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Paar, W. H., Cooper, M. A., Hawthorne, F. C., Moffatt, E., Gunter, M. E., Roberts, A. C., Dunn, P. J. (2009) Braithwaiteite, NaCu5(TiSb)O2(AsO4)4[AsO3(OH)]2(H2O)8, a new mineral species from Laurani, Bolivia. The Canadian Mineralogist, 47 (4) 947-952 doi:10.3749/canmin.47.4.947 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
947 BRAITHWAITEITE, NaCu5(TiSb)O2(AsO4)4[AsO3(OH)]2(H2O)8, A NEW MINERAL SPECIES FROM LAURANI, BOLIVIA...Institution, Washington, District of Columbia 20560, U.S.A. Abstract Braithwaiteite, NaCu5(Ti4+Sb5+)O2(A...an epithermal Cu–Au–Ag deposit at Laurani, near Sica Sica, Bolivia. This deposit is the type locality...lammerite, described as a new species in 1981. Braithwaiteite is closely associated with lammerite, lavendulan–...vibrations. Single-crystal X-ray studies show braithwaiteite to be triclinic, space group P1, a 7.0308(4)
(2023) Braithwaiteite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
Braithwaiteite NaCu5(TiSb)O2(AsO4)4[AsO3(OH)]2(H2O)8 Crystal Data: Triclinic. Point Group: 1 . Crystals...6754(6) α = 106.973(1)° X-ray Powder Pattern: Laurani, Bolivia. 9.825(100), 2.947(60), 5.887(50), 4.635(30)...63 45.30 5.25 26.13 2.04 10.65 100.00 (1) Laurani, Bolivia; average of 4 electron microprobe analyses...lavendulan-lemmereite. Distribution: Laurani, near Sica Sica, Bolivia. Name: Honors Richard S.W. Braithwaite...(2009) Braithwaiteite, NaCu5(TiSb)O2(AsO4)4[AsO3(OH)]2(H2O)8, a new mineral species from Laurani, Bolivia
Piilonen, P. C., Poirier, G. (2010) New Mineral Names. American Mineralogist, 95 (1) 204-208 doi:10.2138/am.2010.553 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6P4, Canada neW MineralS BraithWaiteite* W.H. Parr, M.A. Cooper, F.C. Hawthorne, E...(2009) Braithwaiteite, NaCu5(TiSb)O2(AsO4)4[AsO3(OH)]2(H2O)8, a new mineral species from Laurani, Bolivia...crystal structure of braithwaiteite. J. Coord. Chem., 61, 15–29. Braithwaiteite was discovered as several...crystals in a sample of silicified volcanic rock from Laurani in the Bolivian Ag-Sn belt. The exact origin of...covellite. Secondary minerals associated with braithwaiteite are lammerite (for which this is the type specimen)
Piilonen, P. C., Poirier, G., Tait, K. T. (2009) New Mineral Names. American Mineralogist, 94 (4) 648-652 doi:10.2138/am.2009.540 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
wakefieldite-(La) is a new mineral species from the long abandoned Glücksstern Mine near the Gottlob...Thuringia, Germany. The mine was a source of Mn and Fe ores until 1855. wakefieldite(La) occurs in hydrothermal...low-temperature hydrothermal fluids. wakefieldite(La) is very rare—only 10 crystals have been found to...prism {100}, and possibly a dipyramid. wakefieldite-(La) has a white streak, an adamantine luster, is transparent...composition is 4.703 g/cm3, and 4.727 g/cm3. wakefieldite-(La) is uniaxial (+), ω and ε > 1.90, medium birefringence
Roper, Adam J., Williams, Peter A., Filella, Montserrat (2012) Secondary antimony minerals: Phases that control the dispersion of antimony in the supergene zone. Geochemistry, 72. 9-14 doi:10.1016/j.chemer.2012.01.005 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
particularly in the supergene zones of Sb-rich ores, mine wastes and other situations where appreciable amounts...supergene equivalents; this process is accelerated in mine waste dumps carrying unrecovered primary Sb phases...compilation of Anthony et al. (1990–2003) are braithwaiteite (Parr et al., 2009; Hawthorne et al., 2008)...others from a handful of localities. Biehlite, braithwaiteite, brizziite, byströmite, clinocervantite, joëlbruggerite...Bismutostibiconitea , b Bottinoite Brandholzite Braithwaiteite Brizziite Byströmite Camerolaitea Cervantite
Hyršl, Jaroslav, Petrov, Alfredo (2009) Bolivia - The Height of Mineral Collecting. Mineral Monograph 12. Lithographie, LLC Report (issue)
No. 12: Bolivia ht of Mineral Collecting N 978-0-9790998-5-4 Publisher Lithographie, LLC Denver, Colorado...specimen 'being sold with the shrine when he was in Bolivia buying mineral specimens in the 1970s. He took...(presumably without the shrine) to a European in La Paz, Bolivui. Rolf Wein bought the specimen on July...ophyllite; 5. 2 cm tall Cerro Rico, Potosi, B,atillo province, Potosi Andy Seibel col/action Jejf-SC,m/.plwto...wp11�. Yaalte: 12.5 cm wide Siglo XX Mine, ,U� Bustillo province, Potosi Malty Zinn colkdknt (ex Marv
Pekov, Igor V., Yapaskurt, Vasiliy O., Britvin, Sergey N., Zubkova, Natalia V., Vigasina, Marina F., Sidorov, Evgeny G. (2016) New arsenate minerals from the Arsenatnaya fumarole, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. V. Katiarsite, KTiO(AsO4) Mineralogical Magazine, 80 (4) 639-646 doi:10.1180/minmag.2016.080.007 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
mineral with species-defining titanium. In braithwaiteite with idealized formula NaCu5 (TiSb)Σ2(AsO4)4(AsO3OH)2O2·8H2O...(2009) Braithwaiteite, NaCu5(TiSb)2O2(AsO4)[AsO3(OH)]2· 8H2O, a new mineral species from Laurani, Bolivia
Rakovan, J., Schmidt, G. R., Gunter, M. E., Nash, B., Marty, J., Kampf, A. R., Wise, W. S. (2011) Hughesite, Na3Al(V10O28)·22H2O, a new member of the pascoite family of minerals from the Sunday Mine, San Miguel County, Colorado. The Canadian Mineralogist, 49 (5) 1253-1265 doi:10.3749/canmin.49.5.1253 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
THE PASCOITE FAMILY OF MINERALS FROM THE SUNDAY MINE, SAN MIGUEL COUNTY, COLORADO John RAKOVAN§and Gregory...hughesite, from the Sunday mine, Gypsum Valley, San Miguel County, Slick Rock District, Colorado, USA (38°4’19”...averaging 2 mm thick, on the sandstone walls of mine workings and in rock fractures. Hughesite forms...decavanadate, pascoite family, Sunday mine, Slick Rock district, Colorado. § E-mail address: rakovajf@muohio...présentons la description d’un nouveau membre de la famille de la pascoïte, hughesite, découverte à la mine
(2010, April) Geonieuws Vol. 35 (04) Mineralogische Kring Antwerpen Journal (issue)
Berufsbindungszentrum. Beurs (M-J). silvio.graessli@bluewin.ch CH LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS. Palexpo. 10-18/10-17 h. <hj.sieber@bluewin< span="">...MINIBUL 42(7), 09.09 149-156 La biodiversité. Reflet des soubresauts de la biosphère et de l'équilibre...géophysique 159-165 La naissance de la vie sur terre... et ailleurs? 166-169 La bourse d'Ensisheim 2009...2009  MINERAUX ET FOSSILES 35(383), 09.09 16-27 La bourse 2009 de Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines 28-39 Des fluorines...RECORD 40(4), 08.09 273-292 The Sapo mine, Ferruginha District, Conselheiro Pena, MInas Gerais, Brazil</hj.sieber@bluewin<>/silvio.graessli@bluewin.ch
(2010, March) Geonieuws Vol. 35 (03) Mineralogische Kring Antwerpen Journal (issue)
luchtfoto (jaartal onbekend) van de New Cornelia mine, Ajo, Pima County, Arizona, USA. Wandfoto museum...van ajoiet van de type-vindplaats, de New Cornelia mine, Ajo, Pima County, Arizona, USA, aangeboden. Meer...Grundschule. Beurs. <c_a.morris@t-online.de> FR MANDELIEU-_LA_-NAPOULE (06). Palais des Congrès Europa. Beurs (M-F-J-E)</c_a.morris@t-online.de>...at> FR BOGNY-SUR-MEUSE(08). Salle du Cosec, Rue de la Vallée. Beurs (M). a-m-p-b.association@wanadoo.fr/a-m-p-b.association@wanadoo.fr...kwamen plots Graulichiet-(Ce) in 2003, Stavelotiet(La) in 2005 en Pumpellyiet-(Al) in 2007 de gelederen
(2022) 50 Years of British Topographical Mineralogy - A Celebration of the Golden Anniversary of the Russell Society 1972-2022. The Russell Society. Book
Castle, Tickow Lane Lead Mine, Earl Ferrers' Lead Mine, Mancetter Manganese Mine, the Great North Museum...was started, the first being at Penberthy Croft Mine (2021). A real testament to the success of the Russell...the original excavation of the Tickow Lane Lead Mine was one of these projects (see the 'Society Projects...access to a small lead deposit (Tickow Lane Lead Mine), and extensive investigations and a feasibility...study on reopening the famous Earl Ferrers' Lead Mine at Staunton Harold. For a description of these projects
Hyršl, Jaroslav, Bernard, Jan (2013) Minerals and their Localities - Supplement - Minerals described since 2004. Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
MINE andtheir LOCALITIES JAN H. BERNARD AND JAROSLAV HYRSL INERALS DESCRIBED SINCE 2004 MINERALS...dist., China Fluomatromicrolite, x 25111111, Naipa mine, Mozambique Daliranite, 5111111, Zarshouran Au-As...Domafov, Czech Rep. Juangodoyite, 60111111, Santa Rosa mine, Chile Back cover photo: Ho/fertile on hematite...piment pseudomo,phs after realga,; 75 mm, Palomo mine, Pen, Page 3: Stepite on arsenic, 45 111111,Jachymov...Republic province prefecture county departement departamento district municipio
Chukanov, Nikita V., Chervonnyi, Alexandr D. (2016) Infrared Spectroscopy of Minerals and Related Compounds. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25349-7 Book
41)(Si3.86Al0.10 Fe0.04O10)(OH)2 from Mikhailovskii mine, Zheleznogorsk, Russia (Chukanov 2014a). IR spectra...In Fe3+-bearing Mg-poor schorl from the Limoeiro mine, Murta, Minas Gerais, Brazil, the band of OH groups...area), olmiite CaMn(HSiO4)(OH) from N’Chwaning II mine, Kalahari manganese fields, South Africa (c), and...brandtite Ca2Mn(AsO4)2·2H2O from skarn (Harstigen mine, Sweden) (b), and roselite Ca2Co(AsO4)2·2H2O from...from Cigana mine, Brazil (a), landesite [nominally, Fe3+Mn2+2 (PO4)2(OH)·] from Bull Moose mine, South Dakota