (Fig. 3). Depth conversion corrects the...dolomitized) and passes upwards in turn through anhydrite, halite and highly soluble magnesium and potassium salts
Vu, Tuan H., Choukroun, Mathieu, Hodyss, Robert, Johnson, Paul V. (2020) Probing Europa's subsurface ocean composition from surface salt minerals using in-situ techniques. Icarus, 349. 113746pp. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2020.113746 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: Mineralogy Ices Europa Spectroscopy Experimental techniques The composition...protocols for a Raman spectrometer on­ board a Europa surface lander as well as potential locations for..., 2008; Hendrix et al., 2019). NASA’s upcoming Europa Clipper mission (Phillips and Pappalardo, 2014;...composition is a critical determining factor. A follow-on Europa Lander mission concept (Hand et al., 2017) is also...evidence for pre­ sent or past life. The surface of Europa is very diverse and consists of icy bright plains
Heide, K. (2006) BUCHBESPRECHUNG. Geochemistry, 66 (4) 324-325 doi:10.1016/j.chemer.2005.02.001 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Studienrichtung ist nicht nur in den USA sondern auch in Europa in zweifacher Hinsicht problematisch geworden....der Erde 66 (2006) 324–325         Halite und Salzlagerstätten, Carbonate und die Entstehung