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Cook, Robert B. (2005) Connoisseur's Choice: Rhodonite, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. Rocks & Minerals, 80 (4) 264-269 doi:10.3200/rmin.80.4.264-269 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
[Universite Laval] at 20:02 10 July 2014 Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia F or mineral collectors...rhodonite specimens include Franklin and Sterling Hill,New Jersey, and Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia...the well-known zinc deposits of Franklin and Sterling Hill,New Jersey, have furnished well-crystallized...prospect, Franklin County; at Coventry and Irasburgh, Orleans County; and at Cavendish, Windsor County, Vermont...and southeast of Hinsdale, Cheshire County, and elsewhere in _New_Hampshire and is reported from Haddam
(2023) Friedelite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
c = 7.447(4) X-ray Powder Pattern: Franklin, New Jersey, USA; nearly identical with mcgillite. 2.56...55 [100.0] (1{2) Franklin, New Jersey, USA. (3) Sterling Hill, New Jersey, USA; by electron microprobe...Mn-Fe deposits. Association: Rhodochrosite, alabandite (Adervielle, France); franklinite, willemite...rhodochrosite, barite, chlorite, sphalerite (Franklin, New Jersey, USA); calcite, kutnohorite, andradite, hausmannite...Pyr¶en¶ees-Orientales. From the Harstigen mine, near Persberg, VÄarmland, and in the SjÄo mine, Ä near Grythyttan, Orebro
(2023) Sussexite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
= 3.287(1) X-ray Powder Pattern: N’chwaning II mine, South Africa. 6.43 (10), 2.773 (7), 3.34 (6), 2...61.82 7.85 Total [100.00] 100.00 (1) Franklin, New Jersey, USA; recalculated to 100% after deduction...deduction of willemite 4.5%. (2) N’chwaning II mine, South Africa; by electron microprobe, analysis not given;...rhodochrosite, wiserite, hausmannite, sonolite, alabandite, seamanite, tephroite, alleghanyite, willemite...Distribution: In the USA, from Franklin and Sterling Hill, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., New Jersey; at the Chicagon
Beard, James S., Tracy, Robert J., Henika, William S. (2002) Minerals of the Hutter Mine. Rocks & Minerals, 77 (5) 320-325 doi:10.1080/00357529.2002.9925653 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
of the Hutter _Mine_A New Manganese-Barium Mineral Locality in Northern Pittsylvania County, Virginia Downloaded...recontouring old mine dumps at the nineteenth-century Hut­ ter iron mine in Pittsylvania County, Virginia,...(probably rhodonite), manganese-rich sphalerite,alabandite, spessartine garnet, barium-manganese mica (kinoshitalite)...Background The area around Pittsville in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, was a major iron producer for about...the Pittsville area, the Hutter mine (also known as the Heiter mine) ceased production in 1903 (Watson
(2023) Manganhumite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
21.448(5) Z=4 X-ray Powder Pattern: Brattfors mine, Sweden. 1.777 (10), 2.500 (7), 3.371 (6), 2.628...89] trace [0.61] 102.42 [100.39] (1) Brattfors mine, Sweden; by electron microprobe, average of ¯ve...(SiO4 )3 (OH) 2 : (2) Bald Knob, North Carolina, USA; by electron microprobe, H2 O calculated from stoichiometry;...between layers of manganese ore minerals (Brattfors mine, Sweden); in a manganese deposit metamorphosed to...the amphibolite facies (Bald Knob, North Carolina, USA). Association: Katoptrite, magnetite, manganostibite
Hewett, Donnel Foster, Fleischer, Michael (1960) Deposits of the manganese oxides. Economic Geology, 55 (1) 1-55 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.55.1.1 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
more specimens were collectedfrom somestates,i.e. New Mexico, than from others. The 250 specimens do not...Little Florida district,New Mexico, and the Aguila district, Mohave County,Arizona and severalother...base-metalmining districts rhodochrosite,rhodonite, and alabandite tend to be concentratedin a zone surroundinga...oxidesin the Luis Lopez district, SocorroCounty, New Mexico, form a broad arc that lies southeastof the... Also, in the Little Florida Mountains, Luna County,New Mexico, three mineralbeltsmay be discerned;at
Pracejus, Bernhard - Ed. (2014) The Ore Minerals Under the Microscope (2nd ed.) Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2012-0-01360-9 Book (edition)
Oman AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON_NEW_ YORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO •...OX5 1 GB, UK 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, _USA_Copyright © 2015, 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved...practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding...compilation of this second edition. Many of the new samples had to be prepared as polished sections,...Descriptions section has been expanded by some 70 new minerals, now adding up to a total of 502 species
(2023) Pyrochroite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
rhodochrosite, manganosite, galaxite, tephroite, alabandite, lead, barite, calcite, dolomite. Distribution:... Långban, and Nordmark, Värmland; in the Sjömine, near Grythyttan, Örebro. From Ljubija and Prijedor...Uzbekistan. In the USA, at Franklin_and Sterling Hill, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., New Jersey, and in Alum Rock...Noda-Tamagawa mine, Iwate Prefecture; in the Kaso_mine, Tochigi Prefecture; Hamayokokawa mine, Nagano Prefecture;...Prefecture; the Taguchi mine, Aichi Prefecture; and the Ioi mine, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. From the N’Chwaning
King, Vandall T. (1977) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 52 (6) 322-326 doi:10.1080/00357529.1977.11761987 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
mens will usually consist of the simplest Titanium Mine in Magnet Cove, Arkansas possible tests by which...do given a crystals loose in the soil. In the old _mine_minimum of equipment. F o r this reason, I will...deposit. The Philadelphia Zinc Mine'near Rush, Marion County, Arkansas has long been abandoned but collecting...and quartz. Georgia-Steve Chamberlain of Syracuse,New York recently made a field trip to Graves Mt. He...ilmenite, goethite, and rutile.New _Jersey_-Philip Masters of Commack,New York found some interesting speci­
(1979, September) The Picking Table Vol. 20 (2) The Franklin-Ogdensburg Mineralogical Society Journal (issue)
JOURNAL OF THE _FRANKLIN_-OGDENSBURG MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY Volume 20 September 1979 Number Two www...ial 4.0 International License. Fall Program_FRANKLIN_-QGDENSBURG MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. 1979 Regular...from 9:30 a.m. to noon in Kraissl Hall at the Franklin Mineral Museum. Afternoon lecture programs begin...2:00 p.m. at the Hardyston Twsp. School, Rt. 23, Franklin, N.J. - premeeting activities begin at 1:00 p...Dump; Main Street, Franklin, N.J. - 9:00 a.m. to noon. MICRO GROUP: Kraissl Hall; Franklin Mineral Museum
(2023, November) Mineral News Vol. 39 (11) Excalibur Mineral Corp. Journal (issue)
he loved: field collecting at an old mine in Nevada.Alabandite from the George Nolan Pegmatite Bikita...from the fifth floor of the EERC building to its new, stand-alone building off-campus. Housing more than...as possible to finance the purchase of new specimens, the_new_ facility and the move itself was an absolute...many years. Finding neat historical items or making new discoveries in that material has been a special treat...Bob knew how to do it all. In addition, Bob had mine signs, ore cars and innumerable publications and
Ridge, John Drew (1952) The geochemistry of the ores of Franklin, New Jersey. Economic Geology, 47 (2) 180-192 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.47.2.180 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
THE GEOCHEMISTRY OF FRANKLIN, OF THE ORES_NEW_ JERSEY.* JOHN DREW RIDGE. ABSTRACT, It is suggestedthat...suggestedthat the ores at Franklin and Sterling are pyrometasomatic deposits formed in the Franklin Limestone, at...INTRODUCTION, T•IE ore depositsat Franklin and Sterling in SussexCounty, New _Jersey_first attracted attention...enter the arena as my actual acquaintancewith Franklin is slight, but such unique deposits almost certainly...Palache's(1, pp. 2-14 and 130) monumentalwork on _Franklin_-Sterling mineralogy,he lists 289 titles in a bibliographyrunning
(2009, Spring) The Picking Table Vol. 50 (1) The Franklin-Ogdensburg Mineralogical Society Journal (issue)
JOURNAL OF THE _FRANKLIN_-OGDENSBURG MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY Volume 50, No. 1– Spring 2009 $20.00 U.S....Inside This Issue: • Opal added to the _Franklin_-Sterling Hill species list • Uraninite - a “First Find”...from the Trotter Dump • A useful analog to the _Franklin_-Sterling Hill mineral deposit • Geology of the...Hamburg Quarry • A rare mineral discovered in the New Jersey Highlands • How to Photoshop® edit your mineral...Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. The _Franklin_-Ogdensburg Mineralogical Society, Inc. OFFICERS
(1965, October) Geology Catalog. Southwest Scientific Company Catalog/List
······························· 36 2 Fl/R_ALABANDITE_ Manganese sulfide Mexico Puebla, Mina Preciosa...Fairfield County, Branchville White xlline with cymatolite, good study ...New Mexico Taos County, near Dixon...cerium aluminum silicate California Los Angeles County, Pacoima Canyon Large black tabular crystals in...iron silicate ACTINOLITE California San Bernardino County, Wrightwood Green prismatic crystalline mass ....sodium and iron California San Benito River, Gem _mine_Black prismatic xls imbedded in syenite CROSSITE
Nysten, P. (2003) Yeatmanite and magnussonite from the Garpenberg Norra mine, Bergslagen ore province, Sweden. The Canadian Mineralogist, 41 (1) 201-206 doi:10.2113/gscanmin.41.1.201 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
YEATMANITE AND MAGNUSSONITE FROM THE GARPENBERG NORRA MINE, BERGSLAGEN ORE PROVINCE, SWEDEN PER NYSTEN§ Department...the famous Sterling Hill and Franklin Fe–Mn–Zn oxide deposits in New Jersey. Keywords: yeatmanite, magnussonite...gisements bien connus de Sterling Hill et Franklin, dans le New Jersey, où le minerai est plutôt un assemblage...antimony silicate known from the Franklin and Sterling Hill deposits, New Jersey, U.S.A., coexists there with...closely related phase is also known from the Brattfors mine, Nordmark, Sweden (Dunn & Ramik 1984). These phases
Burbank, W. S. (1933) The manganese minerals of the Sunnyside veins, Eureka Gulch, Colorado. American Mineralogist, 18 (12) 513-527 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
certain seemingly constant relations between alabandite and rhodonite and rhodochrosite in many districts...and Rote, O. N., Occurrence and relations of alabandite: Econ. Geol.,25, pp. 36-56, 1930. 513 514...study of the manganeseminerals of the Sunnyside mine at Eureka may give further information on this problem...Goddard and the writer visited Eureka, but as the mine was not operating at the time of the visit it became...Sysrpru The principal workings of the Sunnyside mine are located about 7 miles north-northeast of Silverton
(1989) Index to Volume 63 (1988) Rocks & Minerals, 64 (1) 65-68 doi:10.1080/00357529.1989.11761735 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Photographs January-February: Aquamarine, Pioneira mine, Teofilo Otoni, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Keith Proctor...Fluorite and calcite, Minerva No. 1 Mine, Cave in Rock district, Har­ din County, Illinois. Harvard Mineralogical...July-August: Quartz and chalcopyrite, Bandora mine, San Juan County, Col­ orado. Barbara and John Muntyan specimen...and photo. September-October: Grossular, Jeffrey_mine_, Asbestos, Quebec; painting by Susan Robinson. November-December:...November-December: Gold, Jamestown, Tuolumne County, California. California State Mining and Mineral
Bussell, M. Andrew, Alpers, Charles N., Petersen, Ulrich, Shepherd, Thomas J., Bermudez, Carlos, Baxter, Alistair N. (1990) The Ag-Mn-Pb-Zn vein, replacement, and skarn deposits of Uchucchacua, Peru; studies of structure, mineralogy, metal zoning, Sr isotopes, and fluid inclusions. Economic Geology, 85 (7) 1348-1383 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.85.7.1348 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
pyrrhotite,Fe-rich sphalerite,Mn-rich wurtzite, alabandite,galena, chalcopyrite, andtetrahedrite.Pyrrhotitewasreplacedby...areprobablycompatiblewith oldersedimentary rocksof the _mine_district.Salinitylevelsand NaCI/CaC12ratiosare similarto...north-northeast of Lima at •76ø41 ' W, 10ø3T S (Fig. 1). The mine plant is at an altitudeof 4,500 m, but peaksin the...significant productionof leadandzinc geologyof the mine district,the geometryandstruc- (Benavides,1984)...postdatesthe eruptionof volcanicsequencenorth of the mine area, in which the CalipuyFormationis impliedby
Back, Malcolm E., Mandarino, Joseph A. (2008) Fleischer's Glossary of Mineral Species 2008. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Book (edition)
(Brazil). Malcolm Back (Canada), Henry L. Barwood (USA). Dmitriy Belakovskiy (Russia). Fabio Bellatreccia...(Italy), T.S. Ercit (Canada). Alexander Falster (USA). Jeffrey de Fourestier (Canada). Robert Gault (Canada)...Henderson. Jr. (USA). D.D. Hogarth (Canada). J.L. Jam bor (Canada), Anthony R. Kampf (USA). Pave! M. Kartashov...Karnp-Moller (Denmark). Akira Kato (Japan). Lance E. Keams (USA). Elisabeth Kirchner (Austria), Uwe Kolitsch (Austria)...Republic). Per Nystcn (Sweden), David O'Hanlcy (USA). Filippo Olmi (deccased) (ltaly). Werner H. Paar
Abrecht, Jürgen (1989) Manganiferous phyllosilicate assemblages: occurrences, compositions and phase relations in metamorphosed Mn deposits. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 103 (2). 228-241 doi:10.1007/bf00378509 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Haage 1964 Germolis Prospect Amador C., California, USA, Ge Paleozoic marine sediments of the Calaveras-Frm...intercalations Chopin 1978 Hale Creek _Mine_Trinity C. California, USA_HC Mesozoic chert-greenstone complex...non-stoichiometric behavior of caryopilites. Most of the new friedelite analyses reported here (Table 4) have...(Table 5). Based on the presence of alabandite (MnS), or alabandite + pyrite assemblages, in the K6dnitztal...mcgillite by a compositional gap. A m o n g the_new friedelite analyses, four have 1 (___0.07) C1 atoms
Frondel, Clifford (1972) The Minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill - A Check List. Wiley Interscience. Book
THE MINERALS OF FRANKLIN AND STERLING HILL CLIFFORD FRONDEL THE MINEt 4-S OF_FRANKLIN_ AND STERLING HILL...describes the unique ore deposits at_Franklin_ and Sterling Hill, New Jersey. For over two hundred years, the...hundred different minerals have been identified at Franklin and Sterling Hill, including forty-four that had...helped to stimulate international interest in_Franklin_ and Sterling Hill. Part Two traces the area’s...complete list of current references. The Minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill is illustrated with over thirty
Winter, G. A., Essene, E. J., Peacor, D. R. (1983) Mn-humites from Bald Knob, North Carolina: mineralogy and phase equilibria. American Mineralogist, 68 (9-10) 951-959 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
dimorph of sonolite), are only known from the Franklin areaofNew Jersey.They have no known equivalentsin...phases.Jerrygibbsitehas been describedrecently as a new mineral by Dunn et al. (1984).It is orthorhombic...tephroite and alleghanyitefrom the Benallt manganese mine in Wales without observinginterveningmanganhumite...(1969)reportsX-ray datafor alleghanyite from Franklin, New Jersey(which is that listed by rcros) with extra...Mnhumites Mineral *".0 sarple Nunber Brettfors Mine Bald Knob Spececroup .(il 6(8) -a((o8)) ,,.azz(s)i
Frondel, Clifford (1972) The Minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill - A Check List. Wiley Interscience. Book
THE MINERALS OF_FRANKLIN_ AND STERLING HILL A Check List By Clifford Frondel This concise and informative...describes the unique ore deposits at_Franklin_ and Sterling Hill, New Jersey. For over two hundred years, the...hundred different minerals have been identified at Franklin and Sterling Hill, including forty-four that had...helped to stimulate international interest in_Franklin_ and Sterling Hill. Part Two traces the area's...complete list of current references. The Minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill is illustrated with over thirty
(1966, December) Earth Science Catalog. Southwest Scientific Company Catalog/List
limonile ........... Utah Toelle County, Gold Hill, Gold Hill _mine_~ransparent micro crystals on gossen...Pima County, Ajo, New Cornelia _mine_Sky blue micro xls and coatings on monzonite ...ALABANDITE Mar.ganese...Derby _mine_White xlline lamellar mass with minor lepidolite . Virginia Amelia, Rutherford mine !r2 Lustrous...cerium aluminum silicate California Los Angeles County, Pacoirna Canyon Large black tabular crystals in...basic sulfate of aluminum and potassium Utah .Piute County, Tushar Mountains, Marysvale ----i'>ink crystalline
(1999) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 80. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
these ones should be available.---- Give me a ring !New Minerals in this list; Aenigmatite,Atacamite from...Tacharanite and Tobermorite from Ireland . Five new rocks. This catalogue cancels No 79 Also available...ENIGMATITE Na Fe Ti SiO AGARDITE Y Ca Cu AsO/4 OH_ALABANDITE_DESCRIPTON LOCATION Crystalline nodule that...Greenish , sparse, acicular micros in Penbenhy Croft Mine, St cavities in quartz_________________ Hilary Cornwall...ALAMOSITE Rawhide Mine, Mohave Ixl £9 'A x A £3 1 xA Pb SiO/3_____________ County. Arizona, U.S.A £5___