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(2006) January - February 2006. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 37 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Museum Toronto, Ontario Steven R. Morehead Green Valley, AZ Donald R. Peacor University of Michigan Ann...what was previously known as the Saint-Michel district, and is now part of the Arrondissement de Vil...quarry should read Francon quarry, Saint-Michel district, Montréal, Québec, Canada. In some publica- 1...and albite, with fairly abundant strontianite, celestine, barite, montmorillonite, marcasite and hematite...Bastnäsite series Biotite group Brookite Calcite Celestine Cerussite Chromite Cristobalite Crocoite Cryolite
O'Donoghue, Michael (2006) Gems : their sources, descriptions and identification (6th ed.) Butterworth-Heinemann. Book (edition)
extensive fields in the prophetically named Kimberley district of Western Australia promise to be of world importance...an inner solid region of diameter 2440 km and density about 8 gcm3, and an outer region about 2260 km...rocks. Figure 1.3 Basaltic lava flow of 1944 in a valley leading down to Naples, Italy. The Monte Somma...alumina, alkalis and the rarer elements. If the region is quiescent and all the magma solidifies in the...if about half way through crystallization, the region becomes 8 Rocks and the Processes That Formed
Moore, T.P. (2016) Moore's Compendium of Mineral Discoveries 1960 - 2015 Vol. 2. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
localities for good ilmenite crystals exist in the region (Brunet, I 977b ). NEW YORK Amity, Orange County...Mount Malosa, Chilwa alkaline province, Zomba district. "Illite" is the name of a series of incompletely...ONTARIO Bentley Lake Road occurrence, Faraday Township, Hastings County. In fall 1994, Dan and Shelley...in Switzerland, it is only in the Maderanertal region of east-central Canton Uri that clefts bearing...clefts are found fairly commonly throughout this region, such that only a handful of notable finds during
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
dept. (departement), dept. (departamento), dist. (district). Less common terms are not abbreviated, e.g.... canton (Switzerland), vilayet (Turkey), region (Chile), kray and oblast (Russia). The country names...by Mobutu, and is now the Katanga administrative region again. The former Kivu province is now divided...United States or of the Upper Silesian historical region in Poland, where the importance of ore-bearing...byssolite. Mono- coast of North America: Kobuk River Valley, Alaska, clinic, C2/m, a,b,c = 9.89, 18.20, 5.31
Burchard, Ulrich, Bode Rainer (1986) Mineral Museums of Europe. Walnut Hill Publishing Co. Book
universities, 14 by town or city councils, 13 by district councils or regional boards, and 16 form part...should be of specimens from localities within the region of that museum, or at least from the country concerned...Sphalerite Chalcosine Stephanite Cassiterite Witherite Celestine Boracite Gypsum Anglesite Apatite, Fluorite Brazilianite...Manganite Auguste-Victoria shaft, Marl-Huls, Ruhr district, FRG Oruro, Bolivia Monteponi, Sardinia, Italy..."Steinkaulenberg" model mine, in the Algenrodt district. The agate occurrences of Oberstein, first recorded
Webster, Robert (1962) Gems : their sources, descriptions and identification (1st ed.) Vol. 1. Butterworth & Co., London. Book (volume)
Cambrian | GEM Estimated age in millions of years oo > 8,000 BELTS The foregoing description of rock...rarer gemstones. The Mogok Stone Tract, as this area is called after the town of Mogok, is one of the most...gem and lithiumbearing pegmatites of the Pala district of San Diego County, California, from which much...the most important being those of the southern district. Although so important in the past they are now...(By courtesy of Sothebys) In the Bundelkhand district of Central Provinces, between the rivers Ken and
Blackburn, William H., Dennen, William H. (1997) Encyclopedia of Mineral Names - Special Publication No. 1. The Canadian Mineralogist, Ottawa. Book
(1989): Mineral. J. 14, 279. Flores mine, Huanuni District, Oruru, Bolivia. Agardite-(La) (La,Ca)Cu¢(AsO4)3(OH)6°3H20...University of Modena, Italy. Monte Chiaro, Taro Valley, Italy. Veniale, F. & van der Marel, H.W. (1969):...discovery locality, at the Alekseev mine, Sutamskii region, Stanovoi Range, Russia. Lipovetskil, A.G. et al...engineer known for his work in the Limoges Altisite district. Chanteloube, Haute-Vienne, France. Na3k6Ti2[AlSigO26]Cl;...plus Gk. hydor, water, plus calcite. Khakassy District, Siberia, Russia. Bilibin, G. (1926): Soc. Russe
Nickel, Ernest H., Nichols, Monte C. (1991) Mineral Reference Manual. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Book
SHAPE program available from Eric Dowty, 521 Hidden Valley Road, Kingsport, Tennessee, 37663, USA. The authors...grey in reflected light. Alekseev mine, Sutamskii region, Stanovoi Range, USSR. H= 2.3, Djjj=?, D(;=7.80...Al)802o(OH)4*4H20, 0 Syst=? Monte Chiaro, Taro Valley, Italy. H=?, Dvv,=?, Dp=?, VHIE 08c. Veniale &...E Mon. Porcelanous white. Furnace Creek, Death Valley, Inyo Co., California, USA. H=4.5, Djj4= 2.88,...brown. Balangero serpentinite, Lanzo massif, Lanzo Valley, Piemonte, Italy. H=?, Djjj= 2.98, D(;= 3.098,